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Openshift Bootcamp

Duration 2days
Level Intermediate, Advanced
Modules 10
Flipped Class No
Customizable Yes


This course serves as a accelerator program to understand, setup and master openshift container platform for professionals who already have an understanding of docker and kubernetes.

Who is this for ?

  • This course is for someone who has already taken docker fundamentals, and kubernetes bootcamp courses/have equivalent knowledge, and would like to learn how to leverage Openshift Platform which is an abstraction on top of it.
  • If you are a Operations/Systems personnel and would like to learn how to build a production grade scalable, fault tolerant and high available openshift infrastructure, and administer it, this course it for you.
  • If you are a developer and would like to learn how to deploy your application stacks in production, on top of paas solution and also understand the underlying primitives, this course is for you.
  • You could be developer/operations personnel and be in charge of securing application infrastructure and setup auxiliary services such as monitoring, centralized logging etc. this course is for you.

Who is this not for ?

  • If you are a advanced user of Openshift already, this course is definitely not for you.
  • If you are interested in learning docker/container orchestration on windows, this course is not ideal for you as it focuses on linux containers.
  • This is mix course for both developers and operations. If you are looking for a course which is very specific to an audience e.g. administrators or developers, ask for a custom outline.

What will you do as part of this course ?

As part of this course you will,

  • GO through the theory to learn what is openshift platform, the core concepts relates and the advantages of using it.
  • Install and configure a simple(non HA) multi node Openshift cluster with ansible. You would also have a conceptual understanding of how to build a production quality cluster with high availability, scalability, redundancy and security considerations.
  • Learn how to deploy, configure, interconnect and publish and scale applications as well as isolate those with multi tenant environments that openshift provides and underlying kubernetes primitives that it leverages.
  • Achieve Continuous Integration and Delivery with openshift's integration with git, jenkins and its implicit primitives including builds, pipelines and image streams.
  • Learn how to manage persistent storage in a openshift environment
  • Learn about the network and security considerations and features offered by Openshift.
  • Learn openshift administration tasks such as setting up quotas, managing memberships, monitoring etc.

What is not covered ?

Even though this course covers many concepts related to kubernetes, since its a very vast topic, it still has the following areas uncovered.

  • Cloud specific provisioning and integration
  • HA installation of a kubernetes cluster with multi masters
  • In depth openshift administration
  • Writing Micro Services Applications
  • Alternate container runtimes e.g. rocker/rkt, runc

Pre Requisites

Following are the pre requisite skills to attend this course. Since its a beginner level course, no prior experience with linux containers is assumed.


You should have attended the following course, or have demonstrable knowledge with the topics included in the following course.

  • Docker Fundamentals
  • Kubernetes Bootcamp

Pre Assessment test will be conducted at the beginning of the course to asses the skills.


  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Linux/Unix Systems Fundamentals
  • Familiarity with Command Line Interface (CLI)
  • Fundamental knowledge of editors on linux (any one of vi/nano/emacs)
  • Understanding of YAML syntax and familiarity with reading/writing basic YAML specifications
  • Recommended to have a basic understanding of Ansible

Hardware and Software Requirements

These are the prerequisites for each attendee.

Hardware Requirements Software Requirements
Laptop/Desktop with high speed internet connection Base Operating System : Windows / Mac OSX
8 GB RAM VirtualBox
4 CPU Cores Vagrant
20 GB Disk Space available ConEmu (Windows Only)
Git for Windows (windows only)

Lab Setup : Instructions can be found at xxx

Supporting Content/Materials

Following is the supporting material which will be provided to you before/during the course

  • Slides (online)
  • Workshop (online link)
  • Video Course - XXX by School of Devops

Pre Class Checklist

All participants should have completed the following checklist before attending the course .

  • Successfully Completed Docker Fundamentals Course, or have equivalent skills.
  • Successfully Completed Kubernetes Fundamentals Course, or have equivalent skills.
  • Verify your system meets the hardware pre requisites.
  • Validate the setup : verify all pre requisite software is installed on your system and is functional.
  • Join our kubernetes channel on gitter


Following are the topics which would be covered as part of this course. Detailed course outline follows.

  • Introduction to Openshift
  • Openshift Quick Dive
  • Application Lifecycle Management
  • Application Stack Mapping
  • Continuous Integration and Delivery
  • Designing Production Grade Openshift Architecture
  • Setup a Openshift Cluster
  • Securing Openshift
  • Openshift Administration

Detailed Course Outline

This is the detailed course outline with day wise list of contents

Day I

Introduction and Pre Assessment

  • Trainer, class and course introduction
  • Pre Assessment Test

Module 1: Introduction to Openshift

  • What is Openshift?
  • Kubernetes Vs Openshift
  • Key Features
  • Architecture

Module 2: Openshift Quick Dive

  • Minishift
  • Setup Minishift
  • Create a Openshift environment
  • Login and validate

Module 3: Application Lifecycle Management

  • Projects
  • Types of application deployments
    • Catalogue
    • Image
      • Image stream
      • Bring your own image
    • YAML files

Module 4: Application Stack Mapping

  • Deployments
  • Pods
  • Service
  • Routes
  • ConfigMaps
  • Secrets
  • Auto Scaling

Module 5: Continuous Integration and Delivery

  • Image streams
  • Builds
  • Git Integration and auto tagging
  • Pipelines and Jenkins integration
  • Automated Delivery

Module 6: Designing Production Grade Openshift Architecture

  • Components of Openshift
    • etcd
    • Masters and Nodes
    • Registry
    • Web console
  • Achieving High Availability(HA)

Module 7: Setup a Openshift Cluster

  • Types of Openshfit installations
  • Provision nodes
  • Installing Openshift with Ansible
    • Configuring inventory
    • Defining variables
    • Run a playbook
  • Openshift Configuration
    • Master and Node configs
    • Authentication
    • Authorization
  • Network Configuration
    • SDN with OpenVswitch
    • SDN plugins
    • Alternate configs
    • Packet flow
  • Registry Configuration
  • Web Console Configuration
  • Persistent Storage
    • Storage plugins
    • PV, PVC, Storage Class, etc .,

Module 8: Securing Openshift

  • Authentication
  • Authorization
    • RBAC
      • Cluster and Local Roles
      • Rules and Bindings
    • SSC
      • Security Context Constraints
    • Security considerations

Module 9: Openshift Administration

  • Quota
  • Memberships
  • Monitoring
  • Logging