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MiOS Binding

Mark Clark edited this page May 4, 2016 · 17 revisions

Documentation for the MiOS Bridge Binding.


This binding exposes read, and read-command, access to Devices controlled by a MiOS Home Automation controller, such as those seen at

It exposes the ability to do the following things in the MiOS HA Controller

  • Devices - Read State Variables & Device Attributes, and invoke (single parameter) UPnP Commands to control the Device.
  • Scenes - Read the current execution state of a Scene, and invoke those Scenes within the remote HA Controller
  • System - Read System-level Attributes. It uses the remote control interfaces (aka "UI Simple" JSON Calls, and HTTP Long-polling) of the MiOS HA Controller to keep the bound openHAB Items in sync with their counterparts in the MiOS HA Controller.

The binding uses the openHAB Transformation Service extensively to "map" the Data & Commands between the two systems. A set of example MAP transform files is provided and these can readily be augmented without needing to tweak the code.

Original code was used from the XBMC Binding, and then heavily modified. Snippets included from the HTTP Binding for the various datatype mapping functions.


  • 1.6 - First release
  • 1.8 - Extend the MiOS Item Generator for the common use-cases.


MiOS Unit configuration

In order for the MiOS openHAB Binding to talk to your MiOS Unit, it needs configuration indicating where it lives. This information is specified within the openhab.cfg file.

Each MiOS Unit is identified by a Unit name, which is user-supplied. This name will be used throughout the subsequent setup steps, and permits you to connect to more than one MiOS Unit that you might have within your environment.

The binding will only talk you MiOS Units living on the same LAN as your MiOS Unit and/or are directly reachable from your LAN where openHAB is running.

The MiOS gateway services, such as and, are not supported.

🚨🔧 The simplest configuration entry for openhab.cfg contains a Unit name, house, and a hostname,, to use for the MiOS Unit connection:

If you have local DNS setup correctly, then use this form instead:

Optionally, you can specify the port and timeout to use. These default to 3480 and 60000 (ms) respectively. These have reasonable defaults, so you shouldn't need to make adjustments.

You can also declare multiple MiOS Units, as illustrated in this example.

🔦 The MiOS Unit name is case-sensitive, and may only contain AlphaNumeric characters. The leading character must be an [ASCII] alpha.

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MiOS Transformations

Internally, the MiOS Binding uses the openHAB Transformation Service. The MiOS Binding supplies a number of pre-configured MAP Transformation for the common use-cases.

🚨🔧 These transformations must be copied from the source-code repository:


and placed into your openHAB installation under the directory:

{openHAB Home}/configurations/transform/

If you have a Unix machine, the MAP files can also be downloaded using:

sudo apt-get install subversion
svn checkout

🔦 These transformations can be readily extended by the user, for any use-cases that aren't covered by those pre-configured & shipped with the Binding.

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During setup of the binding, log information can provide you valuable information. By default openHAB will log diagnostic information, from all installed bindings, into a single log file (openhab.log).

Through custom configuration, as an advanced configuration, you can separate out where specific bindings log their diagnostic information.

⚠️ This is not required, but it can aid in setting up the MiOS Binding when things aren't working as expected.

There are two configuration files to configure the log subsystem of openHAB:

  • configurations/logback.xml
  • configurations/logback_debug.xml (if you start in debug mode)

Simple TRACE configuration

If you need to obtain TRACE level diagnostics, the following can be added to your logback configuration file.

Any MiOS Binding Trace output will be intermingled with your regular openHAB logs:

        <logger name="org.openhab.binding.mios" level="TRACE" />

Advanced Log configuration

To simplify analysis and to keep things structured you can also configure a dedicated logfile.

