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ASP.NET Core 3 Web API to manage clients and legal cases

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ASP.NET Core 3 Web API to manage clients and legal cases


ClientsManager is an ASP.NET Core 3.1 Web API.

Using ClientsManager you can manage your clients, legal cases, and billable activities.

Technologies used:

ASP.NET Core 3.1, C#, AutoMapper, Swagger, Serilog, Entity Framework Core, SQL Server

Live Site

ClientsManager API

Set up

Complete the following steps to start a new project (NEW-PROJECT-NAME):

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine git clone NEW-PROJECT-NAME
  2. cd into the cloned repository
  3. Make a fresh start of the git history for this project with rm -r -Force .git, amd then git init
  4. Make sure that the .gitignore file is encoded as 'UTF-8'

Note. This server can be used with the following client repo: xxxx

Configuration: Azure web app and Azure Active Directory:

Before using the API there are several steps to follow in order to create the API in Azure App Services and register it in Azure Active Directory:

  1. Register the API in Azure Active Directory (you'll need to have an Azure Active Directory tenant configured)

Recommended Read: Protected Web API app registration

  1. Configure the API registration in Azure Active Directory (the registration must expose at least one scope/role in the Expose an API section)

  2. In appsettings.json / secrets.json, add the following configuration (get your config data from the Azure AD API registration):

"AzureAd": {
      "ClientId": "your-API-Azure-client-Id",
      "Instance": "",
      "TenantId": "your-azure-AD-tenant-Id",
      "APIApplicationIdUri": "api://your-API-Azure-client-Id",
      "ClientAudience": "your-client-Azure-AD-Id", //This is the intended recipient(s) for this token (the calling client Id in Azure AD).
      "APIAudience": "your-API-Azure-client-Id" //This claim identifies the audience for this token (your API Azure AD Client Id)
  1. Create a web app in Azure App Services for your API

Recommended read: Publish web app to Azure

  1. Publish the API to Azure

  2. Configure the web app created in Azure App Services, specially the appsettings in Azure (or a Key Vault if preferred).

Configuration: Authentication / Authorization:

All API requests must be made using an access_token. The access_token is a JWT Bearer Token, issued by Azure Active Directory.

After the API configuration in Azure Web Services and Azure Active Directory the app is ready to authenticate JWT Tokens.

Regarding Token validation, check ClientsManager.WebAPI.Authentication.AddAuthenticationExtensions.cs, called from the Startup.ConfigureServices method.

Authorization is configured at the controller level using the [Authorize] attribute.

Configuration: Database:

During the API Publish process you can create the Database in Azure. If you want to run the scripts, you can find them in ClientsManager.SQLscripts:

  1. Run Create_ClientsManager_DB_Script.sql to create the ClientManagers database

  2. Run Create_EmployeeTypes_Table_Script.sql to create the EmployeeTypes table

  3. Run Create_Employees_Table_Script.sql to create the Employees table

  4. Run Create_Clients_Table_Script.sql to create the Clients table

  5. Run Create_Addresses_Table_Script.sql to create the Addresses table

  6. Run Create_Contacts_Table_Script.sql to create the Contacts table

  7. Run Create_Logs_Table_Script.sql to create the EventLogging.Logs table

Run Application:

Build the solution

Run the application


The API has the following endpoints:

Clients endpoint:

URI: get => /api/clients?pageNumber=[number]&pageSize=[size]

  • Description: returns an array of Client objects, paged by the provided pageNumber and pageSize

  • Request params:

param name type param type
pageNumber String querystring
pageSize String querystring
  • Response:

A collection of Client objects:

param name type
id Number
name String
description String
website String

URI: get => /api/clients/[id]

  • Description: returns a Client object for the provided client id

  • Request params:

param name type param type
id Number route
  • Response:

A Client object:

param name type
id Number
name String
description String
website String

URI: get => /api/clients/legalcases/[id]

  • Description: returns an array of Client objects, with its related LegalCases

  • Request params:

param name type param type
id Number route
  • Response:

An array of Client objects, with its LegalCase objects:

param name type
id Number
name String
description String
website String
legalcases Array

URI: get => /api/clients/addresses/[id]

  • Description: returns a Client object for the provided client id, including its related Address objects

  • Request params:

param name type param type
id Number route
  • Response:

