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Takatoshi Kondo edited this page Aug 28, 2019 · 3 revisions

Continuous Integration

Compiling and tests

  • Passing travis-ci is mandatory
    • To see compile and test log, first click Details link
  • Passing azure devops build pipelines is mandatory
    • To see compile and test log, first click Details link and then clien View more details on Azure Pipelines link.


  • Passing codecov check is not mandatory
    • Current codecov doesn't pass if coverage is decreased but it sometimes happens.
    • New code that is not covered by tests is not accepted.
      • Please add test to cover added code.
    • Updating code sometimes decrease coverage very small percentage, it is acceptable. I merge that kind of pull request.

Setup CI on your account

When you send a pull request to mqtt_cpp, then CI process will start. You might want to execute CI process before you send the pull request. You can do that. You can setup CI environment on your account, and then comment out the following line.


if: type != push OR branch = master OR branch =~ /^v\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?(-\S*)?$/

This is a filter that only kick the CI process if pull request is sent. If you comment out it, then any push can kick the CI process. You need to temporary commit, and then push it. After CI checking, you remove the temporary commit, and then send the pull request to mqtt_cpp.