    <!-- log appender to be used for MIOS binding -->
       name  = "MIOSFILE" 
       class = "ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
       <!-- target file -->
        <!-- settings how to archive old logs and how long to rentain them [days] -->
        <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
        <!-- encoder rule (how to format the messages in the log file ) -->
           <pattern>%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%-5level] [%-30.30logger{36}] - %msg%n</pattern>

Next we configure the actual logger:

    <!-- valid log levels: OFF | ERROR | INFO | DEBUG | TRACE -->
      name       = "org.openhab.binding.mios"
      level      = "TRACE" 
      additivity = "FALSE">
      <appender-ref ref="MIOSFILE"  />

Below how it should look if the configuration is correct (TRACE):

2015-01-18 16:37:18.971 [DEBUG] [.o.b.mios.internal.MiosBinding] - internalPropertyUpdate: BOUND {mios="unit:vera,device:1/service/urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:ZWaveNetwork1/Role"}, value=Master SIS:NO PRI:YES, bound 1 time(s)
2015-01-18 16:37:18.971 [TRACE] [.o.b.mios.internal.MiosBinding] - internalPropertyUpdate: NOT BOUND {mios="unit:vera,device:1/service/urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:ZWaveNetwork1/LastDongleBackup"}, value=2015-01-14T23:30:57
2015-01-18 16:37:18.971 [TRACE] [.o.b.mios.internal.MiosBinding] - internalPropertyUpdate: NOT BOUND {mios="unit:vera,device:1/service/urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:ZWaveNetwork1/LastError"}, value=Poll failed
2015-01-18 16:37:18.971 [TRACE] [.o.b.mios.internal.MiosBinding] - internalPropertyUpdate: NOT BOUND {mios="unit:vera,device:1/service/urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:ZWaveNetwork1/LastHeal"}, value=2015-01-14T05:16:26
2015-01-18 16:37:18.971 [TRACE] [.o.b.mios.internal.MiosBinding] - internalPropertyUpdate: NOT BOUND {mios="unit:vera,device:1/service/urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:ZWaveNetwork1/LastRouteFailure"}, value=2015-01-14T04:11:33

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MiOS Item configuration

The MiOS Binding provides a few sources of data from the target MiOS Unit. These can be categorized into the following data values:

  • MiOS Device UPnP State Variables
  • MiOS Device Attributes
  • MiOS Scene Attributes
  • MiOS System Attributes

The examples below illustrates the form of each.

The general form of these bindings is:


In many cases, only a subset of these parameters need to be specified/used, with internal defaults applied for the common use-cases.

The sections below describe the types of things that can be bound, in addition to the transformations that are permitted, and any default transformations that may be applied for you.

Item Generation : MiOS Item Generator

🚨🔧The MiOS Item Generator is a free-standing tool that generates an initial openHAB Items file for a MiOS Unit.

After the initial generation the openHAB Items file can be customized, or can be regenerated, as Devices are added/removed from the MiOS Unit.

🔦 The Item Generator examples use a MiOS Unit name of "house". This name must match the MiOS Unit name declared in the MiOS Unit configuration. Any name can be used, as long as they're in sync across the configuration files.

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Item : MiOS Device Binding - Values (Reading)

Device Bindings can be read-only, with data flowing from the MiOS Unit into openHAB. Device Bindings have the form:




With examples like:

Number MiOSMemoryUsed         "Used [%.0f KB]"       (BindingDemo) {mios="unit:house,device:382/service/urn:cd-jackson-com:serviceId:SystemMonitor/memoryUsed"}
Number MiOSMemoryAvailable    "Available [%.0f KB]"  (BindingDemo) {mios="unit:house,device:382/service/urn:cd-jackson-com:serviceId:SystemMonitor/memoryAvailable"}
Number MiOSMemoryCached       "Cached [%.0f KB]"     (BindingDemo) {mios="unit:house,device:382/service/urn:cd-jackson-com:serviceId:SystemMonitor/memoryCached"}
Number MiOSMemoryBuffers      "Buffers [%.0f KB]"    (BindingDemo) {mios="unit:house,device:382/service/urn:cd-jackson-com:serviceId:SystemMonitor/memoryBuffers"}
String MiOSCMHLastRebootLinux "Reboot [%s]"          (BindingDemo) {mios="unit:house,device:382/service/urn:cd-jackson-com:serviceId:SystemMonitor/cmhLastRebootTime"}
String MiOSMemoryUsedString   "Memory Used [%s KB]"  (BindingDemo) {mios="unit:house,device:382/service/urn:cd-jackson-com:serviceId:SystemMonitor/memoryUsed"}

or, since we've internally Alias'd the UPnP Service Id that Chris used, you can also use:

