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Laravel Model unique identifier (MUID)

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Laravel package to generate a random ID with your prefix for your Eloquent models


Eloquent MUID

Available 3 lengths of Muid

MUID Char count
tiny 16 char
small 24 char
standard 36 char

the length can be altered from the config file if you wish.

Laravel Package
v8.* v1.*
v9.* v2.*
v10.* v3.*


You can install the package via Composer:

composer require rawaby88/muid


You can extend the provided model classes, or by using a trait

Extending model

When creating an Eloquent model, instead of extending the standard Laravel model class, extend from the model class provided by this package:

namespace App\Models;

use Rawaby88\Muid\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Organization extends Model
	 * The "prefix" of the MUID.
	 * @var string
	protected $keyPrefix = 'org_';

Extending user model

Extending the User class provided by this package:


namespace App\Models;

use \Rawaby88\Muid\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;

class User extends Authenticatable
	 * The "prefix" of the MUID.
	 * @var string
	protected $keyPrefix = 'user_';

Using trait

As an alternative to extending the classes in the examples above, you also have the ability to use the provided trait instead


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Rawaby88\Muid\Database\Eloquent\Muid;

class Organization extends Model
    use Muid;
	 * The "prefix" of the MUID.
	 * @var string
	protected $keyPrefix = 'organization_';


in order to generate the prefix for your muid, you will need to provide this information in the model itself by adding $keyPrefix, if no prefix provided muid will be generated without prefix

 * The "prefix" of the MUID.
 * @var string
protected $keyPrefix = 'example_';

Creating models

In addition to the make:model artisan command, you will now have access to muid:make:model which has all the functionality of the standard make:model command (with the exception of not being able to create a pivot model):

php artisan muid:make:model Models/Organization --all

Database migration

This package includes all types to generate your MUID in an easy way

lists of available Blueprints:

Blueprint Size Description
primaryMuid 36 Create a new muid column as the primary key(s) for the table
muid 36 Create a new muid column on the table
foreignMuid 36 Create a new muid column on the table with a foreign key constraint
muidMorphs 36 Add the proper columns for a polymorphic table using MUIDs
nullableMuidMorphs 36 Add nullable columns for a polymorphic table using MUIDs
primarySmallMuid 24 Create a new muid column as the primary key(s) for the table
smallMuid 24 Create a new muid column on the table
foreignSmallMuid 24 Create a new muid column on the table with a foreign key constraint
muidSmallMorphs 24 Add the proper columns for a polymorphic table using MUIDs
nullableSmallMuidMorphs 24 Add nullable columns for a polymorphic table using MUIDs
primaryTinyMuid 16 Create a new muid column as the primary key(s) for the table
tinyMuid 16 Create a new muid column on the table
foreignTinyMuid 16 Create a new muid column on the table with a foreign key constraint
muidTinyMorphs 16 Add the proper columns for a polymorphic table using MUIDs
nullableTinyMuidMorphs 16 Add nullable columns for a polymorphic table using MUIDs

Migration example


Schema::create( 'model_with_primaryMuid_test', function ( Blueprint $table ): void
    $table->primaryMuid( 'id' );
    $table->string( 'name' );
} );

Schema::create( 'model_with_muid_test', function ( Blueprint $table ): void
    $table->muid( 'id' )->primary();
    $table->string( 'name' );
} );

Schema::create( 'model_with_foreignMuid_test', function ( Blueprint $table ): void
    $table->muid( 'id' )->primary();
    $table->foreignMuid( 'model_with_muid_test_id' )->constrained( 'model_with_muid_test' );
} );

Schema::create( 'model_with_muidMorph_test', function ( Blueprint $table ): void
    $table->muid( 'id' )->primary();
    $table->muidMorphs( 'testable' );
} );

Schema::create( 'model_with_nullableMuidMorphs_test', function ( Blueprint $table ): void
    $table->muid( 'id' )->primary();
    $table->nullableMuidMorphs( 'testable' );
} );

Schema::create( 'model_without_muid_test', function ( Blueprint $table ): void
    $table->primaryMuid( 'id' );
} );

Publish Config

Once done, publish the config to your config folder using:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Rawaby88\Muid\MuidServiceProvider"


| Muid length
| Here you can change the MUID length.
| remember that length include [prefix, timestamp(6)chars] and the rest will be random bits
| recommended to have minimum of 16 chars
'tiny_muid_length'  => 16,
'small_muid_length' => 24,
'muid_length'       => 36,

| Random string strings
| Recommended not to change
'alfa_small'   => 'abcdefghilkmnopqrstuvwxyz',
'digits'       => '0123456789',

| Capital Char options
| Set it to FALSE if you wish not to use capital letters in the generated MUID
'allow_capital' => TRUE,


composer test


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If you discover any security-related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

Laravel Package Boilerplate

This package was generated using the Laravel Package Boilerplate.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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