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/ docker-env Public archive

docker-machine based docker environments


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docker-env will help maintaining multiple docker-machine environments.

Basically this just exports MACHINE_STORAGE_PATH which is used by docker-machine. If you ever had the same known problem, dealing with docker-machine/docker and certificates like described in 1799 or 2229, this is how I handle it.

Here is what happens in short for understanding or just doing it manually. The quick hack, which provides VERSION pinning for docker-machine docker installation is not implemented in docker-env. However, it reminds me: docker/machine/issues#1702


1. initially create/export
docker-machine -D create --driver generic --generic-ip-address $ip --generic-ssh-user $ssh_user --engine-storage-driver overlay2 --engine-install-url '|head -n-1|cat - <(echo -e "VERSION=18.03.0\nCHANNEL=stable\ndo_install")' $name
eval "$(docker-machine env $name)"
tar czf $name.tgz -C $MACHINE_STORAGE_PATH/certs .

2. recreate/import driver none (no ssh)
export MACHINE_STORAGE_PATH=${MACHINE_STORAGE_PATH:-~/.docker/docker_env}
docker-machine -D create --driver none  --url tcp://$ip:2376 $name
tar xvzf $name.tgz -C $MACHINE_STORAGE_PATH/certs
eval "$(docker-machine env $name)"
tar xvzf $name.tgz --exclude ca-key.pem -C $MACHINE_STORAGE_PATH/machines/$DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME

3. recreate/import driver generic (ssh)
export MACHINE_STORAGE_PATH=${MACHINE_STORAGE_PATH:-~/.docker/docker_env}
mkdir -p $MACHINE_STORAGE_PATH/certs
tar xvzf $name.tgz -C $MACHINE_STORAGE_PATH/certs
docker-machine -D create --driver generic --generic-ip-address $ip --generic-ssh-user $ssh_user --engine-storage-driver overlay2 --engine-install-url '|head -n-1|cat - <(echo -e "VERSION=18.03.0\nCHANNEL=stable\ndo_install")' $name
eval "$(docker-machine env $name)"


curl -so ~/.docker-env.bash
echo source ~/.docker-env.bash >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.docker-env.bash

Usage example

docker-env --activate env -y     # Create a directory ~/.docker/docker_env/env
                                 # And point `MACHINE_STORAGE_PATH` to it

docker-machine ls                # Should be empty

docker-machine create -d virtualbox default  # Create a local CA (Certificate Authority) and client 
                                             # certificates into:
                                             #  ~/.docker/docker_env/env/certs
                                             # Create a docker virtualbox machine called `default` into
                                             #  ~/.docker/docker_env/env/machines/default
                                             # scp the certificates to the virtualbox machine

docker-machine ls                # Should show up the machine named default

docker-env default               # Does the well known `eval "$(docker-machine env default)"` for us 

docker ps                        # Should connect and return empty container set

ip=`docker-machine ip default`   # Get the ip for later

docker-env --export              # exports the public CA key and the user private/public 
                                 # keys into env.tgz
                                 # getting it from ~/.docker/docker_env/env/certs

docker-env --activate noca       # Create a second environment

docker-machine ls                # Should be empty

docker-env --import env.tgz      # Extract the certificates to ~/.docker/docker_env/noca/certs

docker-env --create-machine $ip testmachine  # Creates a `docker-machine --driver none` machine 
                                             #  pointing to $ip
                                             # Copy the certificates to
                                             #  ~/.docker/docker_env/noca/machines/testmachine

docker-machine ls                # Should show up the machine named testmachine

docker-env testmachine           # Does the well known `eval "$(docker-machine env testmachine)"` for us 

docker ps                        # Should connect and return empty container set

docker-machine create -d virtualbox testmachine2  # Will fail, as we don´t have a valid CA:
                                                  #  Error creating machine: 
                                                  # Error running provisioning: error 
                                                  # generating server cert: 
                                                  #  open ~/.docker/docker_env/noca/certs/ca-key.pem: 
                                                  # no such file or directory

Create a machine for coworking

Now you could docker-machine create --driver generic a remote CA-machine for coworking. Then you export and send the certificates to coworkers. Coworkers then import the certificates and create a --driver none machine. They either use docker-env --import and docker-env --create-machine, or you could just send the commands printed by docker-env --export

Create the generic machine:

docker-env --activate external -y
docker-machine create --driver generic --generic-ip-address $ip --generic-ssh-user $ssh-user $fqdn
docker-env --export

Import machine

docker-env --export prints following infos each time you export the certs.

Ensure remote port 2376 is open and secure enough for you. Forward external.tgz and point to the docs: import-machine, or provide one of the following four command options.

Manually export MACHINE_STORAGE_PATH [--import --create]


export MACHINE_STORAGE_PATH=~/.docker/docker_env/$env_name  # --activate

tar xvzf external.tgz -C $MACHINE_CERTS
docker-machine create --driver none --url tcp://$machine_ip:2376 $machine_name

eval "$(docker-machine env $machine_name)"

If docker-env is available [--import --create]


docker-env --activate myenv -y
docker-env --import external.tgz
docker-env --create-machine $machine_ip $machine_name

docker-env $machine_name

Use the default machine location [--import-create]


MACHINE_STORAGE_PATH=~/.docker/machine  # Default

docker-machine create --driver none --url tcp://$machine_ip:2376 $machine_name
tar xvzf external.tgz -C $MACHINE_PATH
sed -i.bak "s/${REGC}/${REGM}/" $MACHINE_PATH/config.json

eval "$(docker-machine env $machine_name)"

If docker-env is available [--import-create]


docker-env --activate default
docker-env --import-create external.tgz $machine_ip $machine_name

docker-env $machine_name


Maintains docker-machine environments

Usage: docker-env [option|docker-machine_name]

    --activate [name|default] [--yes|-y]   export MACHINE_STORAGE_PATH=~/.docker/docker_env/name.
                                           Create when it does not exist
                                           default is ~/.docker/machine
    --create-machine [ip] [name]           docker-machine create --driver none
    --create-machine-generic [ip]          docker-machine create --driver generic
    --deactivate                           unset MACHINE_STORAGE_PATH
    --env-docker-machine                   docker-machine env
    --export [--show] [--quiet|-q]         export cert-files to tgz. [--show] just print import infos.
                      [--ca]               do not exclude ca-key.pem
                      [--noca]             although ca-key.pem exists
    --help                                 this text
    --import [name.tgz]                    import tgz to current env
                                           This puts certs to cert folder
    --import-create [name.tgz] [ip] [name] import tgz to current env and create machine
                                           This puts certs in machine folder
    --ls|-l                                list all environments
    --ls-docker-machine                    docker-machine ls
    --off                                  --unset + --deactivate
    --open|-o                              open ~/.docker in Finder
    --open-exports|-p                      open ~/.docker/docker_env/.exports in Finder
    --ps                                   docker ps --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Ports}}"
    --remote                               set DOCKER_REMOTE=1
    --env-show                             grep current env vars
    --unset|-u                             unset DOCKER_HOST env vars

docker-machine_name [--quiet|-q]  export DOCKER_HOST env vars for docker-machine host
                                  like: eval "$(docker-machine env name)" does