Number MiOSMemoryUsed         "Used [%.0f KB]"       (BindingDemo) {mios="unit:house,device:382/service/SystemMonitor/memoryUsed"}
Number MiOSMemoryAvailable    "Available [%.0f KB]"  (BindingDemo) {mios="unit:house,device:382/service/SystemMonitor/memoryAvailable"}
Number MiOSMemoryCached       "Cached [%.0f KB]"     (BindingDemo) {mios="unit:house,device:382/service/SystemMonitor/memoryCached"}
Number MiOSMemoryBuffers      "Buffers [%.0f KB]"    (BindingDemo) {mios="unit:house,device:382/service/SystemMonitor/memoryBuffers"}
String MiOSCMHLastRebootLinux "Reboot [%s]"          (BindingDemo) {mios="unit:house,device:382/service/SystemMonitor/cmhLastRebootTime"}
String MiOSMemoryUsedString   "Memory Used [%s KB]"  (BindingDemo) {mios="unit:house,device:382/service/SystemMonitor/memoryUsed"}

Or you can replace the Weather information, from the openHAB demo.items file, with contents from the Weather Underground (WUI) Plugin from MiOS:

Number Weather_Temperature        "Outside Temperature [%.1f °F]" <temperature> (Weather_Chart) {mios="unit:house,device:318/service/TemperatureSensor1/CurrentTemperature"}

or, you can track the status of a Light Switch or perhaps a Dimmer:

Number HallLightAsSwitch      "On/Off [%1d]"         (BindingDemo) {mios="unit:house,device:11/service/SwitchPower1/Status"}
Number HallLightAsDimmer      "Level [%3d]"          (BindingDemo) {mios="unit:house,device:11/service/Dimming1/LoadLevelStatus"}  

The serviceAliases are built into the MiOS Binding and may be expanded over time, as feedback is received. Each Alias is case-sensitive, and there can be multiple Aliases for a single UPnP ServiceId:

Core UPnP Service Id Aliases
urn:upnp-org:serviceId:SwitchPower1 SwitchPower1, Switch
urn:upnp-org:serviceId:Dimming1 Dimming1,Dimming,Dimmer
urn:upnp-org:serviceId:TemperatureSensor1 TemperatureSensor1,Temperature
urn:upnp-org:serviceId:HVAC_FanOperatingMode1 HVAC_FanOperatingMode1,HVACFan
urn:upnp-org:serviceId:HVAC_UserOperatingMode1 HVAC_UserOperatingMode1,HVACUser
urn:upnp-org:serviceId:TemperatureSetpoint1_Heat TemperatureSetpoint1_Heat,Heat
urn:upnp-org:serviceId:TemperatureSetpoint1_Cool TemperatureSetpoint1_Cool,Cool
urn:upnp-org:serviceId:AVTransport AVTransport
urn:upnp-org:serviceId:RenderingControl RenderingControl
urn:upnp-org:serviceId:DeviceProperties DeviceProperties
urn:upnp-org:serviceId:HouseStatus1 HouseStatus1,HouseStatus
urn:upnp-org:serviceId:ContentDirectory ContentDirectory
urn:upnp-org:serviceId:AudioIn AudioIn
urn:upnp-org:serviceId:ZoneGroupTopology ZoneGroupTopology
MiCasaVerde UPnP Service Id Aliases
urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:ZWaveDevice1 ZWaveDevice1,ZWaveDevice
urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:ZWaveNetwork1 ZWaveNetwork1,ZWaveNetwork
urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HaDevice1 HaDevice1,HaDevice
urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SceneControllerLED1 SceneControllerLED1,SceneControllerLED
urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SecuritySensor1 SecuritySensor1,Security
urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HumiditySensor1 HumiditySensor1,Humidity
urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:EnergyMetering1 EnergyMetering1,EnergyMeter
urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SceneController1 SceneController1,SceneController
urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HVAC_OperatingState1 HVAC_OperatingState1,HVACState
urn:micasaverde-org:serviceId:SerialPort1 SerialPort1,Serial
urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:DoorLock1 DoorLock1,DoorLock
urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:AlarmPartition2 AlarmPartition2,Alarm
urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:Camera1 Camera1,Camera
urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:MiosUpdater1 MiosUpdater1,MiosUpdater
urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HouseModes1 HouseModes1,HouseModes
Plugin-specific UPnP Service Id Aliases
urn:cd-jackson-com:serviceId:SystemMonitor SystemMonitor
urn:cd-jackson-com:serviceId:Config CDJConfig
urn:garrettwp-com:serviceId:WPSwitch1 WPSwitch1,WPSwitch
urn:watou-com:serviceId:Nest1 Nest1,Nest
urn:watou-com:serviceId:NestStructure1 NestStructure1,NestStructure
urn:upnp-micasaverde-com:serviceId:Weather1 Weather1,Weather
urn:demo-ted-striker:serviceId:PingSensor1 PingSensor1,PingSensor
urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:Sonos1 Sonos1,Sonos
urn:demo-paradox-com:serviceId:ParadoxSecurityEVO1 ParadoxSecurityEVO1,Paradox
urn:macrho-com:serviceId:LiftMasterOpener1 LiftMasterOpener1,LiftMaster
urn:directv-com:serviceId:DVR1 DirecTVDVR1,DirecTV
urn:futzle-com:serviceId:UPnPProxy1 UPnPProxy1,UPnPProxy
urn:rfxcom-com:serviceId:rfxtrx1 RfxtrxNew
upnp-rfxcom-com:serviceId:rfxtrx1 Rfxtrx
urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduinonode1 ArduinoNode1,ArduinoNode
urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1 Arduino1,Arduino
urn:akbooer-com:serviceId:DataYours1 DataYours1,DataYours
urn:richardgreen:serviceId:VeraAlert1 VeraAlert1,VeraAlert
urn:upnp-org:serviceId:VSwitch1 VSwitch1,VSwitch

