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A command-line tool for xmobar to fetch info from


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xmobar_wttr is a command-line program which fetches weather info from and applies direct formatting to be used by xmobar. Different from already available plugins, it can easily be configured to use any kind of combination of numbers, icons, and colors. It implements a custom syntax with which a single line in the xmobar_wttr.yml configuration file translates to an xmobar field entry.

In the commands list of your xmobarrc, add something along the lines of

Run Com "xmobar_wttr" ["-c", "~/.config/xmobar/xmobar_wttr.yml"] "wttr" 9000


This program mainly uses following python3 modules

  • requests
  • pyyaml

Furthermore, the program uses weather icons from Install them directly from the website, using an AUR helper such as

yay -S ttf-weather-icons

or by other means.


pip install xmobar-wttr

For installing from source, clone the repository, and run

cd xmobar_wttr
python install --user

or create a virtual environment with

pipenv install
pipenv install -e .

To activate the virtual environment run

pipenv shell

or start every command with pipenv run.


usage: xmobar_wttr [-h] [-c <path>] [-l <loc>] [-f <format>] [-o <path>] [-s <section>] [-p <par-list> [<par-list> ...]] [-v]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c <path>, --config <path>
			Path to the config file
  -l <loc>, --location <loc>
			Location for which to pull information.
  -f <format>, --format <format>
			Format template for xmobarrc
  -o <path>, --output <path>
			Path to the output file
  -s <section>, --section <section>
			Section in the yaml file to be parsed
  -p <par-list> [<par-list> ...], --pars <par-list> [<par-list> ...]
			Select parameters to be fetched from
			excluded parameters are not available in xmobar template format
  -v, --verbose         Run program in verbose mode


xmobar_wttr works with both command-line arguments as well as YAML configuration files (the first takes precedence over the latter). To set your desired defaults edit the configuration file xmobar_wttr.yml and place it in either

  • ~/.config/xmobar_wttr/xmobar_wttr.yml
  • ~/.config/xmobar/xmobar_wttr.yml
  • ~/.xmobar_wttr/xmobar_wttr.yml
  • ~/.xmobar_wttr.yml


  • Fields are separated by %.
  • Each field should have a parameter entry prefixed by an exclamation mark !, e.g. !h.
  • Units can be placed using .u
  • Fonts can be selected using <N:...> where N is the xmobar font index, e.g. <2:weather condition> formats to <fn=2>weather condition</fn>
  • Analogously colors can be used using {#dedede:...}.
Notation *Description
%[!par] parameter value
%g[!par] render parameter only as icon
%G[!par] prefix icon to parameter value
.u append units of previous parameter
Format map Result
<2:…> <fn=2>…</fn>
{#dedede:…} <fc=#dedede>…</fc>
\… \x…


'%g!x %!t(%!f)<1: >.u {#46d9ff:%G}<1: >!h' could format to something like <fn=6></fn> 3(1)<fn=1> </fn>°C <fc=#46d9ff><fn=6></fn></fc><fn=1> </fn>81 and renders in xmobar as