A Client object:

param name type
id Number
name String
description String
website String
addresses Array

URI: get => /api/clients/contacts/[id]

  • Description: returns a Client object for the provided id, including its related Contact objects

  • Request params:

param name type param type
id Number route
  • Response:

A Client object with its related Contact objects:

param name type
id Number
name String
description String
website String
contacts Array

URI: post => /api/clients

  • Description: creates a Client object

  • Request params:

param name type param type
name String Body
description String Body
website String Body
  • Response:

The Client object created.

param name type
id Number
name String
description String
website String

URI: put/patch => /api/clients/[id]

  • Description: updates an existing Client object

  • Request params:

param name type param type
id Number Route
id Number Body
name String Body
description String Body
website String Body
  • Response:

The Client object updated

param name type
id Number
name String
description String
website String

URI: delete => /api/clients/[id]

  • Description: deletes an existing Client object

  • Request params:

param name type param type
id Number Route
  • Response:

The number of Client objects deleted

param name type
number Number

LegalCases endpoint:

URI: get => api/legalcases?pageNumber=2&pageSize=3

  • Description: returns an array of LegalCase objects, paged by the provided pageNumber and pageSize

  • Request params:

param name type param type
pageNumber String querystring
pageSize String querystring
  • Response:

An array of LegalCase of objects.

param name type
id Number
client_id Number
title String
description String
trustfund Number

URI: get => /api/legalcases/client/[id]

  • Description: returns all LegalCases for a provided Client id

  • Request params:

param name type param type
client_id Number Route
  • Response:

An array of LegalCase objects.

param name type
id Number
client_id Number
title String
description String
trustfund Number

URI: get => /api/legalcases/[id]

  • Description: returns a LegalCase object for a provided id

  • Request params:

param name type param type
id Number Route
  • Response:

A LegalCase object.

param name type
id Number
client_id Number
title String
description String
trustfund Number

URI: get => /api/legalcases/details/[1]

  • Description: returns a LegalCase object for a provided id, with all its related BillableActivity objects

  • Request params:

param name type param type
id Number Route
  • Response:

A LegalCase object

param name type
id Number
client_id Number
title String
description String
trustfund Number
BillableActivities Array

URI: post => /api/legalcases/

  • Description: creates a LegalCase object

  • Request params:

param name type param type
client_id Number Body
title String Body
description String Body
trustfund Number Body
  • Response:

The created LegalCase object

param name type
id Number
client_id Number
title String
description String
trustfund Number

URI: put/patch => /api/legalcases/[id]

  • Description: updates an existing LegalCase object

  • Request params:

param name type param type
id Number Route
id Number Body
client_id Number Body
title String Body
description String Body
trustfund Number Body
  • Response:

The updated LegalCase object

param name type
id Number
client_id Number
title String
description String
trustfund Number

URI: delete => /api/legalcases/[id]

  • Description: deletes an existing LegalCase object

  • Request params:

param name type param type
id Number Route
  • Response:

The number of deleted LegalCase objects

param name type
number Number

BillableActivities endpoint:

URI: get => /api/billableactivities?pageNumber=[number]&pageSize=[size]

  • Description: returns an array of BillableActivity objects, paged by the provided pageNumber and pageSize

  • Request params:

param name type param type
pageNumber String querystring
pageSize String querystring
  • Response:

An array of BillableActivity objects.

param name type
id Number
legalcase_id Number
employee_id Number
title String
description String
price Number
start_datetime String
finish_datetime String

URI: get => /api/billableactivities/employee/[employee_id]

  • Description: returns the an array of BillableActivity objects, for a provided Employee id

  • Request params:

param name type param type
employee_id Number Route
  • Response:

An array of BillableActivity objects

param name type
id Number
legalcase_id Number
employee_id Number
title String
description String
price Number
start_datetime String
finish_datetime String

URI: get => /api/billableactivities/legalcase/[legalcase_id]

  • Description: returns an array of BillableActivity objects, for a provided LegalCase id

  • Request params:

param name type param type
legalcase_id Number Route
  • Response:

A LegalCase object.

