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Identity objects for PHP



composer require phpgears/identity


Require composer autoload file

require './vendor/autoload.php';

By extending Gears\Identity\AbstractIdentity you can easily have an Identity class

use Gears\Identity\AbstractIdentity;

class CustomIdentity extends AbstractIdentity
    final public static function fromString(string $value)
        // Check $value validity as an identity

        return new static($value);


Due to its popularity UUID (RFC 4122) based identity implementations are provided

use Gears\Identity\UuidIdentity;
use Gears\Identity\OrderedUuidIdentityGenerator;
use Gears\Identity\UuidIdentityGenerator;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid;

$uuid = Uuid::uuid4()->toString();
$identity = UuidIdentity::fromString($uuid);

// From generator
$identity = (new UuidIdentityGenerator())->generate();
$identity = (new OrderedUuidIdentityGenerator())->generate();

// Get original UUID string
$originalUuid = $identity->getValue();

If you want a more concise UUID based identities you can use any of the following:


UUID without dashes

use Gears\Identity\CondensedUuidIdentity;
use Gears\Identity\CondensedUuidIdentityGenerator;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid;

$uuid = Uuid::uuid4()->toString();
$identity = CondensedUuidIdentity::fromString(\str_replace('-', '', $uuid));

$identity = CondensedUuidIdentity::fromUuid($uuid); // From UUID string
$identity = (new CondensedUuidIdentityGenerator())->generate(); // From generator

// Get original UUID string
$originalUuid = \sprintf('%s%s-%s-%s-%s-%s%s%s', ...\str_split($identity->getValue(), 4));


composer require hashids/hashids
use Gears\Identity\HashUuidIdentity;
use Gears\Identity\HashUuidIdentityGenerator;
use Hashids\Hashids;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid;

$hashIds = new Hashids();
$uuid = Uuid::uuid4()->toString();
$hashedUuid = $hashIds->encodeHex(\str_replace('-', '', $uuid));
$identity = HashUuidIdentity::fromString($hashedUuid);

$identity = HashUuidIdentity::fromUuid($uuid); // From UUID string
$identity = (new HashUuidIdentityGenerator())->generate(); // From generator

// Get original UUID string
$originalUuid = \sprintf('%s%s-%s-%s-%s-%s%s%s', ...\str_split($hashIds->decodeHex($identity->getValue()), 4));


composer require pascaldevink/shortuuid
use Gears\Identity\ShortUuidIdentity;
use Gears\Identity\ShortUuidIdentityGenerator;
use PascalDeVink\ShortUuid\ShortUuid;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid;

$shortUuid = new ShortUuid();
$identity = ShortUuidIdentity::fromString($shortUuid->uuid4());

$identity = ShortUuidIdentity::fromUuid(Uuid::uuid4()->toString()); // From UUID string
$identity = (new ShortUuidIdentityGenerator())->generate(); // From generator

// Get original UUID string
$originalUuid = $shortUuid->decode($identity->getValue())->toString();


composer require tuupola/base62
use Gears\Identity\Base62UuidIdentity;
use Gears\Identity\Base62UuidIdentityGenerator;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid;
use Tuupola\Base62;

$base62 = new Base62();
$uuid = Uuid::uuid4()->toString();
$base62Uuid = $base62->encode(\hex2bin(\str_replace('-', '', $uuid)));
$identity = Base62UuidIdentity::fromString($base62Uuid);

$identity = Base62UuidIdentity::fromUuid($uuid); // From UUID string
$identity = (new Base62UuidIdentityGenerator())->generate(); // From generator

// Get original UUID string
$originalUuid = \sprintf('%s%s-%s-%s-%s-%s%s%s', ...\str_split(\bin2hex($base62->decode($identity->getValue())), 4));

Non-UUID based identities

phpgears/identity-extra hosts non UUID based identity implementations, such as Mongo's ObjectId and several others, consider checking it depending on your use case

The Right Identity

There is no point on creating non-unique identities, always use a proven method of ensuring the uniqueness of the identity value. This can basically be stated as: DO NOT implement your own mechanism for creating unique identifiers, ever, period

It's highly discouraged to allow identities with arbitrary string values, or values that cannot be checked against to certify correctness, that is the reason why a general open-value identity class will never be provided in this package and you should never implement such a thing.

If you want to maximize interoperability with other systems on your architecture or others', such as message queues, webhooks, shared messages systems, etc, you most probably should go with plain ol' UUID identities as the format is widely accepted and has support in all mayor languages

If you have full control of your architecture and all the systems it shares data with you may consider using a more concise UUID identifier, or a non-UUID identifier which can have other benefits such as being more user/url friendly, being sortable, etc

Instead of randomly generated unique value, such as a UUID, you may be able to use real life unique identifiers that can be validated, such as IBAN for bank accounts or ISBN for publications. Strive for this kind of identifiers where possible

use Biblys\Isbn\Isbn;
use Gears\Identity\AbstractIdentity;
use Gears\Identity\Exception\InvalidIdentityException;

class ISBNIdentity extends AbstractIdentity
    final public static function fromString(string $value)
        $isbn = new Isbn($value);
        if (!$isbn->isValid()) {
            throw new InvalidIdentityException(\sprintf('"%s" is not a valid ISBN', $value));

        return new static($isbn->format('ISBN-13'));


Found a bug or have a feature request? Please open a new issue. Have a look at existing issues before.

See file


See file LICENSE included with the source code for a copy of the license terms.