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Crypto News


Crypto News is an open-source Android Kotlin application that provides users with the latest news about cryptocurrencies. The app is designed by Mahdi Razzaghi Ghaleh and implemented with an MVI architecture using use-cases. To retrieve data from the network, it uses Retrofit, and Dependency Injection is done using Koin. Additionally, Glide is employed to load images.

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The app is built on an MVI architecture, which stands for Model-View-Intent. This makes it easy to separate the different components of the app and maintain a clean codebase.

The app has several features that users would love, including:

  1. Paging: The app uses paging to load news items in batches, reducing the time it takes to load the app.

  2. Filtering and Searching: Users can filter and search for news items using different criteria such as keyword, time, or source.

  3. API Key: However, it's essential to note that you must add the API key in build.gradle for it to function correctly. To get the API key, you can visit and follow the instructions provided.

Main Filtering

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Technology and Library Used:

To make the app fast, efficient, and user-friendly, several technologies and libraries were employed. These include:

  1. Retrofit: Retrofit is used to retrieve data from the network. It is an HTTP client library for Android and Java that makes it easy to parse JSON data.

  2. Koin: Koin is a dependency injection library that makes it easy to declare, inject, and manage dependencies in your app.

  3. Glide: Glide is a fast and powerful image loading library that enables images to load seamlessly in the app.


Crypto News enables users to stay informed on the latest developments in the cryptocurrency industry. Utilising an MVI architecture, paging, filtering, and searching capabilities, the app provides a seamless and friendly user experience. With the efficient technologies and libraries employed, such as Retrofit, Koin, and Glide, the app ensures a fast and smooth performance.