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Crossplane Provider Scaleway

crossplane-provider-scaleway is a Crossplane provider that is built using Upjet code generation tools and exposes XRM-conformant managed resources for Scaleway.

Complete the following steps to:

  • Install Upbound Universal Crossplane (UXP) into your Kubernetes cluster.
  • Install the Provider and apply a ProviderConfig.
  • Create a managed resource in Scaleway with Kubernetes.


To perform the following steps, make sure you have:

  • Your Scaleway credentials
  • A Kubernetes cluster with permissions to create pods and secrets
  • A host with kubectl installed and configured to access the Kubernetes cluster

Getting started

You can run each command individually or copy them to a local to avoid issues related to running commands in a terminal.

Note: All commands use the current kubeconfig context and configuration.

Install the Up command-line

Run the following command to download and install the Upbound up command-line. Note: To learn more about the Up command-line, refer to the official dedicated documentation.

curl -sL "" | sh
sudo mv up /usr/local/bin/

Install Upbound Universal Crossplane

Run the Up command-line up uxp install to install Upbound Universal Crossplane (UXP). Note: To learn more about Upbound Universal Crossplane (UXP), refer to the official dedicated documentation.

$ up uxp install
UXP 1.9.0-up.3 installed

Install the provider

  1. Install the provider into the Kubernetes cluster with a Kubernetes configuration file.
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: Provider
  name: provider-scaleway
  1. Run kubectl get providers to verify the installed provider. The INSTALLED value should return as True.

Note: The procedure may take up to 5 minutes for HEALTHY to report true.

You should get an output similar to the following one, providing details about the provider.

$ kubectl get provider
NAME                INSTALLED   HEALTHY   PACKAGE                                             AGE
provider-scaleway   True        True        11s

If there are any issue during the process of downloading and installing the provider, the INSTALLED field will return as empty. In that case, run kubectl describe providers to get more information.

$ kubectl get providers
NAME                INSTALLED   HEALTHY   PACKAGE                                             AGE
provider-scaleway                  76s

Create a Kubernetes secret resource for Scaleway

The provider requires credentials to create and manage Scaleway resources.

  1. In a new folder, create a secret.yaml file.

Modify the values in the example according to your needs, using the information in the Configuration reference table to help.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: example-creds
  namespace: crossplane-system
type: Opaque
  credentials: |
      "access_key": "SCWXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
      "secret_key": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
      "project_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
      "organization_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
      "region": "fr-par",
      "zone": "fr-par-1"
  1. If it does not already exist, run the following command to create a crossplane-system namespace:
$ kubectl create namespace crossplane-system --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -

Configuration reference

Provider Argument Description
access_key Scaleway access key
secret_key Scaleway secret key
project_id The project ID that will be used as default value for project-scoped resources.
organization_id The organization ID that will be used as default value for organization-scoped resources.
region The region that will be used as default value for all resources. (fr-par if none specified)
zone The zone that will be used as default value for all resources. (fr-par-1 if none specified)

Create a ProviderConfig

  1. Create a ProviderConfig Kubernetes configuration file to attach your Scaleway credentials to the previously installed provider.

Modify the values in the example according to your needs. Refer to the configuration reference information to understand the requested values.

kind: ProviderConfig
  name: default
    source: Secret
      name: example-creds
      namespace: crossplane-system
      key: credentials
  1. Run kubectl apply -f your-folder/ to apply this configuration with the secret.

  2. Run kubectl describe providerconfigs to verify the ProviderConfig.

Configuration reference

The spec.secretRef describes the parameters of the secret to use.

  • namespace is the Kubernetes namespace the secret is in.
  • name is the name of the Kubernetes secret object.
  • key is the Data field from kubectl describe secret.

Create a managed resource

  1. Create a managed resource to see if the provider is properly functioning.

The following example creates a Scaleway Object Storage bucket.

kind: Bucket
  name: object-bucket
    name: crossplane-object-bucket
    name: default
  1. Run kubectl get buckets to get details on the bucket's creation.

You should get an output similar to the following one, providing details about the bucket.

$ kubectl get buckets
NAME                           READY   SYNCED   EXTERNAL-NAME                     AGE
object-bucket                  True    True     fr-par/crossplane-object-bucket   9s

The bucket is successfully created when both the values for READY and SYNCED are True.

  1. If there are any issue during the bucket creation process, the READY and/or SYNCED fields will return as empty. In that case, run kubectl describe to get more information.

Delete the managed resource

  1. Run kubectl delete -f (with the same Bucket file) to remove the managed resource.

  2. Run kubectl get buckets to verify whether the bucket was properly removed.

You should get an output similar to this, providing details about the status of the bucket.

$ kubectl delete -f bucket.yml "object-bucket" deleted

$ kubectl get buckets
No resources found


  • To run code-generation pipeline:
go run cmd/generator/main.go "$PWD"
  • To run against a Kubernetes cluster:
make run
  • To build, push, and install:
make all
  • To build binary:
make build

Report a Bug

To file bugs, suggest improvements, or request new features, please open an issue.