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Hackerrank Python Solutions (Topic wise)

Hackerrank Python solutions done topic wise. Tricky solutions are explained and multiple solutions are mentioned if applicable.

Important Tips Topic-wise


  • Can also input multiple numbers like this(when numbers entered on new line) : a,b= [int(input()) for _ in range(2)]
  • input N and X separated by space(N,X are integers): N,X = map(int,input().split())

Basic Data Types



  • Update,Union,Intersection,Difference
  • add
  • remove,discard,pop
  • set mutations - A.update(B),A.intersection_update(B)


  • Complex numbers-> cmath module

    • Convert a+bj form to complex number z using complex()
    • Convert complex number z to polar coordinates:r and phi
    • r: abs(complex(z))
    • phi: cmath.phase(complex(z))
  • It's also possible to calculate pow(a,b,m)


  • itertools.product - combination of cartesian products.
 print(*(list(itertools.product(A,B)))) # * will print all elements in the list.
  • itertools.permutations


  • counter
  • Data = namedtuple('Data', columns)
  • OrderedDict: An OrderedDict is a dictionary that remembers the order of the keys that were inserted first. If a new entry overwrites an existing entry, the original insertion position is left unchanged.

Date and Time

  • calendar.weekday(year, month, day)
  • datetime.strptime(timestamp, format)

Errors and Exceptions

  • Exceptions -> Errors detected during execution
  • Exception handling with try,catch,else,finally: Try: This block will test the excepted error to occur Except: Here you can handle the error Else: If there is no exception then this block will be executed Finally: Finally block always gets executed either exception is generated or not
  • import re(regex library)


Built Ins

  • eval keyword usage
  • zip function
  • EOF Error
  • sorted(s, key=lambda x: (x.isdigit(), x.isdigit() and int(x) % 2 == 0, x.isupper(), x))


  • map
  • reduce
  • re.match for emails


Closures and Decorators


  • numpy arrays like lists except only same datatype
  • import numpy(can also do import numpy as np)
  • arr = numpy.arrays([1,2,3,4],int)
  • shape,reshape
  • numpy.transpose([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]),arr.flatten()
  • identity
import numpy
print numpy.identity(3) #3 is for  dimension 3 X 3

[[ 1.  0.  0.]
 [ 0.  1.  0.]
 [ 0.  0.  1.]]
  • eye: 2-D array with 1's as the diagonal and 0's elsewhere. The diagonal can be main, upper or lower depending on the optional parameter l .
print(numpy.eye(N,M,k=0)) #k=0 means main diagonal(default value),N is number of rows, M number of cols.
  • math operations
  • floor,ceil,rint