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Item : MiOS Scene Binding - Values (Reading)

Scene Bindings are read-only, with data flowing from the MiOS Unit into openHAB. Scene Bindings have the form:


With examples like:

Number   SceneGarageOpenId         (GScene) {mios="unit:house,scene:109/id"}
Number   SceneGarageOpenStatus     (GScene) {mios="unit:house,scene:109/status"}
String   SceneGarageOpenActive     (GScene) {mios="unit:house,scene:109/active"}

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Item : MiOS System Binding

System Bindings are read-only, with data flowing from the MiOS Unit into openHAB. System Bindings have the form:


With examples like:

Number   SystemZWaveStatus         "[%d]"  (GSystem) {mios="unit:house,system:/ZWaveStatus"}
String   SystemLocalTime           "[%s]"  (GSystem) {mios="unit:house,system:/LocalTime"}
String   SystemTimeStamp           "[%s]"  (GSystem) {mios="unit:house,system:/TimeStamp"}
String   SystemUserDataDataVersion "[%s]"  (GSystem) {mios="unit:house,system:/UserData_DataVersion"}
Number   SystemDataVersion         "[%d]"  (GSystem) {mios="unit:house,system:/DataVersion"} 
String   SystemLoadTime            "[%s]"  (GSystem) {mios="unit:house,system:/LoadTime"} 

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Sometimes the value presented by the binding isn't in the format that you require for your Item. For these cases, the binding provides access to the standard openHAB Transformation Service.

To utilize the Transformation Service, you need to declare additional settings on your bindings.

These take the form of the in: and out: declarations at the end of the binding. The in: declaration is used when values are received from the MiOS Unit, but before it places the value into openHAB. The out: declaration is used when values are taken from the openHAB system for delivered to the MiOS Unit (in Command execution, for example).


As you can see by the above declaration, the input and output transformations are optional. If they aren't declared, then an internal, automated, transformation will be attempted based upon the Type of the Item being bound and, in some cases, the type of MiOS Attribute and/or State Variable involved in the binding.

With examples like:

String   SystemZWaveStatusString "ZWave Status String [%d]" (GSystem) {mios="unit:house,system:/ZWaveStatus,in:MAP("}
Contact  LivingRoomZoneTripped "Living Room (Zone 2) [%s]" <contact> (GContact,GWindow,GPersist) {mios="unit:house,device:117/service/SecuritySensor1/Tripped,in:MAP("}

and a map transform file like configurations/transform/

1=Cool Bananas
0=In the Dog house
-=Your guess is as good as mine!

and a map transform file like configurations/transform/


Then as data flows from the MiOS system, data for these items will be transformed into the new [String] format for display and/or rule purposes.

