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E-commerce application for purchasing online movie tickets from different cinemas.

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Online Movie Tickets

I've developed a comprehensive e-commerce application for purchasing online movie tickets. Our application features a user-friendly interface with various functionalities for both regular users and admin users. Here's a summary of the key features you've described:

General Features:

Navigation Bar: The webpage has a navigation bar with options like movie search, eTickets, search, login, and register.

Movie Listings: Movies are displayed with their title, description, cinema, category, start and end dates. The availability of the movie is determined by these dates (whether it's available or upcoming).

Movie Details: Users can view additional information about a movie, including actors with profile pictures and full names.

Additional Information: Clicking on cinema or producer names provides more details about them.

Search Functionality: Users can search for movies by their name or description.

User Authentication: Public users can browse movies without logging in. However, users have the option to log in as an admin or a regular user.

User Registration: Regular users can create accounts with first name, last name, username, email, and password. This enables them to purchase tickets.

User Profile: After logging in, the user's name is displayed. The user profile dropdown contains options to view and update the profile.

Order Tracking: Users can view their order history, seeing the number of orders they've made.

Shopping Cart: Authenticated users can add movies to their shopping cart, and a cart icon displays the number of items in the cart.

Payment: Users can proceed to purchase tickets through PayPal.

Admin Features:

Management: Admin users have access to a management section where they can control cinemas, producers, and actors.

Management Operations: Admins can add, delete, and update information about cinemas, producers, and actors.

Movie Icon Editing: Admins can edit icons associated with movies.

Add New Movies: Admins have the ability to add new movies to the platform.

User and Order Management: Admins can view and manage user accounts and orders.

Our application seems to cover a wide range of functionalities, catering to both regular users looking to purchase movie tickets and admin users who manage the platform's content. This detailed summary gives a clear picture of what your e-commerce application offers to its users.

Tech Stack :

  • .Net Core MVC, C#, Repository Pattern, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, JQuery
  • Entity Framework (Code first Approach)
  • Sql Server, Azure Data Studio
  • Hosted on Azure.

About Project


Overview of the Project:

  • "I was responsible for developing an e-commerce application for purchasing online movie tickets. The application allows users to browse movies, view details, create accounts, and make purchases."

Frontend Development:

Frontend Technologies:

  • On the frontend, I utilized HTML, CSS, and JavaScript JQuery.

User Interface Design:

  • "I played a key role in designing the user interface, including the landing page with navigation, movie listings, and details pages. I ensured a responsive design for a seamless user experience."

Search Functionality:

  • "I implemented a search feature allowing users to search for movies based on title or description. The search results dynamically updated based on user input."

User Authentication:

  • "I implemented user authentication features, allowing users to create accounts and log in securely. Passwords were stored securely using industry best practices."

Backend Development:

Backend Technologies:

  • "On the backend, I used ASP.NET Core to build the Web API, connecting the frontend with the database."

Database Design:

  • "I designed the database schema to store information about movies, users, orders, cinemas, producers, and actors. The relationships between these entities were carefully defined to ensure data integrity."

API Endpoints:

  • "I created API endpoints to support various functionalities such as retrieving movie details, handling user registration and login, managing shopping cart items, and processing orders."

Payment Integration:

  • "I integrated a payment gateway, such as PayPal, to securely process user payments. The checkout process was seamless, providing users with a reliable and secure payment experience."

Admin Panel:

Admin Features:

  • "I implemented an admin panel with features such as managing cinemas, producers, actors, and movies. Admins could perform CRUD operations on these entities to keep the system up to date."

Security and Validation:

Security Measures:

  • "I implemented security measures, including user authentication, password hashing, and secure communication between the frontend and backend. This ensured that user data and transactions were kept confidential and secure."

Data Validation:

  • "To enhance data integrity, I implemented thorough data validation on both the frontend and backend. This included validating user registration inputs, ensuring valid dates for movies, and handling edge cases to prevent errors."


Testing Strategies:

  • "I conducted thorough testing, including unit testing for backend logic and integration testing to ensure the seamless interaction between the frontend and backend. This helped identify and address issues early in the development process."


Deployment Process:

"I managed the deployment process, ensuring a smooth transition from development to production. Continuous integration and deployment practices were implemented to automate the deployment process and catch potential issues."


Project Outcome:

  • "In conclusion, the e-commerce application was successfully developed, providing users with a user-friendly platform to browse, purchase, and enjoy movies. The implementation of key features, attention to security, and a seamless user experience were integral to the project's success."


  • I have developed an e-commerce application for online movie ticket purchases, offering a user-friendly interface. The webpage features a navigation bar with options like movie search, eTickets, search, login, and register. Movie listings include essential details such as title, description, cinema, category, and start and end dates. Users can explore additional movie information, including actors with profile pictures and full names. Detailed insights into cinemas, producers, and actors can be accessed by clicking their respective names.

  • The application supports movie searches based on both movie name and description. While public users can view movies without authentication, they can also log in as admin or regular users for purchasing. A simple user can register by providing personal information, then log in to buy tickets. After login, the user's name is displayed along with a dropdown containing options for the user profile and order history.

  • Authenticated users can add movies to their cart, visible through a cart icon displaying item count. Purchase transactions are facilitated via PayPal. Admin users enjoy additional privileges, notably the management of cinemas, producers, and actors. This includes functionalities to add, delete, and update their information, as well as edit movie icons and add new movies. Admins can also access user and order details. Overall, the application ensures a seamless movie ticket purchasing experience, balancing user convenience and efficient management.