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JAVA-based reference implementation for Owner component defined in SDO protocol.


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Note: The support for this product has been discontinued from Mar 31, 2023. FIDO Device Onboard (FDO) is functionally compatible with Secure Device Onboard (SDO). We recommend users to switch to FDO components (


The Secure Device Onboard (SDO) IoT Platform SDK is the SDO Owner protocol implementation. It is divided into three different components: Owner Protocol Service (OPS), TO0 Scheduler (TO0Scheduler), and Owner Companion Service (OCS). OCS manages customer-specific artifacts (OwnershipVoucher files, ServiceInfo packages and others), and uses the service provided by TO0Scheduler to register OwnershipVoucher files with the Rendezvous server through the Transfer of Ownership, step 0 (TO0) protocol. OPS implements the Transfer of Ownership, step 2 (TO2) protocol and interacts with the OCS to retrieve customer-specific artifacts.

Getting Started with the SDO IoT Platform SDK

The following are the system constraints for the SDO IoT Platform SDK:

  • Operating System: Ubuntu* 20.04
  • Java* Development Kit 11
  • Apache Maven* 3.5.4 (Optional) software for building the SDO IoT Platform SDK from source
  • Java IDE (Optional) for convenience in modifying the source code (especially for customizing OCS).
  • OpenSSL (Optional) for creating owner keys and key-store
  • Docker* 19.03.15
  • Docker compose 1.21.2
  • Haveged

Directory Structure

Details about the directory structure for iot-platform-sdk in the source and binary package are described as follows.

The following notations are used in this document:

  • <sdo-iot-platform-sdk-root>: iot-platform-sdk/

Source Code Release

The SDO IoT Platform SDK source code has the following folders:

  • ocs: A sample file-based implementation of the Owner Companion Service.

  • ops: Core implementation of TO2 protocol.

  • to0scheduler: Core implementation of TO0 protocol.

  • common: Common beans and utilities that are imported by the other modules.

Example configuration files for the preceding three modules are placed in the following folders:

  • <ocs-config-dir> : /demo/ocs/config
  • <ops-config-dir> : /demo/ops/config
  • <to0scheduler-config-dir> : /demo/to0scheduler/config

After building the source code, the target binaries are found in the target folder within the ocs, ops, and to0scheduler folders.

  • <ocs-bin-dir>: /demo/ocs/
  • <ops-bin-dir>: /demo/ops/
  • <to0scheduler-bin-dir>: /demo/to0scheduler/

Building the SDO IoT Platform SDK

Artifacts are built and managed in the development environment via Apache Maven.

Building WARs

mvn clean install

Running the SDO IoT Platform SDK Demo

The SDO IoT Platform SDK demo can either be run manually, by running the binaries, or it can be run using Docker scripts. To run each component in separate machines, replace the keystore and truststore files. The certificates inside these files must match the machine's IP/DNS where the component is running. The Protocol Reference Implementation (PRI), containing Rendezvous and Device can be used to run the demo. For more information on setting up PRI, follow the product's README.

!!! NOTE The IOT Platform SDK demo is provided solely to demonstrate interoperation of the IoT Platform SDK components (ocs, ops, and to0scheduler) with the Rendezvous Service and Device. This demo is not recommended for use in any production capacity.  Appropriate security measures with respect to key-store management and configuration management should be considered while performing production deployment of any Secure Device Onboard component.

The following instructions follow these notations:

  • <sdo-pri-root>: Base location of the PRI source code
  • <pri-rendezvous-dir>: Base location used to run rendezvous, typically <sdo-pri-root>/demo/rendezvous
  • <pri-device-dir>: Base location used to run device, typically <sdo-pri-root>/demo/device

Updating the Proxy Information (Optional)

Update the proxy information in _JAVA_OPTIONS as _JAVA_OPTIONS=-Dhttp.proxyHost=http_proxy_host -Dhttp.proxyPort=http_proxy_port -Dhttps.proxyHost=https_proxy_host -Dhttps.proxyPort=https_proxy_port, where

  • http_proxy_host: Represents the http proxy hostname. Typically, it is an IP address or domain name in the proxy URL.
  • http_proxy_port: Represents the http proxy port. Typically, it is the port number in the proxy URL.
  • https_proxy_host: Represents the https proxy hostname. Typically, it is an IP address or domain name in the proxy URL.
  • https_proxy_port: Represents the https proxy port. Typically, it is the port number in the proxy URL. Specify the combination of the hostname and port information together for either http, https or both. If no proxy needs to be specified, do not specify the flags in _JAVA_OPTIONS.

Configuring Ondie ECDSA Properties

If supporting OnDie ECDSA devices, set ORG_SDO_OPS_ONDIE_ECDSA_MATERIAL_PATH property <sdo-iot-platform-sdk-root>/demo/ops/ops.env. The cachedir is used to store CRL and cert files and can be populated by running the provided script (<sdo-iot-platform-sdk-root>/scripts/ to load the directory with the files from the cloud.