To ease the setup process, the common MiOS entities have internal defaults for these parameters. This aids in keeping the binding string simple for typical use-case scenarios. The defaults are as follows:

For Devices, the defaults are as follows:

State Variable / Attribute Default Parameters
service/urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:DoorLock1/Status command:MAP(
service/urn:watou-com:serviceId:Nest1/status in:MAP(
service/urn:upnp-org:serviceId:RenderingControl/Mute command:MAP(
service/urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SecuritySensor1/Armed command:MAP(
service/urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SecuritySensor1/Tripped in:MAP(
service/urn:upnp-org:serviceId:SwitchPower1/Status command:ON/OFF
service/urn:upnp-org:serviceId:Dimming1/LoadLevelStatus command:MAP(
service/urn:upnp-org:serviceId:TemperatureSetpoint1_Heat/CurrentSetpoint command:MAP(
service/urn:upnp-org:serviceId:TemperatureSetpoint1_Cool/CurrentSetpoint command:MAP(
service/urn:upnp-org:serviceId:HVAC_UserOperatingMode1/ModeStatus command:MAP(
service/urn:upnp-org:serviceId:HVAC_FanOperatingMode1/Mode command:MAP(
service/urn:upnp-org:serviceId:RenderingControl/Volume command:MAP(
service/urn:upnp-org:serviceId:AVTransport/TransportState command:MAP(
status in:MAP(

For Scenes, they look like:

State Variable / Attribute Default Parameters
active in:MAP(
status command:

For users wanting more advanced configurations, the openHAB Transformation Service provides a number of other transforms that may be of interest:

  • JS(example.js) - run the Javascript to perform the conversion.
  • MAP ( - Transform using the static, file-based, conversion.
  • XSLT(example.xslt) - Transform using an XSLT transformation.
  • EXEC(...) - Transform using the OS-level script.
  • REGEX(...) - Transform using the supplied Regular Expression and use Capture markers ( and ) around the value to be extracted.
  • XPATH(...) - Transform using the supplied XPath Expression.

More reading on these is available in the openHAB Wiki.

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Item Commands (Reacting)

By default, openHAB will send Commands to the Controls that have been outlined in the associated configurations/sitemaps/*.sitemap file. The Commands sent depend upon the type of Control that's been bound to the Item.

Through observation, the following commands are commonly sent:

  • Switch - ON, OFF (When Bound to a Switch Item)
  • Switch - TOGGLE (When Bound to a Contact Item)
  • Switch - ON (When autoupdate="false" is also present in the binding list)
  • Slider - INCREASE, DECREASE, <PCTNumber>

MiOS Units don't natively handle these Commands so a mapping step must occur before openHAB Commands can be executed by a MiOS Unit. Additionally, since MiOS Bindings are read-only by default, we must add a parameter to indicate we want data to flow back to the MiOS Unit.

The command: Binding parameter is used to specify that we want data to flow back to the MiOS unit as well as how to perform the required mapping. For most Items bound using the MiOS Binding, internal defaults will take care of the correct command:, in: and out: parameters. These need only be specified if you have something not handled by the internal defaults, or wish to override them with custom behavior.

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Item : MiOS Device Binding - Commands (Reacting)

For MiOS Devices, this parameter can take one of several forms:


With definitions as:

<CommandMap> is <blank> OR;
<CommandMap> is <InlineCommandMap> OR;
<CommandMap> is <openHABTransform> ( <TransformParams> )

<InlineCommandMap> is <openHABCommandMap> { | <openHABCommandMap> }*
<openHABCommandMap> is <openHABCommand> { = <UPnPAction> }
<openHABCommand> is ON, OFF, INCREASE, DECREASE, etc or the special value _defaultCommand

<UPnPAction> is <ServiceName> / <ServiceAction> ( { <ServiceParam> { = <ServiceValue> | = <BoundValue>} } ) OR;
<UPnPAction> is <ServiceAlias> / <ServiceAction> ( { <ServiceParam> { = <ServiceValue> | = <BoundValue>} } )

<UPnPVariable> is <ServiceName> / <ServiceVariable> OR;
<UPnPVariable> is <ServiceAlias> / <ServiceVariable>

<openHABTransform> is MAP, XSLT, EXEC, XPATH, etc

<BoundValue> is ?, ??, ?++, ?--

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Device Command Binding Examples (Parameterless)

In practice, when discrete commands are being sent by openHAB, the map is fairly simple. In the examples listed below, the *.map files are provided and can be downloaded per the Transformations setup descriptions.

