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A web-app to collate and administrate the ORBIT dataset.


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A web-app to collate and administrate the ORBIT dataset. Comprises REST API for data upload from native clients, and Admin interface for verification and export of the data.

Built with Python using the Django framework. Provisioning for a CentOS host.

iOS native client: ORBIT Camera

Developed by Toby Harris –
For ORBIT Object Recognition for Blind Image Training –
At City, University of London –
Funded by Microsoft AI for Accessibility –

Open-sourcing note

This app was developed in private, and has been subsequently open-sourced as part of the dataset it created. As such, the repository has been cleaned of ORBIT specific content, URLs and so on.



orbit The overall infrastructure for the web app. Notably for routing, and the self-described The ORBIT specific part of the generic Django project, orbit/orbit.

pilot The models, end points, etc. used to conduct the Pilot study. A Django app, orbit/pilot

phaseone The models, end points, etc. used to conduct the Phase One study. A Django app, in a folder. A Django app, orbit/phaseone

phasetwo The models, end points, etc. used to conduct the Phase Two study. A Django app, in a folder. A Django app, orbit/phasetwo

User Used to regulate API access. A client app can ship with user credentials that the server will authenticate, and from this first contact create a new user to allow and identify further access. A Django model, django.contrib.auth.models.User

De-activating a User (option in Admin interface) or actually deleting the record has the consequence of barring futher API access with those credentials. This way, a Participant's data can be kept, while locking out their client's access. A Django model, in orbit.phaseone.models

Participant A study participant, i.e. someone who has given consent and is using a client app to contribute to the dataset. Created with a randomised ID. A Participant is optionally linked to a User: the two are created together, enabling API access and anonymised record-keeping, but the API access part can be removed. Each participant is assigned a Collection Period, within which the API will allow their contributions. A Django model, in orbit.phaseone.models. Export to CSV code in orbit.phaseone.admin.

Thing Something that a participant has identified as worthy of inclusion in the dataset. The participant will supply a label for the thing ("what is it?"), and an ORBIT Data user may provide an alternative version suited for the dataset (e.g. anonymised). A Django model, in orbit.phaseone.models

Video A video file, of a thing, with a filming technique. The uploaded file is given an anonymised filename on upload. The video is then verified by an ORBIT Data user, setting a validation status (e.g. 'Clean', 'Reject: contains PII'). Videos also have optional in+out points, that were used in the Pilot to trim videos with PII at the beginning and/or end (required FFmpeg, not installed on production server). Phase One export does not use these, but if needed the pieces are there. A Django model, in orbit.phaseone.models. Export to ZIP code in orbit.phaseone.admin.

Deleting a Video record will delete the corresponding video file. Deleting a Thing record will also delete all videos of it. Deleting a Participant will also delete their Things and Videos of that thing.


  • survey/<token> A survey web page for each Participant. The personalised URL can be obtained from the Admin Participant screen.
  • admin The ORBIT Data interface for the research team. See below.

API Endpoints

  • createparticipant Create a new User and Participant pair. Requires user add permission.
  • thing Create, read, update and delete the logged-in participant's Things.
  • video Create, read, update and delete the logged-in participant's Videos.

Admin interface

On first use, go to /admin and log in using the superuser account created on server provisioning. Create a user account for each team member requiring access.


Set them as staff to be able to access the admin interface, and grant required permissions, e.g. phaseone | video | can view video

Collection Period screen

Actions for selected item: Make selected period default for new participants

Participant screen

![Admin Participant screen](documentation/ORBIT Data - Participant screen.png)

Actions for selected items:

  • export a CSV of Participant data. With PII decryption key supplied, will export PII fields including survey.
    732709,Toby Test,,-,-,-,...
  • change selected participants collection period to first collection period
  • change selected participants collection period to nth collection period

Things screen

![Admin Things screen](documentation/ORBIT Data - Things screen.png)

Videos screen

![Admin Videos screen](documentation/ORBIT Data - Videos screen.png)

Action for selected items: exports a ZIP of selected files, with a JSON catalogue file. Note will export selected items regardless of verification status.

EXPORT ZIP (ALL VERIFIED) Button (top-right). As above, but will export all clean videos, regardless of what's selected. i.e. this is what to press to get the ML dataset.

Video screen

![Admin Video screen](documentation/ORBIT Data - Video screen.png)

Version history


  • Phase Two app, routing
  • Video uploads check for previous success. Client sees successful upload. Server does not have duplicated videos. Handles client re-attempting upload when previous success response not received.
  • Video model technique gains Test.
  • Participant model has charity_choice.


