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Pinglei Guo edited this page Jan 13, 2018 · 3 revisions

In this page we list papers that have used the oltpbenchmark framework (or some prehistoric version of it).

  • Carlo Curino, Yang Zhang, Evan P. C. Jones, Samuel Madden: Schism: a Workload-Driven Approach to Database Replication and Partitioning. PVLDB 3(1): 48-57 (2010)
  • Carlo Curino, Evan P. C. Jones, Raluca A. Popa, Nirmesh Malviya, Eugene Wu, Samuel Madden, Hari Balakrishnan, Nickolai Zeldovich: Relational Cloud: a Database Service for the cloud. CIDR 2011: 235-240
  • Raluca A. Popa, Catherine M. S. Redfield, Nickolai Zeldovich, Hari Balakrishnan: CryptDB: protecting confidentiality with encrypted query processing. SOSP 2011: 85-100
  • Andrew Pavlo, Evan P. C. Jones, and Stanley Zdonik, "On Predictive Modeling for Optimizing Transaction Execution in Parallel OLTP Systems," Proc. VLDB Endow., vol. 5, pp. 85-96, 2011
  • Aubrey L. Tatarowicz, Carlo Curino, Evan P. C. Jones Sam Madden, Lookup Tables: Fine-Grained Partitioning for Distributed Databases, ICDE 2012
  • Andrew Pavlo, Carlo Curino, Stan Zdonik, Skew-Aware Automatic Database Partitioning in Shared-Nothing, Parallel OLTP Systems, SIGMOD 2012

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