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Shum-Harden Wedding Website


CLA assistant

There's some fun tools used in this site that I'd like to document here, but there's seriously no time right now. I promise to come back after launch is deemed successful to improve this documentation.

Forthcoming Document Includes

  • Some utilities (js)
  • google documents spreadsheet library (php)
  • tracking and facebook utilities (js)


Development Environment

Adding the RBP to your project

via git

git remote add --fetch --no-tags --track master boilerplate git:// && git pull boilerplate master

Front-end build tools


  • Ruby >= 1.8.7 (recommend 1.9.2)

    • OS X: Pre-installed
    • Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install ruby
  • RubyGems >= 1.6.2

    • OS X: sudo gem update --system
    • Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install rubygems
  • Bundler

    • gem install bundler
  • RVM

    • RVM is a command-line tool which allows you to easily install, manage and work with multiple ruby environments, from interpreters to sets of gems.
    • bash -s stable < <(curl -s
      • rvm install 1.9.2
      • rvm use 1.9.2 --default
      • rvm rubygems latest
  • Statix

    • Statix will generate a completely static website into the deploy directory upon running statix build (once Statix is installed through npm) Add pages, change vars, etc. all through the statix.js file
      • Install node.js
      • After node is installed run npm install statix -g
      • From the root of the project run statix build
      • To run a local webserver of the project run statix server -p 8000


gem install bundler
bundle install --gemfile resources/tasks/config/Gemfile
statix server -p 8000

Rake tasks

Use rake --tasks for a list of available rake tasks

rake create:page     # Create a new Rosy page
rake dev:build       # Build CSS w/ Compass, Run JSHint, Closure Compile your JavaScript
rake dev:buildugly   # Build CSS w/ Compass, Run JSHint, Uglify your JavaScript
rake dev:closure     # Closure Compile your JavaScript
rake dev:compass     # Build CSS w/ Compass
rake dev:jshint      # JSHint your JavaScript
rake dev:sanity      # Final check to see if you've forgotten anything?
rake dev:smush       # Optimize Images
rake dev:uglify      # Uglify your JavaScript
rake dev:update      # Update the Red Boilerplate
rake watch:appcache  # Watch for application changes to update the application cache
rake watch:closure   # Watch for JavaScript changes to compress output
rake watch:compass   # Watch for CSS changes to generate SASS
rake watch:jshint    # Watch for JavaScript changes to JSHint your files
rake watch:uglify    # Watch for JavaScript changes to compress output


Major components:

  • jQuery: MIT/GPL license
  • Modernizr: MIT/BSD license
  • Respond.js: MIT/GPL license
  • Normalize.css: Public Domain

Everything else:

The Unlicense (aka: public domain)