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Frontend Mentor - Stats preview card component solution

This is a solution to the Stats preview card component challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Table of contents

The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout depending on their device's screen size with little or no technical deficulty


My process


  • I created a div conatianer for everything so that i can be able to use flexbox to controll the layout .

  • I also created a div sub-contianer for the image.

  • I also created a second contianer which i name "container2" and made sure it was inside the maine contianer .

  • Inside the "contianer2" : - I inserted two paragraph . - I inserted a span inside the first paragraph so that i would be able to change the color of a specific text given by the challange.

  • I also created another div called number inside container2

  • Inside my Number div i inserted a ul tag that enabled me to list out the required text givine to me by the challange

  • I inside my ul tag i inserted a br tag and a p tag to enable my work look exactly like the challange.


  • I first of all created my mobile layout first
  • then i used the filter design which i newly leanrnt to add an opacity to make the image look exactly like the one in the challange
  • I used flexbox to arrange my li's both in the moble view and desktop view
  • i used media quires to make my desktop view
  • in my desktop view i made use of the flexbos which i put in the main contianer class to position it as the challange demmanded

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS custom properties
  • Flexbox
  • Mobile-first workflow
  • Google font

What I learned

I learnt how to :

  • use the filter in css to edite a picture .
  • i also learnt that position relative and absolute is relivant to position element in html.
    filter: opacity(50%)

Continued development

  • woul definetly continue to use media quries to master how to use Max-width and Min-width.
  • I would also continue to use fitlter to edite picture to master it

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