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fe-opensearch_reports 1.0.0

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @openimis/fe-opensearch_reports@1.0.0
Install via package.json:
"@openimis/fe-opensearch_reports": "1.0.0"

About this version

openIMIS Frontend OpenSearch reports module

This repository holds the files of the openIMIS Frontend OpenSearch Reports module. It is dedicated to be bootstrap development of openimis-fe_js modules, providing an empty (yet deployable) module.

Please refer to openimis-fe_js to see how to build and and deploy (in developement or server mode).

The module is built with rollup. In development mode, you can use npm link and npm start to continuously scan for changes and automatically update your development server.

License: AGPL v3 Total alerts

OpenSearch Dashboards setup

How to run on dockerized instance (db, backend, frontend of openIMIS):

  • Add the following value to the environment file in openimis-dist_dkr OPENSEARCH_BASIC_TOKEN (based on admin and password credentials to OpenSearch).
  • Use the following environment variables in the .env file in openimis-fe_js:
    • ENV OPENSEARCH_PROXY_ROOT="opensearch"
  • Run the backend and frontend services with opensearch and opensearch-dashboards services.

How to Log in as an Admin to OpenSearch?

  • Enter the <host-url>/opensearch path in your web browser's URL bar, where host-url corresponds to the host where your server is deployed.
  • Provide your admin credentials.
  • You can now make modifications to dashboards and visualizations.

Main Menu Contributions

Open Search Reports (openSearchReports.openSearch key)

  • Open Search Reports (openSearchReports.openSearch key)

Other Contributions

core.Router: registering openSearchReports, route in openIMIS client-side router

Available Contribution Points

Dispatched Redux Actions

Other Modules Listened Redux Actions

state.core.user, to access user info (rights,...)

Other Modules Redux State Bindings

Configurations Options



  • fe-opensearch_reports-1.0.0.tgz

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