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cell2sentence workflow image

Reframing cells as sentences of genes, ordered by expression. Please read the manuscript on bioRxiv for methodological details and examples.


Stable Setup

Install cell2sentence from PyPI with

pip install cell2sentence

Convert Anndata Object to Cell Sentences

After your data is loaded into a standard AnnData adata object, you may create a cell2sentence object with:

import cell2sentence as cs

csdata = cs.transforms.csdata_from_adata(adata)

and generate a list of cell sentences with:

sentences = csdata.create_sentence_lists()

A tutorial script showing how to use pretrained word vectors to analyze the pbmc3k dataset used by Seurat and scanpy in their guided clustering tutorials is available at tutorials/

Training Models with Cell Sentences

The .create_sentence_lists() and .create_sentence_strings() functions can both be used to interface with a wide variety of tools. Exact transformations required will vary from tool to too.


As an example, some guidance on training a Word2Vec model in gensim is provided here. A tutorial from the gensim team is also available here.

For a quickstart, once you have a csdata object, you can run:

import gensim

sentences = csdata.create_sentence_lists()
model = gensim.models.Word2Vec(sentences=sentences,

The model can then be queried directly, for example, to find the top 10 genes most similar to 'CD8B' in the embedding, you can run:


For more details, consult the gensim documentation.

Further Notes

As a note, the pretrained models stored in this repository are saved instances of gensim KeyedVectors.

If you train any models on your own data, please submit them as a pull request or through correspondence to rahul.dhodapkar {at} so others can use them! If you prototype any new uses for cell sentences, please reach out so it can be included here.

Development Setup

Create a conda environment using python3 using anaconda with:

conda create -n cell2sentence python=3.8

and activate the environment with

conda activate cell2sentence

finally, you can install the latest development version of cell2sentence by running

make install

which simply uses pip -e.

Loading Data

All data used in the bioRxiv manuscript are publicly available, and details are outlined in the file in this repository.


Create cell sentences from sequencing data







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