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A Switch...

You might start off with an inline definition of the mapping:

Switch   FamilyTheatreLightsStatus "Family Theatre Lights" (GSwitch) {mios="unit:house,device:13/service/SwitchPower1/Status,command:ON=SwitchPower1/SetTarget(newTargetValue=1)|OFF=SwitchPower1/SetTarget(newTargetValue=0),in:MAP("}

And then reduce it to the internal default map, but specify that you only want to handle ON and OFF Commands:

Switch   FamilyTheatreLightsStatus "Family Theatre Lights" (GSwitch) {mios="unit:house,device:13/service/SwitchPower1/Status,command:ON|OFF,in:MAP("}

or, more simply, use the internal defaults altogether:

Switch   FamilyTheatreLightsStatus "Family Theatre Lights" (GSwitch) {mios="unit:house,device:13/service/SwitchPower1/Status"}

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An Armed Sensor...

The simple version, using internal defaults for the SecuritySensor1/Armed service state of the Device:

Switch   LivingRoomZoneArmed "Zone Armed [%s]" {mios="unit:house,device:117/service/SecuritySensor1/Armed"}

or the fully spelled out version:

Switch   LivingRoomZoneArmed "Zone Armed [%s]" {mios="unit:house,device:117/service/SecuritySensor1/Armed,command:MAP(,in:MAP("}

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A Lock...

The simple version, using internal defaults for the DoorLock1/Status service state of the Device:

Switch   GarageDeadboltDStatus "Garage Deadbolt" (GLock,GSwitch) {mios="unit:house,device:189/service/DoorLock1/Status"}

or the full version:

Switch   GarageDeadboltDStatus "Garage Deadbolt" (GLock,GSwitch) {mios="unit:house,device:189/service/DoorLock1/Status,command:MAP(,in:MAP("}

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Device Command Binding Examples (Parameterized)

For some Commands, in order to pass this information to the remote MiOS Unit, we need to know either the current value of the Item, or we need to know the current value of the Command.

To do this, we introduce the <BoundValue> parameter that, when present in the mapped-command, will be expanded prior to being sent to the MiOS Unit:

  • ?++ - Item Value + 10
  • ?-- - Item Value - 10
  • ? - Item Value
  • ?? - Command Value

Additionally, since <PCTNumber> is just a value, it won't match any of the entries in our Mapping file, so we introduce a magic key _defaultCommand. We first attempt to do a literal mapping and, if that doesn't find a match, we go look for this magic key and use it's entry.

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A Dimmer, Volume Control, Speed controlled Fan...

The simple version, using internal defaults for the Dimming1/LoadLevelStatus service state of the Device:

Dimmer   MasterCeilingFanLoadLevelStatus "Master Ceiling Fan [%d]%" <slider> (GDimmer) {mios="unit:house,device:101/service/Dimming1/LoadLevelStatus"}

or the full version:

Dimmer   MasterCeilingFanLoadLevelStatus "Master Ceiling Fan [%d]%" <slider> (GDimmer) {mios="unit:house,device:101/service/Dimming1/LoadLevelStatus,command:MAP("}

Since Dimmer Items in openHAB can be sent INCREASE, DECREASE or <PCTNumber> as the command, the mapping file must account for both the static commands (INCREASE, DECREASE) as well as the possibility of a Command Value being sent.

The file has a definition that handles this situation:


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A Thermostat...

A Thermostat is composed of a number of pieces. Each piece must be first bound to openHAB Items, and then a number of mappings must be put in place.

