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NPM Scripts

Basic Development

  • npm start starts a development server

Production Build

  • npm run build builds a production build into ./dist

  • npm run package packages the bundled ./dist into an electron program

  • npm run package-all packages the bundled ./dist into an electron program for all platforms

  • npm run build-package runs build and package

  • npm run build-all runs build and package-all

ESLint and Code Style

  • npm run lint runs eslint
  • npm run lint-fix runs eslint with auto-fix

Unit Testing

  • npm run test runs the tests

There are a couple extra NPM Scripts which do useful things, but they require extra dependencies installed:

  • npm run cloc runs Count Lines of Code, which can be installed with npm i -g cloc (requires perl also)
  • npm run gource runs Gource, a visualization tool, and outputs a mp4 at gource.mp4
    • It requires Gource to be installed already
    • If running on windows, you need to also install ffmpeg
    • If running on linux, you need to install libav, details inside