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  • Encode : 入力ストリームのバイナリをBase64にエンコードし、出力ストリームに書き出す
  • Decode : 入力ストリームのBase64テキストを、バイナリストリームとして出力する


Notes/Domino 9.0.1 over



Sub Initialize
	Dim session As New NotesSession
	Dim fileIn As NotesStream
	Set fileIn = session.Createstream()
	'Call fileIn.Open("doclink.gif", "binary")
	Call fileIn.Open(Timer() & ".txt", "UTF-8")
	Call fileIn.Writetext("a", EOL_NONE)
	fileIn.Position = 0
	Dim base64 As New CBase64
	If Not base64.Encode(fileIn) = 0 Then
		Error Err, Error
	End If
	Dim fileOut As NotesStream
	Set fileOut = session.Createstream()
	Call fileOut.Open(Timer() & ".txt", "ASCII")
	If Not base64.Export(Fileout) = 0 Then
		Error Err, Error
	End If
	Call fileOut.Close()
	Dim base64String As String
	base64String = base64.ToString()
	Print Now ":" base64String '->YQ==
End Sub


Sub Initialize
	Dim ss As New NotesSession
	Dim stream As NotesStream
	Set stream = ss.Createstream()
	Call & ".txt", "ASCII")
	Call stream.Writetext("YQ==", EOL_NONE) 'YQ== -> a
	Dim base64 As New CBase64
	If Not base64.Decode(stream) = 0 Then
		Error Err, Error
	End If
	Set stream = ss.Createstream()
	Call & ".txt", "UTF-8")
	If not base64.Export(stream) = 0 Then
		Error Err, Error
	End If
	Call stream.close()
	Dim base64String As String
	base64String = base64.ToString()
	Print Now ":" & base64String ' empty
End Sub