Since all the components of a Thermostat have reasonable internal defaults, we'll use the simpler form for our Item definitions in openHAB:

/* Thermostat Upstairs */
Number   ThermostatUpstairsId "ID [%d]" {mios="unit:house,device:335/id"}
String   ThermostatUpstairsDeviceStatus "Device Status [%s]" (GThermostatUpstairs) {mios="unit:house,device:335/status"}
Number   ThermostatUpstairsCurrentTemperature "Upstairs Temperature [%.1f °F]" <temperature> (GThermostatUpstairs, GTemperature) {mios="unit:house,device:335/service/TemperatureSensor1/CurrentTemperature"}
Number   ThermostatUpstairsHeatCurrentSetpoint "Heat Setpoint [%.1f °F]" <temperature> (GThermostatUpstairs) {mios="unit:house,device:335/service/TemperatureSetpoint1_Heat/CurrentSetpoint"}
Number   ThermostatUpstairsCoolCurrentSetpoint "Cool Setpoint [%.1f °F]" <temperature> (GThermostatUpstairs) {mios="unit:house,device:335/service/TemperatureSetpoint1_Cool/CurrentSetpoint"}
String   ThermostatUpstairsFanMode "Fan Mode" (GThermostatUpstairs) {mios="unit:house,device:335/service/HVAC_FanOperatingMode1/Mode"}
String   ThermostatUpstairsFanStatus "Fan Status [%s]" (GThermostatUpstairs) {mios="unit:house,device:335/service/HVAC_FanOperatingMode1/FanStatus"}
String   ThermostatUpstairsModeStatus "Mode Status" (GThermostatUpstairs) {mios="unit:house,device:335/service/HVAC_UserOperatingMode1/ModeStatus"}
String   ThermostatUpstairsModeState "Mode State [%s]" (GThermostatUpstairs) {mios="unit:house,device:335/service/HVAC_OperatingState1/ModeState"}
Number   ThermostatUpstairsBatteryLevel "Battery Level [%d] %" (GThermostatUpstairs) {mios="unit:house,device:335/service/HaDevice1/BatteryLevel"}
DateTime ThermostatUpstairsBatteryDate "Battery Date [%1$ta, %1$tm/%1$te %1$tR]" <calendar> (GThermostatUpstairs) {mios="unit:house,device:335/service/HaDevice1/BatteryDate"}
DateTime ThermostatUpstairsLastUpdate "Last Update [%1$ta, %1$tm/%1$te %1$tR]" <calendar> (GThermostatUpstairs) {mios="unit:house,device:335/service/HaDevice1/LastUpdate"}

and these need to be paired with similar items in the *.sitemap file:

Text     item=ThermostatUpstairsCurrentTemperature {
    Text     item=ThermostatHumidityUpstairsCurrentLevel
    Setpoint item=ThermostatUpstairsHeatCurrentSetpoint minValue=40 maxValue=80
    Setpoint item=ThermostatUpstairsCoolCurrentSetpoint minValue=40 maxValue=80
    Switch   item=ThermostatUpstairsFanMode mappings=[ContinuousOn="On", Auto="Auto"]
    Text     item=ThermostatUpstairsFanStatus
    Switch   item=ThermostatUpstairsModeStatus mappings=[HeatOn="Heat", CoolOn="Cool", AutoChangeOver="Auto", Off="Off"]
    Text     item=ThermostatUpstairsModeState
    Text     item=ThermostatUpstairsBatteryLevel
    Text     item=ThermostatUpstairsBatteryDate

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Item : MiOS Scene Binding - Commands (Reacting)

MiOS Scenes are parameterless. They can only be requested to execute, and they provide status updates as attribute values during their execution (status) or if they're currently active (active).

For MiOS Scenes, the command: parameter has a simpler form:


With definitions as:

<CommandList> is <blank> OR;
<CommandList> is <openHABCommand> { | <openHABCommand> }*


<SceneAttribute> is status | active

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Scene Command Binding Examples

In general Scenes tend to look like:

String   SceneMasterClosetLights "Master Closet Lights Scene" <sofa> (GScene) {mios="unit:house,scene:109/status, autoupdate="false"}

Or if you want the Scene executed upon receipt of ON or TOGGLE Commands:

String   SceneMasterClosetLights "Master Closet Lights Scene" <sofa> (GScene) {mios="unit:house,scene:109/status,command:ON|TOGGLE", autoupdate="false"}

🔦 Here we've added an additional configuration to the binding declaration, autoupdate="false", to ensure the Switch no longer has the ON and OFF States automatically managed. In openHAB, this declaration ensures that the UI rendition appears like a Button.

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