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Executable I/O Testing Tool (exiot)

Exiot Tests Pipeline

The (exiot) is a testing tool to test the executable STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR, and many more.

You can take a look to the (man/[Architecture] man documentation.

Getting Started

This tool requires unix's diff - to compare file's content.

If you would like to use the --build=cmake you would need: cmake, make and gcc or clang

In order to use this tool on MS Windows, you need to use the wsl.


In order to install the latest "stable" version of the tool you can use the pip.

pip install exiot

In order to get latest version of the tool you can just clone the repository:

git clone

and then use the poetry to install dependencies, or just install them manually ( dependencies are optional).

cd exiot
poetry install

Optional dependencies:

  • junitparser - to produce the junit report
  • pyyaml - to parse yaml schemas and generate yaml reports

You can install them manually if you do not want to use the poetry

pip install junitparser pyyaml


Show help:

$ python -m exiot --help

Parse the tests

Parse the tests - show all available tests:

python -m exiot parse [-o OUTPUT_FORMAT] [-p PARSER] <TEST_DIR>
# Example:
python -m exiot parse examples/single_fail

Parse the tests - show all available tests, dump them as json or yaml (if pyyaml installed):

# Examples:
python -m exiot parse -o json examples/single_fail
# or yaml if PyYAML installed
python -m exiot parse -o yaml examples/single_fail

Supported parsers

Tool is currently supporting these parsers:

  • minihw - MiniHomework parser for MUNI FI:PB071 course (examples/minihw_not_impl)
  • dir - Directory parser (examples/single, examples/single_fail)
  • scenario - Scenario parser, this is most advanced parser, and it is the preferred way to write tests
  • auto - Autodetect parser - automatically detect which parser to use based on the root tests structure

Run the tests

Run tests in directory:

python -m exiot -Linfo exec -E <EXECUTABLE> <TESTS_DIR>
# Example:
python -m exiot -Linfo exec -E ./myexec ./tests
# Example with cmake build
python -m exiot -Linfo exec --build=cmake <PATH_TO_TESTS>

Run Mini Homeworks:

# -p parameters specifies the "parser" - minihw is special parser for parsing the mini homeworks for FI:PB071
python -m exiot -Linfo exec -p minihw <PATH_TO_MINIHW>
# Example:
python -m exiot -Linfo exec -p minihw examples/minihw_not_impl
# Example to run the solution
python -m exiot -Linfo exec -D="target: solution" <PATH_TO_MINIHW>
# Example with cmake build
python -m exiot -Linfo exec --build=cmake <PATH_TO_MINIHW>

The build support is currently experimental, it requires cmake, make, gcc/clang. The cmake build will create new directory in the TESTS_DIR and runs cmake/make there.

How it might looks like:

cmake -B build
make -k -C build

Supported execution parameters

To provide/override parameters you can use params property for definitions or pass it as command line parameter using: -D or --define option.

  • valgrind (not implemented)
  • executable - do not use directly from command line (use -E or --executable param)
  • timeout - Timeout - max execution time
  • devel_mode - Enable development mode, only for test development, not for "production"
  • target - for minihw you can toggle between source|solution executable testing (default: source)
  • diff_params - diff executable additional params
  • junit_dump - Print out the JUNIT dump at the end of the execution


For examples - take a look at the examples directory.

  • minihw_not_impl - Mini Homework format for FI:PB071, the minihw source.c is not implemented
  • proj_def_yml - Passing project definition - all tests should be passing
  • proj_def_fail_yml - Failing project def. - all tests should be failing
  • single - Single directory with tests - files based tests definition, all should be passing
  • single_fail - Single directory with tests - files based tests definition, all tests should be failing
  • echocat.c - reference implementation for the testing binary echocat (used in tests)


  • Definition support templates (parametrized tests)
  • Valgrind Support
  • More tests
  • Support more parsers (ex. kontr)
  • Support tests generation


Python Simple Executable Testing Tool







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