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Express Boilerplate

Express server boilerplate, with babel for ES6 features, basic authentication with JWT, MongoDB as a database

System Requirements

  1. NodeJS
  2. MongoDB Server

Running the server

  1. install dependencies npm install

  2. build and run for production: npm run build && node ./dist/app.js

  3. run in dev mode: npm start

  4. generate data for development and testing npm run populatedb , to remove the generated data : npm run cleandb or an alias to do both npm run cleanpopulate

A combined alias of the two previous commands npm run cleanpopulate


The config file:

This is the main server configuration containing:

  serverConfig: {
    host: 'localhost',
    port: 8080,
    useHttps: false // optional
  dbConfig: { 
    host: 'localhost',
    dbName : 'brandt-db'

    /** optional params **/
    port: 27017,
    hosts:[ 'host0:port0', 'host1', 'johndoe:pass123@host3' ]
    // more to come dbOptions for replica sets etc...
  jwtSecret: '<app-jwt-secret>', // used for signing and verifying JWTs
  bcryptSaltWorkFactor: 10, // Password Hashing Factor
  morganLogMode: 'dev', // can be 'dev' or 'combined' for apache style or any morgan format

Note: In production an external json config file can be used to override the above settings

node dist/app.js --configFile /home/user/.configs/server.json


Package Name Version License Description
bcrypt ^2.0.1 MIT Password hashing and salting
body-parser ^1.18.3 MIT Middleware Used for parsing HTTP Request body
cors ^2.8.4 MIT Middleware to enable CORS
express ^4.16.3 MIT Node JS REST Server framework
express-jwt ^5.3.1 MIT Middleware to parse JWTs into user
express-jwt-permissions ^1.2.1 MIT Middleware to authorize requests with permissions
jsonwebtoken ^8.3.0 MIT Library to handle JWT Signing and validation
lodash ^4.17.10 MIT Utility class
mongoose ^5.1.5 Custom ODM interfacing MongoDB
node-args ^2.1.8 MIT For parsing command line args

Dev Dependencies

Package Name Version License Description
babel-cli ^6.26.0 MIT Babel Transpiler Command Line
babel-core ^6.26.3 MIT Babel Transpiler (to enable ES6 features)
babel-polyfill ^6.26.0 MIT Babel plugin use async/await syntax and more...
babel-preset-env ^1.7.0 MIT Babel preset
babel-preset-es2015 ^6.24.1 MIT Babel preset
babel-preset-stage-2 ^6.24.1 MIT Babel preset
chai ^4.1.2 MIT Assertion Library
chai-http ^4.0.0 MIT To make requests to server using chai
mocha ^5.2.0 MIT Testing framework
mockgoose ^7.3.5 MIT Mongoose Mock Library
morgan ^1.9.0 MIT Logging library
nodemon ^1.17.5 MIT Reruns app on save during development

API Reference


With Username and Password


> POST /auth/token { username:"user123", password:"12345" }
< 200 {
    "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyVHlwZSI6ImFjY291bnQiLCJkYXRhI....."

Users Managment

List Users [ requires permission : users:read ]

> GET /users

Create User [ requires permission : users:write ]

> POST /users { 
    username: "johndoe", 
    password: "abc12345!", 
    permissions: "res0:read res0:write res1:read" // optional

Edit user by username [ requires permission : users:write ]

Note : username and password fields are not editable.

> PUT /users/:username {
    permissions: "res4:read"

Delete user by username [ requires permission : users:write ]

Note : username and confirmUsername should be identical as a validation measure

> DELETE /users {
    username: 'johndoe',
    confirmUsername: 'johndoe'

Error Handling

All errors produced by the server are of the following format:

RESPONSE (status=404) {
    "error": {
        "code": "00000",
        "message": "404 Not Found"

HTTP Status Code : provides error information about the transport layer.

Error Code : 5 digit String serving as an identifier for App Layer errors, defaulting to a "00000" in case of unhandled errors.

Error codes refrence

  1. 00000 : Unknown or unhandled errors

  2. 01XXX : Authentication

Message : a String description of the error.


The project is using Mocha testing framework, and Chai assertion library. The test files are under the tests/ directory, and are devided onto two categories tests/integration/ and tests/units/ respectively for integration and and unit tests.

Run Integration Tests :

> npm run integration-tests

Run Unit Tests :

> npm run unit-tests

Run Unit Tests in watch mode:

> npm run unit-tests --watch


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