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Roi Peker edited this page Aug 8, 2021 · 2 revisions

We should start this Wiki with the basics I guess, so let's installing the fts cli tool.

Open your Terminal and type:

flutter pub global activate flutter_translation_sheet

Once is installed you should see something like:

Downloading flutter_translation_sheet 1.0.15+31...
Precompiling executables...
Precompiled flutter_translation_sheet:main.
Installed executable fts.
Activated flutter_translation_sheet 1.0.15+31.

Now, lets check if it's installed properly:

fts --version

First time you run it, the kernel binary will be generated, so it might show:

Can't load Kernel binary: Invalid SDK hash.
Precompiling executable... (7.2s)
Precompiled flutter_translation_sheet:main.

Now let's see how to Setup a project.

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