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Mode Switcher Framework with Web Server Case Study


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Mode Switching Framework


In order to detect relevant reported security vulnerabilities and, in turn, to react appropriately, automation support is needed to reduce the manual effort required for these tasks. Our model-driven framework can be used for developing and managing multi-modal architectures. We support switching between modes with specific system configurations, which refer to specific software components, features, and settings. Each mode faces different security risks over time. If a vulnerability is detected, we automatically switch modes to overcome and reduce the risk until software vendors provide patches and system administrators install them.

In the context of our framework, we use modes to divide complex interconnected systems into logical, controllable, and tangible modes of operation characterized by a set of functionalities and respective configuration options. They can contain a plethora of different actions to be executed at various levels of abstraction, as modes are highly dependent on the domain and system they represent. Therefore, we define a mode as a system state where a specific configuration is active and specific functionality is provided for a period of time.

To demonstrate the feasibility and potential benefits of our approach described in Paper "A Model-based Mode-Switching-Framework based on Security Vulnerability Scores" (preprint), we performed a case study for web server security. We analyzed the time span of two years, from Feb. 2019 to Feb. 2021. We created a system configuration with commonly used components: Linux distribution Debian 10 (Buster) and two different implementations of popular web servers in its most recent version: Apache2 (v2.4.38) and nginx (v1.14.2). Additionally running on the web server, PHP (version 7.3) and FastCGI Process Manager are used to serve dynamic web content. Both web servers were selected because they provide similar functionality and work together with PHP. The web content was saved to the common /var/www directory so both web servers could access it. The combination of a web server and a PHP interpreter is used by many common content management systems (CMSs) such as WordPress, Joomla, or Typo 3. Typically, an instance of a CMS uses only a single (type of) web server. We investigate how mode switching can improve security and protect the system from reported vulnerabilities by applying our Mode Domain Specific Language (MDSL) and the accompanying mode switching framework.


  • Define modes with our Mode Domain Specific Language (MDSL)
  • Automatic Operating System (OS) detection
  • Generation of the System Configuration from the MDSL-Definition
  • Initialization with the System Configuration (modes)
  • Fetch and update Common Vulnerability Enumerations (CVEs) and Patches
  • Calculate the current severity for each mode
  • Automatic mode switch based on a changed severity
  • Optional manual mode switch
  • Show several statistics like the used software, open vulnerabilities, and historic CVEs
  • Simulate/execute scenarios

Contents of the repository

  1. Getting Started
  2. Re-run the Web Server Case Study
  3. Menu Options
  4. Command Line Options
  5. Mode Domain Specific Language (MDSL)
  6. Reproduction package (CVEs and patches)

Getting Started


  • Installed Windows or Linux: e.g., Windows 10 or Debian Buster (Mac OS may work, but was not tested)
  • Installed Java, at least 11.0.1 or newer, to run the framework: sudo apt install default-jdk

Download and Execute the Mode Switching Framework

To use the Mode Switching Framework please download the executable Java jar-file WebServerCaseStudy-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar and execute the following command to start it:

java -jar -Dexec.classpathScope=system WebServerCaseStudy-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar

You can simulate and execute mode switches based on your automatically detected operating system. After the System Configuration is generated from the MDSL-Defintion (see Details), the system is initialized.

Welcome to the Mode Switching System!
Your operating system is linux
Distribution Debian detected
Regenerate system configuration from MDSL-Defintion not neccessary
Possible modes:[[apache, apacheWithPhp, nginxOnly, nginxWithPhp]]
Welcome to the Mode Switching System!
Your operating system is windows 10
Your operating system is currently not supported!!
You can only simulate the mode switching
Regenerate system configuration from MDSL-Defintion not neccessary
Possible modes:[[apache, apacheWithPhp, nginxOnly, nginxWithPhp]]

You can choose between several options and start pre-defined scenarios in the menu.

