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PyroScope Project edited this page Mar 28, 2018 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the rTorrent Community GitHub wiki!

👥 📝 This wiki is editable by any GitHub user, and thus the often-expressed wish for a complete and current reference depends on YOU. See Mastering Wikis and Mastering Markdown, it's NOT 🚀 science. 😉
📚 The rTorrent Handbook documentation project takes input from the wiki and puts it into a more formal, cross-referenced handbook. You are very welcome to contribute to the handbook too, it uses Sphinx to generate the final result at Read the Docs.
🏁 The TODO page has a list of pending work items. See AboutThisWiki for more information on how you can contribute, and the structure of this wiki (i.e. where to put things).
©️ The content in this repository and associated wiki is licensed CC-BY-SA-4.0. By contributing, you grant this project and its members the right to publish your contribution under the terms of that license.

See the IRC page for information on the community chat channel.

Reference Information

Configuration Cookbook

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