  • Export ZIP reworked for production. Does not create temporary file; NGINX, UWSGI settings.


  • Named Collection Periods supercede per-Participant 'study_start' and 'study_end' dates.
  • Admin page to manage Collection Periods, including which is the default to be assigned to new Participants
  • Participants admin page can bulk-change Collection Period assignment


  • As per ORBIT Camera iOS app v1.1
  • Participant model has in_study for easily excluding test, abandoned accounts etc.
  • Participant model has study_start and study_end dates outside of which the Things and Videos endpoints will not permit access
  • Participant endpoint to communicate those dates to the client
  • User records can be deleted while keeping the corresponding participant


  • As per ORBIT Camera iOS app v1.0
  • Phase one study launch May 2020


To install locally (these are high-level notes, refer to Production instructions and provisioning script if needed) –

  1. Create and activate a Python virtual environment
  2. Clone the git repo alongside it
  3. pip install the requirements file
  4. Create MEDIA_ROOT directory for uploads
  5. Set appropriate environment variables. In production, a .env file is used. For development, these can be set via shell exports as part of a run server script. See below.
  6. Run the Django development server

The following is an example for the fish shell, on macOS. A disk image containing a volume named ORBIT Datahas been made and opened, it contains static and media directories. A disk image containing a volume named ORBIT Keys has been made and opened, it contains both PII keys (you can skip the decrypt key line in the script if wanted). After the keys have been read, that disk image can be closed.

cd (mdfind -name 'Orbit-Data')
source ./env/bin/
set -x STATIC_ROOT /Volumes/ORBIT\ Data/static
set -x MEDIA_ROOT /Volumes/ORBIT\ Data/media
set -x PII_KEY_PUBLIC (cat /Volumes/ORBIT\ Keys/orbit-pii-public.pem | string split0)
set -x PII_KEY_PRIVATE (cat /Volumes/ORBIT\ Keys/orbit-pii-private.pem  | string split0)
cd orbit/
python runserver 0:8000

Note fish-ism | string split0 to handle multiline var, otherwise converts newlines to list, i.e. spaces

To test the API endpoints with client apps, ngrok is invaluable. To invoke with HTTPS only –

./ngrok http --bind-tls=true 8000


To provision a CentOS server –

  1. Get SSL cert and add to orbit_nginx.conf e.g.

    server {
        listen 443 ssl;
        ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/orbit-data-host.crt;
        ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/orbit-data-host.key;
  2. As root, create orbit user

    adduser orbit
    passwd orbit
  3. As orbit, create SSH key for log-in to GitHub

    mkdir .ssh
    nano .ssh/id_rsa
    nano .ssh/
    chmod -R go-rwx .ssh
  4. Load SSH key

    eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
    ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  5. Clone repo

    git clone
  6. Create .env
    Create a .env configuration file for the server based on the template. cp template.env .env Edit the file to set variables appropriately. Personally Identifiable Information (PII) keys need to be in single line SSH form, given current host constraints of systemd v219 EnvironmentFile.

    • ORBIT_PRODUCTION The web app will start with debug mode turned off if this variable is set (i.e. remove for dev machine)
    • HOST The hostname of the server. In production, restricts the web app to requests to this host.
    • DJANGO_SECRET_KEY A random key unique to this installation. e.g. in Python3 secrets.token_urlsafe will produce a suitable key.
    • STATIC_ROOT The directory nginx will map to /static. Ensure the path has a trailing slash.
    • MEDIA_ROOT The directory the web app will save uploads to.
    • PII_KEY_PRIVATE If you wish to run the server with decryption key loaded, set it here. You might want to do this on a machine run by a researcher, having backed up and copied across the production database and media directory.
    • PII_KEY_PUBLIC The public PII key the server will use to (one-way) encrypt the PII fields it receives.
  7. As root, run provision script


    Note: the provisioning script is still somewhat hardcoded for the current production server.

    • It still uses the old project name. For a new build, replace orbit_webapp with orbit_data in paths.
    • The static and media directories are hardcoded.
  8. Create first web app user (or run with a copy of the production database) Ensure you are running within the ORBIT Data Python virtual environment
    source ./env/bin/activate or similar python createsuperuser --email --username admin with appropriate details


A web-app to collate and administrate the ORBIT dataset.







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  • Python 73.4%
  • HTML 18.9%
  • CSS 6.0%
  • Shell 1.7%