What do you want to do? Choose an option:
[i]    Initialize
[m]    Show modes
[u]    Update CVEs, Patches and switch mode
[uv]   Update CVEs
[up]   Update Patches
[ams]  Automatic mode switch
[mms]  Manual mode switch
[s]    Show used software
[v]    Show all vulnerabilities
[vo]   Show open vulnerabilities
[vps]  Show vulnerabilities per software
[vs]   Show vulnerabilities statistics
[vsps] Show vulnerabilities statistics per software
[h]    Show mode history
[e]    Toggle mode (enabled/disabled)
[si]   Toggle simulation (on/off)
[ex]   Toggle execution (on/off)
[d]    Toggle debugging (on/off)

Start scenario:
[s1]   Start scenario vulnerability time series
[s2]   Start scenario all modes are disabled
[s3]   Start scenario all software is disabled
[s4]   Start scenario random mode order
[s5]   Start scenario mode switch duration

[q]    Quit
[? for menu]>

Re-run the Web Server Case Study

For simulating the case study, follow the steps in Getting Started, activate debugging with option d, and start scenario s1, as shown in the following output examples. To execute mode switching (optional) following extended requirements are necessary:

  • Installed and configured Apache2: sudo apt install apache2
  • Installed and configured nginx: sudo apt install nginx
  • Installed and configured PHP with FastCGI: sudo apt install php-fpm
[? for menu]> s1
Starting scenario vulnerability time series
2019-04-01 cpe:/:apache:http_server:2.4.38 [CVE-2019-0196] new vulnerability with score:5.3
2019-04-01 cpe:/:apache:http_server:2.4.38 [CVE-2019-0197] new vulnerability with score:4.2
2019-04-01 cpe:/:apache:http_server:2.4.38 [CVE-2019-0211] new vulnerability with score:7.8
2019-04-01 cpe:/:apache:http_server:2.4.38 [CVE-2019-0215] new vulnerability with score:7.5
2019-04-01 cpe:/:apache:http_server:2.4.38 [CVE-2019-0217] new vulnerability with score:7.5
2019-04-01 cpe:/:apache:http_server:2.4.38 [CVE-2019-0220] new vulnerability with score:5.3
2019-04-07 cpe:/:apache:http_server:2.4.38 [CVE-2019-0196] new patch
Automatic Mode Switch
Current mode >> null
Score        Avg      Prio  #CVE Enabled Name                    #Cnt/Starts
  0,0/  0,0  0,0/ 0,0    2  0/ 0    true nginxWithPhp               0/ 0
  0,0/  0,0  0,0/ 0,0    4  0/ 0    true nginxOnly                  0/ 0
 32,3/ 37,6  6,5/ 6,3    1  5/ 6    true apacheWithPhp              0/ 0
 32,3/ 37,6  6,5/ 6,3    3  5/ 6    true apache                     0/ 0
Suggested next mode >> nginxWithPhp
No current mode running
Complete start new mode nginxWithPhp
> /usr/bin/systemctl start nginx
> /usr/bin/systemctl start php7.3-fpm
File modes.log saved
Data serialized and saved to disk


2021-06-10 cpe:/:apache:http_server:2.4.38 [CVE-2021-26691] new patch
Automatic Mode Switch
Current mode >> nginxWithPhp
Score        Avg      Prio  #CVE Enabled Name                    #Cnt/Starts
  0,0/318,1  0,0/ 7,1    1  0/45    true apacheWithPhp              0/ 2
  0,0/207,2  0,0/ 7,1    2  0/29    true nginxWithPhp              14/ 6
  0,0/147,2  0,0/ 7,0    3  0/21    true apache                     0/ 4
  0,0/ 36,3  0,0/ 7,3    4  0/ 5    true nginxOnly                 18/ 4
Suggested next mode >> apacheWithPhp
Analyzing services of the new mode apacheWithPhp and the current mode nginxWithPhp
- currentMode stopServices:[[nginxService, phpFpmService]]
- newMode stopServices:[[apache2Service, apacheConfPhpFpmService, phpFpmService, apacheModSetenvifService, apacheModProxyFcgiService, apache2restart]]
Some services are equal and remain
- Following services remain:[[phpFpmService]]
- Following services are stopped:[[nginxService]]
> /usr/bin/systemctl stop nginx
- Following services are started:[[apache2Service, apacheModProxyFcgiService, apacheModSetenvifService, apacheConfPhpFpmService, apache2restart]]
> /usr/bin/systemctl start apache2
> /usr/sbin/a2enmod --quiet proxy_fcgi
> /usr/sbin/a2enmod --quiet setenvif
> /usr/sbin/a2enconf --quiet php7.3-fpm
> /usr/bin/systemctl restart apache2
File modes.log saved
Data serialized and saved to disk

