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Clojars Project

Generates logfmt encoded strings in Clojure.


logfmt is a nice middle point between unstructructed & structured data for humans to read & execute adhoc log analysis.



Basic Usage to Generate Strings

(require '[rymndhng.logfmt :as logfmt])

;; encoding maps
(logfmt/encode {:foo "bar"})

(logfmt/encode {:msg "hello world!"})
"msg=\"hello world!\""

;; encoding keyvalue pairs (to preserve ordering)
(logfmt/encode-keyvals :foo "bar" :baz "qux")
"foo=bar baz=qux"

Integration with Logging Frameworks

logfmt is lightweight and is easily embedded inside your existing logging solution.

(require '[rymndhng.logfmt :as logfmt])
(require '[ :as log])

(log/info (logfmt/encode-keyvals :msg "processed message" :time 500))

If you use timbre, there is an optional module to output logs in logfmt.

(require '[taoensso.timbre :as timbre])
(require 'rymndhng.logfmt.timbre)

(timbre/merge-config! {:output-fn rymndhng.logfmt.timbre/logfmt-output-fn})

(timbre/warn "hello")
;> level=warn time="20-05-30 17:18:23" ns=user:156 msg=hello

(timbre/with-context {:id 12345}
  (timbre/warn "hello"))
;> level=warn time="20-05-30 17:19:56" ns=user:168 msg=hello id=12345

(let [ex (ex-info "uh-oh" {:user-id 123})]
  (timbre/warn ex "failed to handle command"))
;> level=warn time="20-05-30 17:21:53" ns=user:173 msg="failed to handle command"  error_class=clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo error_message=uh-oh

;; Configure output-fn to emit ex-data. Use with caution!
(timbre/merge-config! {:output-fn (partial rymndhng.logfmt.timbre/logfmt-output-fn {:ex-data? true})})

(let [ex (ex-info "uh-oh" {:user-id 123})]
  (timbre/warn ex "uhoh"))
;> level=warn time="20-05-30 17:39:38" ns=user:323 msg=uhoh error_class=clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo error_message=uh-oh user-id=123


Copyright © 2020 Raymond Huang

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at

This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at