To run the script, python3 must be installed. Invoke as follows:

python3 --cachedir ONDIE_PATH

where ONDIE_PATH = target location to store CRL and cert files. Typically, this will match the value of ORG_SDO_OPS_ONDIE_ECDSA_MATERIAL_PATH. However, it is also possible to run the script on a different host and then copy the downloaded files into ORG_SDO_OPS_ONDIE_ECDSA_MATERIAL_PATH.

Running the SDO IoT Platform SDK Demo Using the Docker Scripts

To run the SDO IoT Platform SDK demo using the Docker scripts, update the proxy information and execute the rendezvous service and device as per the steps mentioned below.

Update the proxy information (if any) as per the steps outlined previously.

Open a new terminal window and start the rendezvous service:

$ cd <pri-rendezvous-dir>
$ ./rendezvous

Open a new terminal window and start the SDO IoT Platform SDK services:

$ cd <sdo-iot-platform-sdk-root>/demo
$ docker-compose up --build

Open a new terminal window and start the device service:

$ cd <pri-device-dir>
$ ./device

!!! NOTE To re-trigger TO0 for a device for which TO0 was previously done and is currently active, please delete the file 'state.json' located at <ocs-config-dir>/db/v1/devices/<deviceID>/.

Configuring Properties in SDO IoT Platform SDK

The properties for the services running inside the docker containers, can be configured at:

  • ocs.env: Contains the configuration properties for OCS. The properties specified in this file, are used to set the corresponding Java properties for the OCS service, by the script 'run-ocs' at <sdo-iot-platform-sdk-root>/demo/ocs/.
  • ops.env: Contains the configuration properties for OPS. The properties specified in this file, are used to set the corresponding Java properties for the OPS service, by the script 'run-ops' at <sdo-iot-platform-sdk-root>/demo/ops/.
  • to0scheduler.env: Contains the configuration properties for To0Scheduler. The properties specified in this file, are used to set the corresponding Java properties for the To0Scheduler service, by the script 'run-to0scheduler' at <sdo-iot-platform-sdk-root>/demo/to0scheduler/.

Each Java property mentioned in column 'Property name' is directly mapped to the entry in column 'Corresponding property in Docker .env', in the table below.