Menu options

In the following, we describe the menu options of our framework in more detail and show some example outputs:

  • [i] Initialize - Reloads the data files from the hard drive and executes an automatic mode switch.
  • [m] Show the system's current status and information about the modes in a table. In the example, the current mode is nginxWithPhp. To calculate the next suggested mode, we order the modes ascending by the total severity score of open vulnerabilities, the average severity score of open vulnerabilities, and the mode priority. Thereby, apacheWithPhp was suggested because it had the lowest values.
    Current mode >> nginxWithPhp
    Score        Avg      Prio  #CVE Enabled Name                    #Cnt/Starts
      0,0/318,1  0,0/ 7,1    1  0/45    true apacheWithPhp              0/ 2
      0,0/207,2  0,0/ 7,1    2  0/29    true nginxWithPhp              14/ 6
      0,0/147,2  0,0/ 7,0    3  0/21    true apache                     0/ 4
      0,0/ 36,3  0,0/ 7,3    4  0/ 5    true nginxOnly                 18/ 4
    Suggested next mode >> apacheWithPhp
    The table columns are defined as follows:
    • Score: Total severity score of open vulnerabilities / Total severity score of all vulnerabilities
    • Avg: Average severity score of open vulnerabilities / Average severity score of all vulnerabilities
    • Prio: Priority of the mode (specified in the MDSL definition)
    • #CVE: Number of open vulnerabilities / Number of all vulnerabilities
    • Enabled: State of the mode (enabled/disabled)
    • Name: Name of the mode (specified in the MDSL definition)
    • #Cnt: Number of suggested switches to that mode ()
    • Starts: Number of real switches to that mode
  • [u] Update CVEs, Patches and automatically switch the mode. For details, see [uv], [up], and [ams].
  • [uv] Update CVEs for the used software versions from the National Vulnerability Database (NVD).
    refreshVulnerabilitiesPerProduct apache http_server 2.4.38
    Vulnerabilities for cpe:2.3:a:apache:http_server:2.4.38:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
    WARNING: CVE-2007-4723 was ignored, because it was published 2007 before the release year of the distribution
    [CVE-2020-11993] already known, nothing changed!
    2021-06-10 cpe:/:apache:http_server:2.4.38 [CVE-2020-13938] new vulnerability with score:2.1
  • [up] Update Patches for the used software versions (specific for each operating system distribution).
    Loading Data from Debian Security Tracker
    Package nginx found
    WARNING: CVE-2009-4487 is open, but considered as unimportant
    WARNING: Could not add patch! CVE-2018-16845 not found
    [CVE-2019-9516] already resolved!
    CVE-2021-3618 is open
  • [ams] Execute an automatic mode switch based on the next suggested mode. Therefore we order the modes ascending by the total severity score of open vulnerabilities, the average severity score of open vulnerabilities, and the mode priority.
  • [mms] Open dialog for manual mode switch based on the decision of the operator.
  • [s] Show the used software of the modes.
    Used Software
    key: cpe:/:nginx:nginx:1.14.2 value: cpe:/:nginx:nginx:1.14.2
    key: cpe:/:apache:http_server:2.4.38 value: cpe:/:apache:http_server:2.4.38
    key: cpe:/:php:php:7.3.5 value: cpe:/:php:php:7.3.5
  • [v] Show all vulnerabilities (CVEs) with the published date, the CVE number, the severity score, the resolved date, and the duration in days between the two dates.
    Date       CVE            Score Resolved   Duration
    2019-04-01 CVE-2019-0196    5,3 2019-04-07        6
    2019-04-01 CVE-2019-0197    4,2 2019-04-07        6
    2019-04-01 CVE-2019-0211    7,8 2019-04-07        6
  • [vo] In the following table, we show only open vulnerabilities (CVEs) with no patches from the operating system distribution. Table structure, see [v].
    Date       CVE            Score Resolved   Duration
    2019-04-01 CVE-2019-0196    5,3 2019-04-07        6
