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C implementation of Python 3 lru_cache for Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4

Passes all tests in the standard library for functools.lru_cache.

Obeys same API as Python 3.3/3.4 functools.lru_cache with 2 enhancements:

  1. An additional argument state may be supplied which must be a list or dict. This allows one to safely cache functions for which the result depends on some context which is not a part of the function call signature.
  2. An additional argument unhashable may be supplied to control how the cached function responds to unhashable arguments. The options are:
  • "error" (default) - Raise a TypeError
  • "warning" - Raise a UserWarning and call the wrapped function with the supplied arguments.
  • "ignore" - Just call the wrapped function with the supplied arguments.

Performance Warning

As of Python 3.5, the CPython interpreter implements functools.lru_cache in C. It is generally faster than this library due to its use of a more performant internal API for dictionaries (and perhaps other reasons). Therefore this library is only recommended for Python 2.6-3.4


Via pip:

pip install fastcache

Manually :

git clone
cd fastcache
python install

Via conda :

  • build latest and greatest github version
git clone
conda-build fastcache
conda install --use-local fastcache
  • build latest released version on pypi
git clone
conda-build conda-recipes/fastcache
conda install --use-local fastcache


>>> import fastcache
>>> fastcache.test()

Travis CI status : alt text

Tests include the official suite of tests from Python standard library for functools.lru_cache


>>> from fastcache import clru_cache, __version__
>>> __version__
>>> @clru_cache(maxsize=325, typed=False)
... def fib(n):
...     """Terrible Fibonacci number generator."""
...     return n if n < 2 else fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
>>> fib(300)
>>> fib.cache_info()
CacheInfo(hits=298, misses=301, maxsize=325, currsize=301)
>>> print(fib.__doc__)
Terrible Fibonacci number generator.
>>> fib.cache_clear()
>>> fib.cache_info()
CacheInfo(hits=0, misses=0, maxsize=325, currsize=0)
>>> fib.__wrapped__(300)


The speed up vs lru_cache provided by functools in 3.3 or 3.4 is 10x-30x depending on the function signature and whether one is comparing with 3.3 or 3.4. A sample run of the benchmarking suite for 3.3 is

>>> import sys
>>> sys.version_info
sys.version_info(major=3, minor=3, micro=5, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
>>> from fastcache import benchmark
Test Suite 1 :

Primarily tests cost of function call, hashing and cache hits.
Benchmark script based on

function call                 speed up
untyped(i)                       11.31, typed(i)                         31.20
untyped("spam", i)               16.71, typed("spam", i)                 27.50
untyped("spam", "spam", i)       14.24, typed("spam", "spam", i)         22.62
untyped(a=i)                     13.25, typed(a=i)                       23.92
untyped(a="spam", b=i)           10.51, typed(a="spam", b=i)             18.58
untyped(a="spam", b="spam", c=i)  9.34, typed(a="spam", b="spam", c=i)   16.40

			 min   mean    max
untyped    9.337 12.559 16.706
typed     16.398 23.368 31.197

Test Suite 2 :

Tests millions of misses and millions of hits to quantify
cache behavior when cache is full.

function call                 speed up
untyped(i, j, a="spammy")         8.94, typed(i, j, a="spammy")          14.09

A sample run of the benchmarking suite for 3.4 is

>>> import sys
>>> sys.version_info
sys.version_info(major=3, minor=4, micro=1, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
>>> from fastcache import benchmark
Test Suite 1 :

Primarily tests cost of function call, hashing and cache hits.
Benchmark script based on

function call                 speed up
untyped(i)                        9.74, typed(i)                         23.31
untyped("spam", i)               15.21, typed("spam", i)                 20.82
untyped("spam", "spam", i)       13.35, typed("spam", "spam", i)         17.43
untyped(a=i)                     12.27, typed(a=i)                       19.04
untyped(a="spam", b=i)            9.81, typed(a="spam", b=i)             14.25
untyped(a="spam", b="spam", c=i)  7.77, typed(a="spam", b="spam", c=i)   11.61

			 min   mean    max
untyped    7.770 11.359 15.210
typed     11.608 17.743 23.311

Test Suite 2 :

Tests millions of misses and millions of hits to quantify
cache behavior when cache is full.

function call                 speed up
untyped(i, j, a="spammy")         8.27, typed(i, j, a="spammy")          11.18