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Conversa DITA Publisher

alt text Conversa is an open source graphical user interface for DITA Converter (ditac) from XMLmind that you can use to easily publish your DITA projects in multiple formats.

Conversa works right out of the box. Just install it and generate PDF, HTML, EPUB or Web Help from your DITA files using the default configuration.

The output formats supported by Conversa are:

  • PDF
  • HTML
  • EPUB 2 & 3
  • PostScript
  • Eclipse Help
  • Web Help & Web Help with HTML5
  • HTML Help
  • XSL-FO
  • RTF
  • DOCX
  • ODT


Ready to use installers are available at

Building Yourself

You need Java 17 and Apache Ant 1.10.12 or newer

  • Checkout this repository
  • Point your JAVA_HOME variabe to JDK 17
  • Copy the appropriate version of swt.jar from /SWT folder to /lib
  • Download ditac plus fop package from
  • Unzip the downloaded package into a folder named ditac
  • Run ant compile to recompile the source code if you made changes
  • Get a JRE (Java Runtme Environment) from Adoptium and save it in a folder named jre

Use the .bat or .sh launchers included in the project to run Conversa.