    2019-04-01 CVE-2019-0197    4,2 2019-04-07        6
    2019-04-01 CVE-2019-0211    7,8 2019-04-07        6
  • [vps] In the following table, we show all vulnerabilities (CVEs) per software. Table structure, see [v].
    Vulnerabilities per software
    cpe:/:nginx:nginx:1.14.2 Vulnerabilities
    Date       CVE            Score Resolved   Duration
    2019-08-13 CVE-2019-9511    7,5 2019-08-13        0
    2019-08-13 CVE-2019-9513    7,5 2019-08-13        0
    2019-08-13 CVE-2019-9516    6,5 2019-08-13        0
  • [vs] Show the overall vulnerability statistics. In the following example, we had in total 75 vulnerabilities in total: 19 are open/active, and 56 have been patched. The table shows statistics about the severity score and the days until a vulnerability was pached. The first row shows the total severity score sum of all vulnerabilities of 493.2, the average severity score of all vulnerabilities of 6.6, the minimum severity score of 2.1 from CVE-2020-13938, and the maximum severity score of 9.8 from CVE-2019-11043. The second row shows the total duration in days of all vulnerabilities to patch them. On average, providing the patch took nine days, the fastest patch of CVE-2021-23017 took -4 days, and the slowest patch of CVE-2021-21705 took 29 days.
    Overall Vulnerability Statistic
    75 Vulnerabilities: 19 active, 56 patched
    Type       Total   Avg   Min                 Max
    Score      493,2   6,6   2,1 CVE-2020-13938   9,8 CVE-2019-11043 
    Days4Patch 520     9,0  -4   CVE-2021-23017  29   CVE-2021-21705 
  • [vsps] Similar to [vs], this table shows the vulnerability statistics per software
    Vulnerabilities statistics per software
    cpe:/:nginx:nginx:1.14.2 Vulnerabilty Statistic
    5 Vulnerabilities: 0 active, 5 patched
    Type       Total   Avg   Min                 Max
    Score       36,3   7,3   5,3 CVE-2019-20372   9,5 CVE-2021-23017 
    Days4Patch  -2     0,0  -4   CVE-2021-23017   2   CVE-2019-20372 
  • [h] Show the historical log of the system. For example, when vulnerabilities were refreshed and how long it took.
    2023-02-02 15:53:46;refreshVulnerabilities;796007400
    2023-02-02 15:55:30;refreshPatches;780302700
    2023-02-02 15:57:46;apacheWithPhp;0.0;nginxWithPhp;0.0;0;0
  • [e] Enable or disable modes. Disabled modes are not considered during automatic mode switching [ams].
  • [si] Enable or disable the simulation of another operating system (e.g., Linux).
  • [ex] Enable the real execution of the system commands to switch modes or show the commands only (disabled).
  • [d] Enable debugging for pauses between mode switches (useful for the scenarios).
  • [q] Quit the software.

Additionally, we support the following scenarios with the framwork:

  • [s1] Start scenario vulnerability time series. See Re-run the Web Server Case Study.
  • [s2] Start scenario all modes are disabled to enable needed modes manually.
  • [s3] Start scenario all software is disabled to manually
  • [s4] Start scenario random mode order to perform evaluations
  • [s5] Start scenario mode switch duration to perform evaluations

Command line options

The framework supports the following options per command line. For details about the functionality, see Menu Options.

modeswitcher init					initalize the system (default mode)
modeswitcher update				updates vulns and patches (auto mode switch)
modeswitcher update [cves|patches] updates vulns or patches (auto mode switch)
modeswitcher to MODE				manual mode switch to MODE
modeswitcher scenario [s1-s5]		start screnario S1-S5


Please cite the following paper if you use this repository in your research.

  author =       {Michael Riegler, Johannes Sametinger, Michael Vierhauser, Manuel Wimmer},
  title =        {Mode Switching Framework},
  howpublished = {\url{[](}},
  year =         {2022}


We appreciate all contributions to improve the Mode Switching Framework. Please contact us.


For any questions, feel free to contact Michael Riegler: michael DOT riegler [@]