An array of BillableActivity objects

param name type
id Number
legalcase_id Number
employee_id Number
title String
description String
price Number
start_datetime String
finish_datetime String

URI: get => /api/billableactivity/[id]

  • Description: returns a BillableActivity object, for a provided id

  • Request params:

param name type param type
id Number Route
  • Response:

A BillableActivity object.

param name type
id Number
legalcase_id Number
employee_id Number
title String
description String
price Number
start_datetime String
finish_datetime String

URI: post => /api/billableactivities

  • Description: creates a BillableActivity object

  • Request params:

param name type param type
legalcase_id Number Body
employee_id Number Body
title String Body
description String Body
price Number Body
start_datetime String Body
finish_datetime String Body
  • Response:

The created BillableActivity object.

param name type
id Number
legalcase_id Number
employee_id Number
title String
description String
price Number
start_datetime String
finish_datetime String

URI: put/patch => /api/billableactivities/[id]

  • Description: updates an existing BillableActivity object

  • Request params:

param name type param type
id Number Route
id Number Body
legalcase_id Number Body
employee_id Number Body
title String Body
description String Body
price Number Body
start_datetime String Body
finish_datetime String Body
  • Response:

The updated BillableActivity object.

param name type
id Number
legalcase_id Number
employee_id Number
title String
description String
price Number
start_datetime String
finish_datetime String

URI: delete => /api/billableactivities/[id]

  • Description: deletes an existing BillableActivity object

  • Request params:

param name type param type
id Number Route
  • Response:

The number of deleted BillableActivity objects

param name type
number Number

Addresses endpoint:

URI: get => /api/addresses?pageNumber=[number]&pageSize=[size]

  • Description: returns an array of Address objects, paged by the provided pageNumber and pageSize

  • Request params:

param name type param type
pageNumber String querystring
pageSize String querystring
  • Response:

An array of Address objects.

param name type
id Number
client_id Number
streetnumber String
city String
stateprovince String
zipcode String
country String

URI: get => /api/addresses/client/[client_id]

  • Description: returns an array of Address objects, for a provided Client id

  • Request params:

param name type param type
client_id Number Route
  • Response:

An array of Address objects

param name type
id Number
client_id Number
streetnumber String
city String
stateprovince String
zipcode String
country String

URI: get => /api/addresses/[id]

  • Description: returns an Address object, for a provided id

  • Request params:

param name type param type
id Number Route
  • Response:

An Address object

param name type
id Number
client_id Number
streetnumber String
city String
stateprovince String
zipcode String
country String

URI: get => /api/addresses/details/[id]

  • Description: returns an Address object, for a provided id, with its related Contact objects

  • Request params:

param name type param type
id Number Route
  • Response:

An Address object

param name type
id Number
client_id Number
streetnumber String
city String
stateprovince String
zipcode String
country String
contacts Array

URI: post => /api/addresses

  • Description: creates an Address object

  • Request params:

param name type param type
client_id Number Body
streetnumber String Body
city String Body
stateprovince String Body
zipcode String Body
country String Body
  • Response:

The created Address object.

param name type
id Number
client_id Number
streetnumber String
city String
stateprovince String
zipcode String
country String

URI: put/patch => /api/addresses/[id]

  • Description: updates an existing Address object

  • Request params:

param name type param type
id Number Route
id Number Body
client_id Number Body
streetnumber String Body
city String Body
stateprovince String Body
zipcode String Body
country String Body
  • Response:

The updated Address object.

param name type
id Number
client_id Number
streetnumber String
city String
stateprovince String
zipcode String
country String

URI: delete => /api/addresses/[id]

  • Description: deletes an existing Address object

  • Request params:

param name type param type
id Number Route
  • Response:

The number of deleted Address objects

param name type
number Number

Contacts endpoint:

URI: get => /api/contacts?pageNumber=[number]&pageSize=[size]

  • Description: returns an array of Contact objects, paged by the provided pageNumber and pageSize

  • Request params:

param name type param type
pageNumber String querystring
pageSize String querystring
  • Response:

An array of Contact objects

param name type
id Number
client_id Number
address_id Number
name String
position String
telephone String
cellphone String
email String

URI: get => /api/contacts/client/[client_id]

  • Description: returns an array of Contact objects, for a provided Client id

  • Request params:

param name type param type
client_id Number Route
  • Response:

An array of Contact objects

param name type
id Number
client_id Number
address_id Number
name String
position String
telephone String
cellphone String
email String

