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Meeting Notes 20180210

realsosy edited this page Mar 6, 2018 · 2 revisions
  • 일시: 2018/02/10 (10:00 ~ 11:15 AM)
  • 참석자: WT, CH, KH, KP
  • 논의 사항
    • Contents 할당
    • 교육 범위
    • 매뉴얼 정리 방법

Contents 할당

  1. (WT) Getting Started HW Setup & Quick-Start
  2. (WT) How to use Software Framework Tools? eclipse, make, doxygen, graphviz
  3. (WT) How to study AURIX?
  4. (WT) What is iLLD (infinenon low level driver)
  5. (group1) Twinkle twinkle little star STM & PORT
  6. (group1) Hello world ASC & Terminal
  7. (group1) Multi channel voltmeter Vadc Background Scan + Bluetooth terminal (Optional)
    • ADC value를 read하여 bluetooth로 전송
  8. (group1) My own cheap oscilloscope Vadc Auto Scan + Serial Plot
    • 파형 표시
  9. (group1) Line Scan Camera TSL1401
  10. (group2) Chronos ruler GtmTomTimer + Beeper, Servo
  11. (group2) Synchronized PWM GtmTomPwmHl + H-Bridge
    • H-Bridge 구동 방식이 여러 종류 존재
    • Bi-polar PWM 방식으로 설정 되어 있음
  12. (group2) Where are you? Gpt12 + Encoder
    • Gpt: General Purpose Timer
    • input capture와 pulse accumulator 사전 습득
  13. (group1) My own terminal Shell
    • Serial Port 사용
  14. (group2) TFT as modern Man-Machine Interface
    • line scan 정보 디스플레이 목적
  15. (group2) Multiple infinite loops Static Cyclic Scheduler
  16. (WT) OSEK-Certified ErikaOS & RT-Druid

교육 범위

  • 9, 14는 교육에서 제외 -> self-study
  • MATLAB 기반 Code generation 자료 만들되, 교육 여부는 향후 결정

매뉴얼 정리 방법

  • Documentation
    • doxygen
    • markdown


  • pin map 재설정
  • (WT) 형상관리
  • (WT) doxygen 양식


  • Bluetooth 모듈
    • RX, TX 라인 크로스로 ECU 연결
    • 9600 bps 설정
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