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A Twitch IRC abstraction layer for Godot Engine.


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TwitchIRCClient Made for Godot 4.0+

A Twitch IRC client for Godot Engine.

An abstraction layer for the Twitch IRC API, over a WebSocket connection, that makes it possible for games and applications created with Godot Engine to interact with Twitch channels.

NOTE: This is a pure GDScript implementation. If you're developing Twitch chat integrations with Godot Engine and C#, try TwitchLib.

How to get it

  • Through the editor: Open your project and browse the AssetLib for TwitchIRCClient, download and install it.

  • Manually: Download the latest release from this repository and copy the addons/twitch_irc_client directory into your res://addons directory.

You don't need to activate the plugin in your project to start using it: TwitchIRCClient is just a node!


Below is a minimal reproducible working sample. A more elaborate project can be found in this repository, inside the demo folder.

Before testing, you must register a Twitch app and obtain an OAuth token with at least the chat:read and chat:edit scopes to access the Twitch IRC API. Please read the Twitch Developers documentation to learn more.

extends Node

func _ready() -> void:
  # Assuming TwitchIRCClient is a child node of this scene.

func _on_connection_opened() -> void:
  # Replace <nick> and <OAuth Token> with the account name using the plugin and
  # its generated token.
  $TwitchIRCClient.authenticate("<nick>", "<OAuth Token>")

func _on_authentication_completed(was_successful: bool) -> void:
  # Replace <twitch channel> with the channel name whose chat box you want to
  # read. It must be prefixed by a `#` sign.
  if was_successful:
    $TwitchIRCClient.join("#<twitch channel>")

func _on_joined() -> void:
  $TwitchIRCClient.send("Bot is ready.")

# Optional: log and inspect received messages.
func _logger(raw_messages: String, timestamp: String) -> void:
  for message in raw_messages.strip_edges().split("\r\n", false):
    prints(timestamp, message)

func _on_message_received(message: String, username: String, tags: Dictionary) -> void:
  # An example how chat "commands" could be handled.
  match message.get_slice(" ", 0).to_lower():
    "gl", "glgl", "glhf": # Tip: prefixes can be anything, or nothing at all!!
      # Extract messages metadata
      $TwitchIRCClient.send("%s VoHiYo" % tags["display-name"])
      # Reply to previous messages
      $TwitchIRCClient.send("You rolled a %d" % randi_range(1, 6), {"reply-parent-msg-id": tags["id"]})

See the API documentation, browsing the "Search Help" function of the editor, for more details.


The purpose of this add-on is to manage a single WebSocket connection to the Twitch's IRC API, providing only the functionality to handle its message flow, and their respective metadata, sent and received through a channel's chat.

For this reason, some features found in other add-ons are deliberately missing:

  • Chat "commands": TwitchIRCClient has no opinion on how you should create and provide such interactions. Therefore, developers have complete freedom to design their own use cases however they want.

  • Connect and manage other APIs: connecting to other APIs (e.g. PubSub, EventSub etc.) is not supported by this plugin.

  • Manage OAuth access tokens: TwitchIRCClient should be paired with another add-on to obtain, validate and refresh access tokens.

Additionally, the ability to manage multiple channel connections at once will not be implemented in the library for the time being.
