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Refiner Flutter SDK

1) Installation

  • To use this plugin, add refiner_flutter as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

    Pub Version (including pre-releases)

  refiner_flutter: ^[version]


  • Run command pod install in your ios directory

2) Usage

Visit our documentation for more information about how to use the SDK methods.

Initialization & Configuration

Initialize the SDK in your application with the needed configuration parameters.

The second parameter is for activating a debug mode during development. If activated, the SDK will log all interactions with the Refiner backend servers.

import 'package:refiner_flutter/refiner_flutter.dart';

await Refiner.initialize(projectId: 'PROJECT_ID', debugMode: false);

Identify User

Call Identify User to create or update user traits in Refiner.

The first parameter is the userId of your logged-in user and is the only mandatory parameter.

The second parameter is an object of user traits. You can provide an empty object if you don't want to send any user traits to your Refiner account.

var userTraits = {
  'email': '',
  'a_number': 123,
  'a_date': '2022-16-04 12:00:00'

await Refiner.identifyUser(userId: 'my-user-id', userTraits: userTraits);

The third parameter is for setting the locale of a user and is optional. The expected format is a two letter ISO 639-1 language code. When provided, the locale code is used for launching surveys for specific languages, as well as launching translated sureys. You can set the value to null if you are not using any language specific features.

The fourth parameter is an optional Identity Verification signature. We recommend to use a Identify Verification signature for increased security in a production environment. For development purposes, you can set this value to null.

var userTraits = {
  'email': '',
  'a_number': 123,
  'a_date': '2022-16-04 12:00:00'

awaitRefiner.identifyUser(userId: 'my-user-id',userTraits: userTraits,locale: 'LOCALE',signature: 'SIGNATURE');

Set User

The Set User method acts as an alternative to the Identify User method described above.

In contrast to the Identify User method, the Set User method does not immediately create a user object in your Refiner account. The provided user Id and traits are kept locally in your app and no data is communicated to our servers at first. Only when the user performs a meaningful action in your app (e.g. Track Event or Track Screen is executed) will a user object be created in Refiner. Provided user traits will be attached to the user object when a survey is shown.

The purpose of this alternative method is provide a way to identify users locally when the SDK is initialised but keep the number of tracked users in your Refiner account to a minimum.

var userTraits = {
  'email': '',
  'a_number': 123,
  'a_date': '2022-16-04 12:00:00'

awaitRefiner.setUser(userId: 'my-user-id',userTraits: userTraits,locale: 'LOCALE',signature: 'SIGNATURE');

Track Event

Track Event lets you track user events. Tracked events can be used to create user segments and target audiences in Refiner.

await Refiner.trackEvent('EVENT_NAME');

Track Screen

Track Screen lets you to track screen that user is currently on. Screen information can be used to launch surveys in specific areas of your app.

We recommend to track screens on which you might want to show a survey one day. There is no need to systematically track all screens of your app.

await Refiner.trackScreen('SCREEN_NAME');


Depending on your setup, you might want to initiate regular checks for surveys that are scheduled for the current user. For example when you are using time based trigger events, or when a target audience is based on user data received by our backend API.

The Ping method provides an easy way to perform such checks. You can call the Ping method at key moments in a user's journey, such as when the app is re-opened, or when the user performs a specific action.


Show Form

If you use the Manual Trigger Event for your survey, you need to call Show Form whenever you want to launch the survey.

await Refiner.showForm('FORM_UUID');

The second parameter is a boolean value to force the display of the survey and bypass all targeting rules which were set in the Refiner dashboard. Setting the parameter to true can be helpful when testing the SDK. In production, the parameter should be set to false.

await Refiner.showForm('FORM_UUID', force: true);

Attach Contextual Data

Attach contextual data to the survey submissions with addToResponse. Set null to remove the contextual data.

var contextualData = { 'some_data': 'hello', 'some_more_data': 'hello again'};
await Refiner.addToResponse(contextualData);

Start user session

A new user session is automatically detected when a user returns to your application after at least one hour of inactivity. You can choose to manually start a new user session with the method shown below. You can call this method for example right after a user opens your app.

await Refiner.startSession();

Reset User

Call Reset User to reset the user identifier previously set through Identify User. We recommend calling this method when the user logs out from your app.

await Refiner.resetUser();

Set Project

Change the environment UUID during runtime, after the SDK has been initialised.

await Refiner.setProject('PROJECT_ID');

Close Surveys

Close a survey programmatically without sending any information to the backend API with the closeForm method.

await Refiner.closeForm('FORM_UUID');

Close a survey programmatically and send a "dismissed at" timestamp to the backend server with the dismissForm method.

await Refiner.dismissForm('FORM_UUID');

Register callback functions

Registering callback functions allows you to execute any code at specific moments in the lifecycle of a survey. A popular use-case for callback functions is to redirect a user to a new screen once they completed a survey.

onBeforeShow gets called right before a survey is supposed to be shown.

Refiner.addListener("onBeforeShow", (value) {

onNavigation gets called when the user moves through the survey

Refiner.addListener("onNavigation", (value) {

onShow gets called when a survey widget becomes visible to your user.

Refiner.addListener("onShow", (value) {

onClose gets called when the survey widgets disappears from the screen.

Refiner.addListener("onClose", (value) {

onDismiss gets called when the user dismissed a survey by clicking on the “x” in the top right corner.

Refiner.addListener("onDismiss", (value) {

onComplete gets called when the user completed (submitted) a survey.

Refiner.addListener('onComplete', (args) {