Property name Applicable to Description Value type Corresponding property in Docker .env
fs.root.dir OCS Root directory of the file-system database. URI FS_ROOT_DIR
fs.owner.keystore OCS Path to the owner's keystore that contains multiple owner key-pairs. Any new owner entry must be added as 'PrivateKeyEntry' in the keystore. URI FS_OWNER_KEYSTORE
fs.owner.keystore-password OCS Password of the owner keystore as specified by the property fs.owner.keystore. Every key-pair within the keystore, that are stored as 'PrivateKeyEntry', MUST have the exact same password. String FS_OWNER_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD
fs.devices.dir OCS Path where all the device information are stored, i.e the directories, relative to fs.root.dir. URI FS_DEVICES_DIR
fs.values.dir OCS Path where service-info files are stored, i.e the 'values' directory, relative to fs.root.dir. URI FS_VALUES_DIR OCS REST endpoint that points to the API hosted by To0Scheduler. URL TO0_REST_API
to0.waitseconds OCS The suggested number of seconds, as sent by the To0Scheduler, until which TO0 is valid in Rendezvous. Number TO0_WAITSECONDS
to0.scheduler.interval OCS The interval in seconds, at which this service makes call to the url specified by the property, to schedule devices for TO0. Number TO0_SCHEDULER_INTERVAL
to2.credential-reuse.enabled OCS The flag that enables or disables the SDO Credential-Reuse condition. If true, the same GUID and Rendezvous Instructions are sent to the Owner (OPS). If false, new GUID and new/same Rendezvous information is sent. Boolean TO2_CREDENTIAL_REUSE_ENABLED
to2.owner-resale.enabled OCS The flag that determines whether the Resale protocol is supported by the Owner (OPS). If true, resale protocol is supported as per the specification. Boolean TO2_OWNER_RESALE_ENABLED
thread.pool.size OPS, To0Scheduler Total number of threads the TaskExecutor is initalized with. Number THREAD_POOL_SIZE
org.sdo.epid.epid-online-url OPS The URL of the Epid Verification Service. If this property is set, the online verification of EPID keys is performed by making a request to this URL. URL ORG_SDO_EPID_EPID_ONLINE_URL
org.sdo.epid.test-mode OPS The test-mode parameter indicates whether we should be using EPID development (sandbox) service for verification of the EPID key. Only the sandbox service allows usage of test keys. Boolean ORG_SDO_EPID_TEST_MODE
org.sdo.ops.ondie-ecdsa-material-path OPS Path to the directpry that contains ondie ECDSA CRL files. URI ORG_SDO_OPS_ONDIE_ECDSA_MATERIAL_PATH
org.sdo.ops.ondie-ecdsa-material-urls OPS List of URLs seperated by 'comma (,)' as delimiter. The Ondie ECDSA CRL files will be fetched from the URLs listed. List of URLs ORG_SDO_OPS_ONDIE_ECDSA_MATERIAL_URLS
org.sdo.ops.ondie-ecdsa-material-update OPS If the value is set to 'true', the ondie ECDSA CRL files will be downloaded from the URLs listed in org.sdo.ops.ondie-ecdsa-material-urls and saved at org.sdo.ops.ondie-ecdsa-material-path. Boolean ORG_SDO_OPS_ONDIE_ECDSA_MATERIAL_UPDATE
rest.api.server OPS, To0Scheduler The domain name and port at which OCS is running. URL REST_API_SERVER
rest.api.device.state.path OPS, To0Scheduler REST endpoint path at OCS for device state operations. URI REST_API_DEVICE_STATE_PATH
rest.api.voucher.path OPS, To0Scheduler REST endpoint path at OCS for device voucher operations. URI REST_API_VOUCHER_PATH
rest.api.error.path OPS, To0Scheduler REST endpoint path at OCS for protocol error operations. URI REST_API_ERROR_PATH
rest.api.signature.path OPS, To0Scheduler REST endpoint path at OCS for signature operations. URI REST_API_SIGNATURE_PATH
rest.api.session.path OPS REST endpoint path at OCS for session info operations. URI REST_API_SESSION_PATH OPS REST endpoint path at OCS to fetch owner resale support flag per device. URI REST_API_OWNER_RESALE_SUPPORT_PATH
rest.api.setupinfo.path OPS REST endpoint path at OCS to get device setup information URI REST_API_SETUPINFO_PATH
rest.api.serviceinfo.path OPS REST endpoint path at OCS to fetch service-info list. URI REST_API_SERVICEINFO_PATH
rest.api.serviceinfo.value.path OPS REST endpoint path at OCS to fetch service-info. URI REST_API_SERVICEINFO_VALUE_PATH
rest.api.psi.path OPS REST endpoint path at OCS to get pre-service info. URI REST_API_PSI_PATH
client.ssl.key-store-type OPS The keystore-type. String CLIENT_SSL_KEYSTORE_TYPE OPS The truststore-type. String CLIENT_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE
client.ssl.key-store OPS Path to the keystore. URI CLIENT_SSL_KEYSTORE OPS Path to the truststore. URI CLIENT_SSL_TRUSTSTORE
client.ssl.key-store-password OPS The keystore password. String CLIENT_SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD OPS The truststore password. String CLIENT_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD
session.pool.size To0Scheduler The number of TO0 sessions that can be scheduled at a given time, subject to the availability of threads. Number SESSION_POOL_SIZE To0Scheduler The default suggested number of seconds, as sent by the To0Scheduler, until which TO0 is valid in Rendezvous. This is overridden by 'to0.waitseconds' property of OCS as sent in the request. java.time.Duration ORG_SDO_TO0_OWNERSIGN_TO0D_WS To0Scheduler Path to the file that contains Owner redirect information, i.e dns, ip address and port exposed by the owner. URI ORG_SDO_TO0_OWNERSIGN_TO1D_BO
org.sdo.to0.tls.test-mode To0Scheduler Boolean property that determines whether the certificates as presented by the Rendezvous, is verified (false) or not (true) during TLS handshake. Boolean ORG_SDO_TO0_TLS_TEST_MODE
server.port OCS, OPS, To0Scheduler The port where server is listening at. Number SERVER_PORT
logging.config OCS, OPS, To0Scheduler Path of logback configuration file. URI LOGGING_CONFIG
application.version OCS, OPS, To0Scheduler Application version used for health check request. Number APPLICATION_VERSION
server.ssl.key-store-type OCS, OPS, To0Scheduler The keystore type. String SERVER_SSL_KEYSTORE_TYPE OCS, OPS, To0Scheduler The truststore-type. String SERVER_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE
server.ssl.key-store OCS, OPS, To0Scheduler Path to keystore file. The certificate inside keystore must have a certificate whose CN or SAN entries allows hostname verification to succeed. For example, the sample keystore works when the other services are running in the same machine, since the certificate has DNS as localhost. URI SERVER_SSL_KEYSTORE OCS, OPS, To0Scheduler Path to truststore file. It Must contain the certifcates capable of verifying the certificates present in the incoming requests. URI SERVER_SSL_TRUSTSTORE
server.ssl.key-store-password OCS, OPS, To0Scheduler The keystore password String SERVER_SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD OCS, OPS, To0Scheduler The truststore password String SERVER_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD
server.ssl.client-auth OCS, OPS, To0Scheduler The TLS auth setter. For mTLS to work, it should be set to 'need', and 'warn' other-wise. String SERVER_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH
server.ssl.ciphers OCS, OPS, To0Scheduler The list of cipher suites that the server will be accepted for TLS handshake. It is a subset of cipher suites supported by the TLS version. String SERVER_SSL_CIPHERS
server.ssl.enabled-protocols OCS, OPS, To0Scheduler The TLS version. Recommended to be set to TLSv1.3. String SERVER_SSL_ENABLED_PROTOCOLS

For more details on configuration and setup, refer to


JAVA-based reference implementation for Owner component defined in SDO protocol.




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