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Environment aware scripts

Rodel E. Dagumampan edited this page Feb 10, 2020 · 6 revisions

Environment-aware scripts are sql files that targets specific environment. For example,you may want to create big tables in Production with dedicated SQL Server file group, apply partition functions and partition schemes, and customize index fill factor but you don't need this in Development and Test environments. Another example is applying permissions by script that's different in Non-Production and Production environments.

Organize your repository

Any directory inside yuniql standard directories (_init,_pre,_vxx.xx,_draft,_post,_erase) that starts with underscore (_) represents an environment. To organize your repository, you may create _dev, _test, and _prod inside those directories or in any sub-directories.

Example #1: Organizes script by directory

+ _development
    - setup_tables.sql
+ _test
    - setup_tables.sql
+ _staging
    - setup_tables.sql
+ _production
    - setup_tables.sql

Example #1: Organizes script in sub-directory

+ setup-tables
  + _development
      - setup_tables.sql
  + _test
      - setup_tables.sql
  + _staging
      - setup_tables.sql
  + _production
      - setup_tables.sql

Run migrations

Repositories organized with environment-aware scripts requires that environment code is pass during migration. Yuniql will throw exception and fail the migration when no environment code passed into CLI or API.

yuniql run -a --environment DEVELOPMENT
yuniql run -a --environment TEST
yuniql run -a --environment STAGING
yuniql run -a --environment PRODUCTION

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