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AWS X-Ray SDK for Swift

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Unofficial AWS X-Ray SDK for Swift.

Project status

Functional beta.

At the moment the SDK does not support sampling rules, tracing can be either enabled or disabled (issue 57).

AWS X-Ray SDK for Swift follows SemVer. Until version 1.0.0 breaking changes may be introduced on minor version number changes.


Getting started

Adding the dependency

Add the package dependency to your package Swift Package Manager manifest file Package.swift:

.package(url: "", upToNextMinor(from: "0.7.1"))

and AWSXRaySDK library to your target (here AWSXRaySDKExample):

.target(name: "AWSXRaySDKExample", dependencies: [
    .product(name: "AWSXRaySDK", package: "aws-xray-sdk-swift"),


Create an instance of XRayRecorder and new context:

import AWSXRaySDK

let recorder = XRayRecorder()

let context = XRayContext()

Begin and end (sub)segments explicitly:

let segment = recorder.beginSegment(name: "Segment 1", context: context)

use closures for convenience:

recorder.segment(name: "Segment 2", context: context) { segment in
    try? segment.subsegment(name: "Subsegment 2.1") { segment in
        _ = segment.subsegment(name: "Subsegment 2.1.1 with Result") { _ -> String in
            return "Result"
        try segment.subsegment(name: "Subsegment 2.1.2 with Error") { _ in
            throw ExampleError.test

Errors and exceptions

You can record errors and exceptions:

segment.addException(message: "Test Exception")

Note that Errors thrown in the closures are recorded.

HTTP request data

You can record details about an HTTP request that your application served or made to a downstream HTTP API, see HTTP request data:

segment.setHTTPRequest(method: .POST, url: "")
segment.setHTTPResponse(status: .ok)

Annotations and Metadata

Segments and subsegments can include annotations:

segment.setAnnotation(98101, forKey: "zip_code")

and metadata:

segment.setMetadata(["debug": ["test": "Metadata string"]])


Events are emitted as soon as they end.

Subsegments have to be created before the parent segment ended.

Subsegments may end after their parent segment ended, in which case they will be presented as Pending until they end.

Make sure to shutdown the recorder before program exits:


You can flush it before shutdown:


or, if using SwiftNIO, on provided EventLoop:

try recorder.flush(on: eventLoop).wait()

Result in AWS X-Ray console:

Screenshot of the AWS X-Ray console

See AWSXRaySDKExample/main.swift for a complete example.

Custom emitter

By default events are sent as UDP to AWS X-Ray daemon which buffers and relays them to AWS X-Ray API.

A custom emitter has to implement XRayEmitter protocol:

public protocol XRayEmitter {
    func send(_ segment: XRayRecorder.Segment)
    func flush(_ callback: @escaping (Error?) -> Void)
    func shutdown(_ callback: @escaping (Error?) -> Void)

it may also implement XRayNIOEmitter:

public protocol XRayNIOEmitter: XRayEmitter {
    func flush(on eventLoop: EventLoop?) -> EventLoopFuture<Void>

The emitter has to be provided when creating an instance of XRayRecorder:

let recorder = XRayRecorder(emitter: XRayNoOpEmitter())

Context propagation

Unlike in other X-Ray SDKs, XRayRecorder in AWS X-Ray SDK for Swift does not expose (thread local) current Segment.

The context, in its broader meaning that is including but not limited to trace context, should be passed explicitly in BaggageContext:

// the baggage should contain trace context
var baggage: BaggageContext

let segment = recorder.beginSegment(name: "Segment 1", baggage: baggage)

// create subsegment by passing the parent segment baggage
let subsegment = recorder.beginSegment(name: "Subsegment 1.1", baggage: segment.baggage)

// or using segment function
let subsegment2 = segment.beginSubsegment(name: "Subsegment 1.2")

You can create new X-Ray Context from tracing header:

let context = try XRayContext(tracingHeader:  "Root=1-5759e988-bd862e3fe1be46a994272793")

or using provided (or generated) TraceID, parent segment and sampling decision:

let newContext = XRayContext(traceId: .init(), parentId: nil, sampled: true)

You can update the X-Ray context in the baggage:

// empty baggage
var baggage = BaggageContext()
// create new X-Ray context
baggage.xRayContext = XRayContext()

Note that the subject is currently under discussion by swift-server community:

XRayInstrument (WIP)

Integration with libraries in swift-server ecosystem is (will be) done using AWSXRayInstrument which implements TracingIstrument defined in swift-tracing library.

As the API of TracingInstrument is not stable, PoC implementation of XRayInstrument is on feature/instrument branch.


import AWSXRayInstrument
import TracingInstrumentation

// create and bootstrap the tracer
let instrument = XRayRecorder()

// get the tracer
let tracer = InstrumentationSystem.tracer

// extract the context from HTTP headers
let headers = HTTPHeaders([
     ("X-Amzn-Trace-Id", "Root=1-5759e988-bd862e3fe1be46a994272793"),
var baggage = BaggageContext()
tracer.extract(headers, into: &baggage, using: HTTPHeadersExtractor())

// create new span (aka segment)
var span = tracer.startSpan(named: "Span 1", context: baggage)


The libraries behavior can be configured using environment variables:

  • AWS_XRAY_SDK_ENABLED - set false to disable tracing, enabled by default.
  • AWS_XRAY_DAEMON_ADDRESS - the IP address and port of the X-Ray daemon listener, by default.
  • AWS_XRAY_CONTEXT_MISSING - configures how the SDK handles missing context:
    • RUNTIME_ERROR - Indicate that a precondition was violated.
    • LOG_ERROR - Log an error and continue (default).
  • XRAY_RECORDER_LOG_LEVEL - recorder swift-log logging level, info by default.
  • XRAY_EMITTER_LOG_LEVEL - emitter swift-log logging level, info by default.

Alternatively XRayRecorder can be configured using XRayRecorder.Config which will override environment variables:

let recorder = XRayRecorder(config: .init(enabled: true, logLevel: .debug))              


You can run the AWS X-Ray daemon locally or in a Docker container, see Running the X-Ray daemon locally

You can use XRayLogEmitter from AWSXRayTesting to "emit" segments to the console:

import AWSXRaySDK
import AWSXRayTesting

let recorder = XRayRecorder(emitter: XRayLogEmitter())


Code Formatting

Format code using swiftformat:

swiftformat .

Consider creating Git pre-commit hook

echo 'swiftformat --lint .' > .git/hooks/pre-commit
chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit


AWS Lambda using Swift AWS Lambda Runtime

Enable tracing as described in Using AWS Lambda with AWS X-Ray.

Note that:

Lambda runs the daemon automatically any time a function is invoked for a sampled request.

Make sure to flush the recorder in each invocation:

private struct ExampleLambdaHandler: EventLoopLambdaHandler {
    typealias In = Cloudwatch.ScheduledEvent
    typealias Out = Void

    private let recorder = XRayRecorder()

    private func doWork(on eventLoop: EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
        eventLoop.submit { usleep(100_000) }.map { _ in }

    func handle(context: Lambda.Context, event: In) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
        recorder.segment(name: "ExampleLambdaHandler", context: context) {
            self.doWork(on: context.eventLoop)
        }.flatMap {
            self.recorder.flush(on: context.eventLoop)

See AWSXRaySDKExampleLambda/main.swift for a complete example.

Note that it will not be needed to create a recorder nor flush it when Swift AWS Lambda Runtime is instrumented, see PoC.


The AWS X-Ray SDK for Swift is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.