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Installing the IDA operator on OpenShift


Log in to your cluster by either of the two ways.

  • For installer with cluster-admin role
#Using the OpenShift CLI:

oc login https://<cluster-ip>:<port> -u <cluster-admin> -p <password>
  • For installer without cluster-admin role

Please refer to the steps in Installing IDA without cluster-admin role

Before you begin

Step 1. Log in to your docker registry

#Example of using private docker registry:
podman login --tls-verify=false $REGISTRY_HOST

Step 2. Download IDA operator scripts

git clone
cd ida-operator

Step 3. Load IDA docker images

Get the IDA image file ida-<version>.tgz, then push it to your private registry.

chmod +x scripts/
scripts/ -p ida-<version>.tgz -r <docker_registry>

#Example of using private docker registry:
scripts/ -p ida-24.0.7.tgz -r $REGISTRY_HOST/ida

IDA Operator

By default, IDA operator watches and manages resources in a single Namespace. You need to change the operator scope to cluster-scoped when operator installation if you want IDA Operator watches resources that are created in any Namespace.

Installing IDA Operator

Step 1. Go to the project that you want to install IDA Operator.

oc project <project_name>

#For example:
oc new-project ida
oc project ida

Step 2. Preparing private docker registry secret

oc create secret docker-registry ida-operator-secret --docker-server=<docker_registry>  --docker-username=<docker_username> --docker-password=<docker_password>

Step 3. Deploy IDA operator to your cluster.

chmod +x scripts/
scripts/ -i <operator_image> -c <operator_scope> -s <image_pull_secret>

#Example of namespace-scoped operator:
scripts/ -i $REGISTRY_HOST/ida/ida-operator:24.0.7 -s ida-operator-secret

#Example of cluster-scoped operator:
scripts/ -i $REGISTRY_HOST/ida/ida-operator:24.0.7 -c Cluster -s ida-operator-secret

Step 4. Monitor the pod until it shows a STATUS of "Running":

oc get pods -w

Notes: When started, you can monitor the operator logs with the following command:

oc logs -f deployment/ida-operator

Uninstall IDA Operator.

oc project <project_name>

chmod +x scripts/
scripts/ -c <operator_scope>

#Example of namespace-scoped operator uninstallation:

#Example of cluster-scoped operator uninstallation:
scripts/ -c Cluster

Upgrade IDA Operator.

Step 1. Switch to the IDA Operator project.

oc project <operator_project_name>

#For example:
oc project ida

Step 2. Preparing new IDA Operator Image

Follow the Step 2 of Installing IDA Operator to prepare the new IDA Operator Image.

Step 3. Upgrade IDA operator.

chmod +x scripts/
scripts/ -i <operator_image>

#Example of using private docker registry:
scripts/ -i $REGISTRY_HOST/ida/ida-operator:24.0.7

Step 4. Monitor the pod until it shows a STATUS of "Running":

oc get pods -w

IDA Instance

Notes: If Installing the IDA with non cluster-admin user, cluster admin needs to assign the ida-operators-edit role to installer user.

oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user ida-operators-edit <OCP_USER>

Preparing to install IDA Instance

Step 1. Go to the project that you want to install IDA Instance.

oc project <ida_project_name>

#For example:
oc new-project ida
oc project ida

Step 2. Preparing private docker registry secret

oc create secret docker-registry ida-docker-secret --docker-server=<docker_registry> --docker-username=<docker_username> --docker-password=<docker_password>

Step 3. Preparing Database.

  • For Demo Purpose (Using Embedded Database)

    IDA will create an embedded db, and deleting ida instance will also remove the embedded db.

  • For Product Purpose (Using External Database)

    Step 1. Configuring your database by either of the two ways.

    Step 2. Creating a database credentials.

    #Switch to your IDA Instance project:
    oc project <ida_project_name>
    oc create secret generic ida-external-db-credential --from-literal=DATABASE_USER=<DATABASE_USER> \
    oc create secret generic ida-external-db-credential --from-literal=DATABASE_USER=postgres \

Installing IDA Instance

Step 1. Go to the project that you want to install IDA Instance.

oc project <ida_project_name>

#For example:
oc project ida

Step 2. Preparing the IDA Data storage.

chmod +x scripts/
scripts/ -s <storage_class>

# Get the storage class name of your cluster
oc get sc

#For example:
scripts/ -s managed-nfs-storage

Step 3. Deploying an IDA Instance.

Notes: If you want to configure SSL certificate for IDA, or add trusted LDAPS certificate, please prepare the certification files according to the steps in Certificates Configuration.

chmod +x scripts/
scripts/ -i <ida_image> -r <replicas_number> -t <installation_type> -d <database_type> -s <image_pull_secret> --data-pvc-name <existing_data_pvc> --db-server-name <external_db_server> --db-name <external_db_name> --db-port <external_db_port> --db-schema <external_db_schema> --db-credential-secret <external_db_credential_secret_name> --cpu-request <cpu_request> --memory-request <memory_request> --cpu-limit <cpu_limit> --memory-limit <memory_limit> --tls-cert <tls_cert> --network-type <network_type>

#Get help of
scripts/ -h

#Example of using private docker registry and embedded database:
scripts/ -i $REGISTRY_HOST/ida/ida:24.0.7 -r 1 -t embedded -d postgres -s ida-docker-secret --data-pvc-name ida-data-pvc --network-type route

#Example of using private docker registry and external on-container database:
scripts/ -i $REGISTRY_HOST/ida/ida:24.0.7 -r 1 -t external -d postgres -s ida-docker-secret --data-pvc-name ida-data-pvc --db-server-name db.ida-db.svc.cluster.local --db-name idaweb --db-port 5432 --db-credential-secret ida-external-db-credential --network-type route

#Example of using private docker registry and external database with IDA instance resource requests and limits configuration:
scripts/ -i $REGISTRY_HOST/ida/ida:24.0.7 -r 1 -t external -d postgres -s ida-docker-secret --data-pvc-name ida-data-pvc --db-server-name <DB_HOST> --db-name idaweb --db-port <DB_PORT> --db-credential-secret ida-external-db-credential --cpu-request 2 --memory-request 4Gi --cpu-limit 4 --memory-limit 8Gi --network-type route

If success, you will see the log from your console

Success! You could visit IDA by the url "https://<IDA_HOST>/ida"

Step 4. Monitor the pod until it shows a STATUS of "Running":

oc get pods -w

Notes: When started, you can monitor the IDA logs with the following command:

oc logs -f deployment/idadeploy-ida-web

IDA Access URL

echo "https://$(oc get route | grep ida-web | awk '{print$2}')/ida"

Uninstall IDA Instance

oc delete IDACluster idadeploy

Upgrade IDA Instance.

Step 1. Switch to the IDA Instance project.

oc project <ida_project_name>

#For example:
oc project ida

Step 2. Preparing new IDA Image

Follow the Step 2 of Preparing to install IDA Instance to prepare the new IDA Image.

Step 3. Upgrade IDA Instance.

chmod +x scripts/
scripts/ -i <ida_image>

#Example of using private docker registry:
scripts/ -i $REGISTRY_HOST/ida/ida:24.0.7