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E Learning Platform, buying selling enrolling course, managing look more insight course at dashboard

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This Image of Homepage of E Learnning Platform

1. Project Description Overview:

  • Develop a comprehensive e-learning platform that serves as a marketplace for selling online courses.
  • Our platform offers a seamless experience for users to browse and purchase courses, study the course materials, and track their progress.
  • The administrator has the ability to manage orders and analyze student performance
  • Take a look to visit the website:

2. Main Module features

2.1 Authentication feature:

  • Using JWT authenticate for both user and admin site
  • Users can signup
    • After signup, users are able to login (with username and password have created at website)
    • Password using bcrypt algorithm
    • Info to signup: Name, Email, Password, Phone
  • Users are able to login
    • After login state of website will change.
  • Admin login. After login with (User is authorized to view/manage models base on the current role (USER, TEACHER) )
  • Logout. Both user and admin are able to logout of website. When user or admin logout of website (the state of website will reset from the begining, and it will send a request to backend to excute logout and make JSON WEB TOKEN invalid)

2.2 Main core features

2.2.1 Before login Client

  • Header: With Navigation, help users can navigate over website

  • Footer: With related links such as about, contact, page introduction and other connection like socials.

  • Menu: With full categories of website.

  • Homepage:

    • Users are able to see overview about website with slogan, banner, benefits, statistic, courses by categories (Popular, Frontend, Backend, Devops Courses) at website
    • Each Section show 4 course items, and view more button, which make section load x2 number of items.
    • At banner user can click to view courses, start now to open login modal
    • When not logined, user when click to the button (Enroll/ Buy now) it will force user to login first then continue.
    • Load more to views at each categories section.
    • When click at title and thumbnail of course it will go to course detail
  • Course Detail:

    • View detail for every course with
    • Infomation of course detail:
      • Course name
      • Numbers of Ratings
      • Average stars
      • Last updated
      • Thumbnail
      • Number of students
      • Course Price / Free
      • Buttons: Enroll now/Add to cart/ Buy now.
      • Course includes (total videos length, number of sections, lessons)
      • Contents will learn
      • And layout sections of the course with numbers lessons, videos, minutes,...
      • Each section of course content have:
        • Section name
        • Number of lesson
        • Total hours of that section
        • lessons follow by section.
      • Each lesson have info:
        • Lesson name
        • Total video lengths of that lesson
      • Course's author information: with name and avatar.
    • User can add to cart (the course). Go to View Cart
  • Courses Page:

    • Users are able to views all the courses of website
    • Users can search for courses. This feature, I applied full-text search with nodejs and mongoodb. If course's name or description includes the word in "search terms" it will be displayed.
    • Users can filter buy author name, level, price, topic. (All this feature i used logic at backend using nodejs)
    • Users can sort for buying newest courses.
    • Paginate the courses. With 12 coures per each page.
    • Note: The Information of Course component, which shows at Homepage and Courses page is:

      • The thumbnail
      • Course name
      • Course Description
      • Buttons: Enroll/Buynow
      • Price of course/ Free
      • Author avatar and author's name
      • Badge
  • View Cart:

    • User can add to cart without login at website. The Cart will store at localStorage, persist the state even if user close browser.
    • At cart page, user can remove cart, view briefly information of course, total price of cart, number of courses have added, continute to checkout (if logined).
  • Other pages: Contact, About page Admin Pages:

**Only show admin login page when not logged in**

2.2.2 After login:

How to login at Client ?

Step 1: Click Sign in Button

Step 2: Enter email and password:

Test Page Client (Add more features when logined)

  • Header: Show information of user (with avatar, username, email )
  • Homepage:
    • Change state of website. Show my courses (the courses have ordered of users)
    • Users are able to buy courses, enroll (if free) when logined.
    • After enrolled to go to subcribe course and create an order at database.
    • After click to buy now to go checkout page, and continute to check and create order.
    • If that course's already bought buy user, the course item will show (Go to Course) Button. Let the user navigate to Study Watch Video Place.
  • Course Detail:
    • Users are able to buy now, enroll if free.
    • Go to course study place if already bought.
  • My Learning Place: (React Player)
    • Users are able to view all of courses have ordered before
    • See overview of number of courses, total hours of video have watch/done.
    • Click to course item to go to course study place (watch video)
  • View Profile of user:
    • View Profile of user with total course have ordered, total hours of videos have done, info name.
  • Course Study Place:
    • Users are able to track current progress of user'course
    • Watch video, complete video
    • After complete 100% course's lessons, Users are able to get certificates of course (with PDF file have name, date finished, course name) Admin

How to login ?

Step 1: Go to Website

Step 2: Login with Admin author (contact me to get the account)

Author Login

Step 3: Enjoy with admin dashboard and other features.


E learning dashboard overview

  • Dashboard:

    • View overall reports at the website (with total sales for 30 days, all users, all courses, all categories),
    • view new singups, revenue, course sales for (7/30/60 days ago)
  • Categories:

    • Manage categories with list categories by table format have pagination
    • Create/edit/delete category
    • Search category by name, filter category by category name
  • Courses:

    • Manage courses with list courses by table format and grid format have pagination
    • Create/delete course
    • After creating a course, admin is able to add section and lessons for course
    • Lesson type is youtube video format.
    • Search course by name (full-text search)
    • Filter course by categories, author's name
  • Users:

    • Manage users with list users by table format, have pagination
    • Create/edit/delete user,
    • Search user by name (full-text search)
  • Orders:

    • Manage orders with list orders by table format, have pagination.
    • View the overall of each orders includes total revenue of website, total number of sales, total amounts of each orders, numbers of courses, date ordered
    • Search order by user's name
    • Filter orders by course, buy previous date ordered (7 days, 30 days, yesterday, today).
  • Reports Centers:

    • ** User Progress**:
      • List users's insight with total study time of users for all courses, total courses have ordered, in completed course
    • ** Course Insight**:
      • List course's insight with total of learners, average study times of students per all students of this course, total videos durations, and all lessons of the course.
  • Authorization:

    • Website author with 2 main role (ADMIN - TEACHER)
    • Admin with full control of permissions
    • Teachers are able to view courses of themselves, create/edit/ delete courses of themselves, View categories, not able to edit or delete

3. Technologies in use:

  • Languages: HTML, CSS, SCSS
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Framework/libraries: React Typescript, Redux, RTK Query, Ant Design
  • Build tool: Vitejs

4. Related Links:

5. License


E Learning Platform, buying selling enrolling course, managing look more insight course at dashboard







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