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A Twitch bot that reads point redemptions with a custom trained voice.


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A Twitch bot that reads point redemptions with a custom trained voice.

Check the results on my TTS gist.


Once you've done all the steps in dependencies you can run the bot.

To run the bot you'll have to first run (inside the tts conda environment) cd rvc-tts-webui && python3, and then (simultaneously) cd TwitchTTSBot && python3 Check the README inside the services folder to auto-run those steps on every startup.

The bot will start the website (or if you have a secure certificate). The auth token can be changed in the config file; by default it is admin.



  • Install anaconda
  • Create the conda environment: conda create -n tts python=3.9, and then activate it with conda activate tts
  • Install pyTorch (if you want to use GPU): conda install pytorch==2.0.0 torchvision==0.15.0 torchaudio==2.0.0 pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia -y

RVC-based TTS

  • Install ffmpeg
  • Get the repo: git clone && cd rvc-tts-webui
  • Download the models: curl -L -O ; curl -L -O
  • Install the dependencies: python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Install some more dependencies so the bot can call it: python3 -m pip install gradio-client==0.5.1

If the install raises the error Failed building wheel for pyworld, run python3 -m pip install numpy pyworld --no-build-isolation

Get the model
  • Train a RVC model
  • Set the logs path (<RVC path>/logs) in the variable model_root, in
  • Copy the latest .pth file of the desired speaker from <RVC path>/weights into <RVC path>/logs/<speaker>


  • Run python3 -m pip install PythonTwitchBotFramework==2.11.5
  • For the bot dependencies, run python3 -m pip install pypeln==0.4.9
Creating the Twitch bot
  • Create a Twitch account to be used as a bot
  • Create a new app. Set a name, Loyalty Tool as category, and (if you don't want to use it) http://localhost as OAuth redirect
  • In order to get the OAuth token have to enter the login link (while being logged in in the bot account), and allow it. To generate the login link download and run print(generate_irc_oauth('<app id>', 'http://localhost')). Once you allow it you'll be redirected to localhost; you'll have to copy the access_token GET param in the URL (that's the OAuth token).

Note: after some months the token will expire, and you'll have to re-run the last step and update the OAuth token.

Setting up the stream Twitch account
  • While being logged in in the desired channel, allow the following link:<app id>&redirect_uri=http://localhost&scope=channel%3Aread%3Aredemptions. Once you allow it you'll be redirected to localhost; you'll have to copy the access_token GET param in the URL (that's the PubSub token).
  • Add a custom text reward redeem
Config setup

The first time you run the script it will raise a token exception, and it will generate some config files.

You'll have to edit config.json:

  • Remove all commands in command_whitelist; leave only "command_whitelist": []
  • Set the desired channel in channels
  • Set the bot name in nick and owner
  • Set the desired secret key in a new entry: "secret": "admin". This will be needed for the audio player, as you'll have to enter to localhost:7890?token=<secret>
  • Set the desired redeem name in a new entry: "redeem": "Custom TTS"
  • Set the app id in client_id
  • Set the OAuth token in "oauth": "oauth:<token>"
  • Set the PubSub token in a new entry: "pubsub": "<token>"
  • Set the RVC-based TTS model name in a new entry; you can also set for each model the Pitch shift in an pitch-shift entry:
"voices": {
    "<model name>": {
        "name": "<model name>",
        "voice": "en-US-AriaNeural-Female"

Optional additional properties:

  • You can add a character limit by setting "input_limit": 450
  • You can add a segments limit by setting "segments_limit": 12. Note: one segment is one change of model, or a sound being played.
  • To add sounds to be replaced you'll have to add an audios folder and place there the .wav; then create a new audios entry with each audio and :
"audios": {
    "[bruh]": { "files": [ "bruh.wav" ] },
    "[brah]": { "alias": "[bruh]" }

Website audio player

  • Run python3 -m pip install Flask-SocketIO==4.3.1 python-engineio==3.13.2 python-socketio==4.6.0
[Optional] Generating the SSL credentials

If you want to use this program securely (using https) with OBS you'll need a secure certificate. Attention: in order to get a secure certificate you'll need a domain at your name, with an IP pointing to the server where you launch TwitchTTSBot. If you don't have such a thing, ignore this section and use the website with http.

Follow the steps shown in certbot instructions, and then renew it every few months with sudo certbot renew --force-renewal; you'll have to copy privkey.pem into audio-server/key.pem, and cert.pem into audio-server/server.pem.

Note: you may have to open port 80 on your router for the certbot certification.

Run the tests

If you want to try the tests, start, and inside TwitchTTSBot folder and with the tts environment enabled, run python3