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The zcrypto NodeJS module provides APIs to RACF key rings and KDB (key databases) in z/OS.


This module leverages the Certificate Management Services (CMS) API. The APIs in this module can be used to create/manage your own key database files, and extract certificates stored in the key database file or RACF key ring.


Node.js 8.16.0 for z/OS or higher is required.

Simple to use


npm install zcrypto

Using zcrypto with RACF Keyrings

This assumes that a RACF Keyring was created and connected to a RACF private/public certificate and certificate authority.

const zcrypto = require('zcrypto');

// Create an object of a zcrypto
var crypt = new zcrypto.ZCrypto();

// Open RACF Keyring labelled MYRING1

// Export RACF private/public keys labeled "ServerCert" to PKCS1 format
var pem = zcrypto.exportKeysToPKCS1(crypt, "ServerCert");

// Or export RACF private/public keys labeled "ServerCert" to PKCS8 format
pem = zcrypto.exportKeysToPKCS8(crypt, "ServerCert");

// pem object contains pem.key, pem.cert and pem.publickey

// Export RACF ca certificate labeled "CaCert" to PEM format
var cacert = zcrypto.exportCertToPEM(crypt, "CaCert");

// Launch a HTTPS web server with private key and certificate authority
const https = require('https'); 

// Configuration for the HTTPS web server.
const options = {
  key: pem.key,
  cert: pem.cert

// Create the https server and begin listening for requests.
https.createServer(options, (req, res) => {
  res.end('hello world\n'); 
}).listen(3000); // Listen for requests on port 3000.

Using zcrypto with KDB (Key Databases)

const zcrypto = require('zcrypto');

// Create an object of a zcrypto
var crypt = new zcrypto.ZCrypto();

// Example: Create a KDB file with a password, length and expiry time
crypt.createKDB("my.kdb", "root", 10024, 0);

// Example: Open kdb file if it exists
crypt.openKDB("my.kdb", "root");

// Import a P12 file as Cert.p12 using password and label
// Update only allowed for KDB
crypt.importKey("Cert.p12", "root", "MYCERT3");

// Export to P12 using password and label
var pem = crypt.exportKeyToFile("Cert.p12.nodedup", "root", "MYCERT3");

// Or export directly from a P12 File to PEM
pem = zcrypto.exportP12FileToPEM("Cert.p12", "root");

// Launch a HTTPS web server
const https = require('https'); 

// Configuration for the HTTPS web server.
const options = {
  key: pem.key,
  cert: pem.cert,

// Create the https server and begin listening for requests.
https.createServer(options, (req, res) => {
  res.end('hello world\n'); 
}).listen(3000); // Listen for requests on port 3000.


See examples

How to generate a RACF private/public certificate and RACF keyring

Ensure that your z/OS Userid has CONTROL access to RACF facility classes IRR.DIGTCERT.GENCERT, IRR.DIGTCERT.CERTAUTH, and IRR.DIGTCERT.ADD

Modify and submit job cert.jcl: submit cert.jcl

How to generate a pkcs12 for import into KDB

# Must be performed on a non-z/OS machine and then transferred to z/OS as binary
openssl genrsa -out privatekey.pem 1024 
openssl req -new -key privatekey.pem -out certrequest.csr
openssl x509 -req -in certrequest.csr -signkey privatekey.pem -out certificate.pem
openssl pkcs12 -export -out Cert.p12 -in certificate.pem -inkey privatekey.pem -passin pass:password -passout pass:password


z/OS RACF + Crypto module for Node.js







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