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A basic example and boilerplate for PWAs in Angular

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A simple Test to show Angular 7 PWA and ServiceWorker functionality. Just to give you a start. A simple example how to use update and push-servers can bee seen in the src/app/app-component.ts

PWA Characteristics

  • Reliable (offline – no dinosaur)
  • Performant / Fast
  • Safe (HTTPS)
  • Notifications
  • Installable / Enganging (direct installation from web-page, no need for a store)
  • Fresh (Up to date)

Supported by Google, Microsoft, Intel, Apple.. More support to come in the future.

How to start

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The pwa does not affect ng serve. To see a pwa in action you have to make a production build and use a simple http-server.

Run ng build --prod to create the PWA in the /dist folder. Run a local http-server in the dist folder. cd .\dist\pwa-test\ http-serve

Start browser with http://localhost:8080/. Press F12 to show debug mode. Check tab "Application->ServiceWorker"

Check Cache / Service Worker

  • Check Network
  • Stop http-server
  • Reload the app again. It should appear althoug http-server is doen
  • Check Cache to see the service-worker cache working

Check "Add to home screen"


  • To "install" the pwa to your os (windows) press F12 to show debug mode of Chrome.
  • Check "Application->Manifest".
  • On the right side click "Add to home screen".
  • The app should be seen on the desktop without the browser-ui. And runs offline.


  • Type/Open chrome://apps/ in the chrome address-bar.
  • Right click and remove it.

Check Update Registration

The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

After changing the app you have to rebuild the app. Then start the http-sever in the dist folder again.

The SwUpdate-Subscribtion should display an update Message in the console.

Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the --prod flag for a production build.

Switch YOUR app to a PWA

At first: use angular 6. Install a simple http-server ( npm install http-server -g).

Run ng add @angular/pwa. This command does:

  • update your package.json
  • creating config files
    • ngsw-config.json: Service Worker config
    • ./src/manifest.json: Mainfest
  • Register Service Worker (Bootstrap) in src/app/app.module
  • something more (e.g. creating some default assets)

Look the ngsw-config.json to configure caches (assets and data). See:

Look manifest to tell the os how your pwa should be handled/ looks like. Make a production build, switch to /dist/ and run the http-server.

Further help