Class CBase64
	Sub New()
		Me.zBufferLlength = 255
		Me.zLineLength = 0
		Me.zPadding = "="
	End Sub
	Sub Delete()
		If Not Me.zFileOut Is Nothing Then
			Call Me.zFileOut.Truncate()
			Call Me.zFileOut.Close()
		End If
	End Sub
	'@param {Long} LineLength
	' (default) 0
	' exp. 76
	Property Set LineLength As Long
		Me.zLineLength = LineLength
		If Not Me.zLineLength = 0 Then
			If Me.zEOL = EOL_NONE Then
				Me.zEOL = EOL_CRLF
			End If
		End If
	End Property
	'@param {Long} EOL
	' (default) EOL_NONE
	' exp. EOL_CR_LF
	Property Set EOL As Long
		Me.zEOL = EOL
		If Not Me.zEOL = EOL_NONE Then
			Me.zLineLength = 76
			Me.zLineLength = 0
		End If
	End Property
	'@param {String} Padding
	' (default) =
	Property Set Padding As String
		Me.zPadding = Padding
	End Property
	'Returns the stored data as text.
	'@return {String}
	'	Encoded or decoded binary data.
	'	The result of encoding is stored as ASCII code,
	'	but the result of decoding is stored as binary data,
	'	so it may not meet your expectations.
	Function ToString() As String
		Me.zFileOut.Position = 0
		ToString = Me.zFileOut.Readtext
	End Function
	'Exporting retained data.
	'If you want to export text,
	'you need to specify the character encoding for the Stream.
	'@param {NotesStream} fileOut
	'	stream to write the encoded or decoded binary data to.
	'@return {Integer}
	'	If there is an error, the error number.
	Function Export(fileOut As NotesStream) As Integer
		On Error GoTo ErrorHandle
		If Me.zFileOut Is Nothing Then
			Exit Function
		End If
		Me.zFileOut.Position = 0
		Do Until Me.zFileOut.Iseos = True
			Call fileOut.Write(Me.zFileOut.Read(Me.zBufferLlength))
		Exit Function
		Export = Err
		Exit Function
	End Function
	' Text or Binary -> Base64
	'@param {NotesStream} fileIn
	'	Data stream to encode. text or binary.
	'@return {Integer}
	'	If there is an error, the error number.
	Function Encode(fileIn As NotesStream) As Integer
		On Error GoTo ErrorHandle
		Dim ss As New NotesSession
		Dim base64 As NotesStream
		Set base64 = ss.Createstream()
		Call base64.Open(Timer() & ".base64", "ASCII")
		Dim bit6 As String
		Dim charCount As Long
		fileIn.Position = 0
		Do Until fileIn.Iseos = True
			Dim chunk As Variant
			chunk = fileIn.Read(Me.zBufferLlength)
			ForAll c In chunk
				Dim piese As Byte
				piese = c
				'byte -> bit8
				Dim bit8 As String
				If Not Me.zByteToBit(piese, bit8) = 0 Then
					Error Err, Error
				End If
				'bit8 -> bit6
				Dim p As Byte
				Dim char As String
				For p = 1 To 8
					bit6 = bit6 & Mid(bit8, p, 1)
					'Process until 6 bits are complete
					If Len(bit6) = 6 Then
						'bit6 -> char
						If Not Me.zBit6ToChar(bit6, char) = 0 Then
							Error Err, Error
						End If
						'add stream
						Call base64.Writetext(char, EOL_NONE)
						charCount = charCount + 1
						If charCount = Me.zLineLength Then
							Call base64.Writetext("", Me.zEOL)
							charCount = 0
						End If
						'Clear after processing
						bit6 = ""
					End If
			End ForAll
		'Not cleared
		If Not bit6 = "" Then
			'Less than 6 bits
			If Len(bit6) < 6 Then
				bit6 = bit6 & String(6-Len(bit6), "0")
			End If
			'bit -> char
			If Not Me.zBit6ToChar(bit6, char) = 0 Then
				Error Err, Error
			End If
			'add stream
			Call base64.Writetext(char, EOL_NONE)
			charCount = charCount + 1
			If charCount = Me.zLineLength Then
				Call base64.Writetext("", Me.zEOL)
				charCount = 0
			End If
			'Clear after processing
			bit6 = ""
		End If
		'The output string is less than four characters long
		If Not Me.zPadding = "" Then
			Do Until (base64.Bytes) Mod 4 = 0
				'Fill with "="
				Call base64.Writetext(Me.zPadding, EOL_NONE)
				charCount = charCount + 1
				If charCount = Me.zLineLength Then
					Call base64.Writetext("", Me.zEOL)
					charCount = 0
				End If
		End If
		base64.Position = 0
		Set Me.zFileOut = base64
		Exit Function
		Encode = Err
		Exit Function
	End Function
	'Base64 -> Binary
	'@param {NotesStream} base64
	'	A base64 encoded text stream.
	'@return {Integer}
	'	If there is an error, the error number.
	Function Decode(base64 As NotesStream) As Integer
		On Error GoTo ErrorHandle
		Dim ss As New NotesSession
		Dim stream As NotesStream
		Dim base64Char As String
		base64Char = Me.zBase64Char
		'All processed as binary data
		Set stream = ss.Createstream()
		Call stream.Open(Timer() & ".tmp", "binary")
		base64.Position = 0
		Do Until base64.Iseos = True
			Dim buffer As String
			buffer = base64.Readtext
			Do Until buffer = ""
				'buffer -> char
				Dim char As String
				char = Mid(buffer, 1, 1)
				buffer = Mid(buffer, 2)
				'char -> byte
				Dim p As Byte
				p = InStr(1, base64Char, char, 0)
				If p = 0 Then
					GoTo NextChar
				End If
				'byte -> bit8
				Dim bit6 As String
				If Not Me.zByteToBit(p-1, bit6) = 0 Then
					Error Err, Error
				End If
				'bit8 -> bit6
				bit6 = Right(bit6, 6)
				Dim bit8 As String
				For p = 1 To Len(bit6)
					bit8 = bit8 & Mid(bit6, p, 1)
					If Len(bit8) = 8 Then
						Dim chunk(0) As Byte
						chunk(0) = CByte("&B" & bit8)
						Call stream.Write(chunk)
						bit8 = ""
					End If
		Set Me.zFileOut = stream
		Exit Function
		Decode = Err
		Exit Function
	End Function
	' private ---
	Private zFileOut As NotesStream
	Private zBufferLlength As Long
	Private zLineLength As Long
	Private zEOL As Long
	Private zPadding As String
	Private Property Get zBase64Char As String
		zBase64Char = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
	End Property
	Private Function zByteToBit(piese As Byte, bit As String) As Integer
		On Error GoTo ErrorHandle
		'byte -> bit
		bit = Bin$(piese)
		' If it is less than 8 bits, adjust it to fit
		bit = Right("00000000" & bit, 8)
		Exit Function
		zByteToBit = Err
		Exit Function
	End Function
	Private Function zBit6ToChar(bit6 As String, char As String) As Integer
		On Error GoTo ErrorHandle
		'bit -> byte
		Dim pos As Byte
		pos = CByte("&B" & bit6) + 1
		'byte -> char
		char = Mid(Me.zBase64Char, pos, 1)
		Exit Function
		zBit6ToChar = Err
		Exit Function
	End Function
End Class