URI: get => /api/contacts/[id]

  • Description: returns a Contact object, for a provided id

  • Request params:

param name type param type
id Number Route
  • Response:

A Contact object

param name type
id Number
client_id Number
address_id Number
name String
position String
telephone String
cellphone String
email String

URI: get => /api/contacts/details/1

  • Description: returns a Contact object, for a provided id, with its related Address objects

  • Request params:

param name type param type
id Number Route
  • Response:

A Contact object

param name type
id Number
client_id Number
address_id Number
name String
position String
telephone String
cellphone String
email String
addresses Array

URI: post => /api/contacts

  • Description: creates a Contact object

  • Request params:

param name type param type
client_id Number Body
address_id Number Body
name String Body
position String Body
telephone String Body
cellphone String Body
email String Body
  • Response:

The created Contact object.

param name type
client_id Number
address_id Number
name String
position String
telephone String
cellphone String
email String

URI: put/patch => /api/contacts[id]

  • Description: updates an existing Contact object

  • Request params:

param name type param type
id Number Route
id Number Body
client_id Number Body
address_id Number Body
name String Body
position String Body
telephone String Body
cellphone String Body
email String Body
  • Response:

The updated Contact object.

param name type
id Number
client_id Number
address_id Number
name String
position String
telephone String
cellphone String
email String

URI: delete => /api/contacts/[id]

  • Description: deletes an existing Contact object

  • Request params:

param name type param type
id Number Route
  • Response:

The number of deleted Contact objects

param name type
number Number

Employees endpoint:

URI: get => /api/employees?pageNumber=[number]&pageSize=[size]

  • Description: returns an array of Employee objects, paged by the provided pageNumber and pageSize

  • Request params:

param name type param type
pageNumber String querystring
pageSize String querystring
  • Response:

An array of Employee objects

param name type
id Number
name String
employeetype_id String
position String

URI: get => /api/employees/[id]

  • Description: returns an array of Employee objects, for a provided id

  • Request params:

param name type param type
id Number Route
  • Response:

An array of Employee objects

param name type
id Number
name String
employeetype_id String
position String

URI: get => /api/employees/[employeetype_id]

  • Description: returns an array of Employee objects, for a provided EmployeeType id

  • Request params:

param name type param type
employeetype_id Number Route
  • Response:

An array of Employee objects

param name type
id Number
name String
employeetype_id String
position String

URI: post => /api/employees

  • Description: creates an Employee object

  • Request params:

param name type param type
name Number Body
employeetype_id String Body
position String Body
  • Response:

The created Employee object

param name type
id Number
name String
employeetype_id String
position String

URI: put/patch => /api/employees/[id]

  • Description: updates an existing Employee object

  • Request params:

param name type param type
id Number Route
id Number Body
name String Body
employeetype_id String Body
position String Body
  • Response:

The updated Employee object

param name type
id Number
name String
employeetype_id String
position String

URI: put/patch => /api/employees/[id]

  • Description: deletes an existing Employee object

  • Request params:

param name type param type
id Number Route
  • Response:

The number of deleted Employee objects

param name type
number Number

EmployeeTypes endpoint:

URI: get => /api/employeetypes

  • Description: returns an array of EmployeeType objects

  • Request params:


  • Response:

An array of EmployeeType objects

param name type
id Number
description String

URI: get => /api/employeetypes/[id]

  • Description: returns an EmployeeType object, for a provided id

  • Request params:

param name type param type
id Number Route
  • Response:

An array of Employee objects

param name type
id Number
description String

URI: post => /api/employeetypes

  • Description: creates an EmployeeType object

  • Request params:

param name type param type
description String Body
  • Response:

The created EmployeeType object

param name type
id Number
description String

URI: put/patch => /api/employeetypes/[id]

  • Description: updates an existing EmployeeType object

  • Request params:

param name type param type
id Number Route
id Number Body
description String Body
  • Response:

The updated EmployeeType object

param name type
id Number
description String

URI: delete => /api/employeetypes/[id]

  • Description: deletes an existing EmployeeType object

  • Request params:

param name type param type
id Number Route
id Number Body
description String Body
  • Response:

The number of deleted EmployeeType objects

param name type
number Number

Related Repos

Clients Manager client - Pending