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Draft workflow for pairwise genome comparison. We recommend you use the new nf-core version instead: https://nf-cor.e/pairgenomealign

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Pairwise Genome Alignment

Use this new version →

In 2024 we re-implemented this pipeline as a proper nf-core pipeline. Use it unless you need old releases for reproducibility.

If you use this pipeline, please cite:

We developed this pipeline was used to study genome scrambling in the marine zooplankton Oikopleura dioica.

Extreme genome scrambling in marine planktonic Oikopleura dioica cryptic species. Charles Plessy, Michael J. Mansfield, Aleksandra Bliznina, Aki Masunaga, Charlotte West, Yongkai Tan, Andrew W. Liu, Jan Grašič, María Sara del Río Pisula, Gaspar Sánchez-Serna, Marc Fabrega-Torrus, Alfonso Ferrández-Roldán, Vittoria Roncalli, Pavla Navratilova, Eric M. Thompson, Takeshi Onuma, Hiroki Nishida, Cristian Cañestro, Nicholas M. Luscombe. Genome Res. 2024. 34: 426-440; doi:10.1101/2023.05.09.539028. PubMed ID: 38621828 OIST research news article

And also please cite the LAST papers.


For each query genome, this pipeline will align it to the target genome, post-process the alignments and produce dot plots visualisations at different steps of the workflow. Each file contains a name suffix that indicates in which order they were created.

  • 00.train is the alignment parameters computed by last-train (optional)
  • 01.m2m_aln is the many-to-many alignment between target and query genomes. (optional through the --m2m option)
  • 02.m2m_plot (optional)
  • 03.m2o_aln is the many-to-one alignment regions of the target genome are matched at most once by the query genome.
  • 04.m2o_plot (optional)
  • 05.o2o_aln is the one-to-one alignment between the target and query genomes.
  • 06.o2o_plot (optional)
  • 05b.o2m_aln is the one-to-many alignment between the target and query genomes (optional).
  • 06b.o2m_plot (optional)
  • 07.o2o_postmasked_aln is a filtered one-to-one alignment where low-confidence matches made mostly of masked regions are removed. (optional)
  • 08.o2o_postmasked_plot (optional)

The poly-N regions longer than 9 bases in each genome sequence are marked in pale red in the dot-plots. These often indicate contig boundaries in scaffolds. This is done with seqtk cutN and its output is provided in the seqtk directory.

Mandatory parameters

  • --target: path or URL to one genome file in FASTA format. It will be indexed.

  • --input: path to a sample sheet in tab-separated format with one header line id file, and one row per genome (ID and path or URL to FASTA file).

    — or —

    --query: path or URL to one genome file in FASTA format.


  • --with_windowmasker optionally soft-masks the genome for interspersed repeats with lowercase charactesr using the windowmasker tool of the BLAST suite ( The original soft-masking is erased, to match the behaviour of the pipeline when this option is not selected.

  • --seed selects the name of the LAST seed The default (YASS) searches for “long-and-weak similarities” that “allow for mismatches but not gaps”. Among alternatives, there are NEAR for “short-and-strong (near-identical) similaritieswith many gaps (insertions and deletions)”, MAM8 to find “weak similarities with high sensitivity, but low speed and high memory usage” or RY128 that “reduces run time and memory use, by only seeking seeds at ~1/128 of positions in each sequence”, which is useful when the purpose of running this pipeline is only to generate whole-genome dotplots, or when sensitivity for tiny fragments may be unnecessary or undesirable. Setting the seed to PSEUDO triggers protein-to-DNA alignment mode (experimental).

  • --lastal_args defaults to -C2 and is applied to both the calls to last-train and lastal, like in the LAST cookbook and the last-genome-alignments tutorial.

  • --lastal_extr_args (default: -D1e9) is only passed to lastal and can be used for arguments that are not recognised by last-train.

  • --lastal_params: path to a file containing alignment parameters computed by last-train or a scoring matrix. If this option is not used, the pipeline will run last-train for each query.

  • --m2m: (default: false) Compute and output the many-to-many alignment. This adds time and can comsume considerable amount of space; use only if you need that data.

  • --o2m: (default: false) Also compute the one-to-many alignments and dotplots. This is sometimes useful when troubleshooting the preparation of diploid assemblies.

  • --one_to_one_only: do not copy the other alignments to the results folder, thus saving disk space.

  • By default, last-split runs with -m1e-5 to omit alignments with mismap probability > 10−5, but this can be overriden with the --last_split_mismap option.

  • --last_split_args defaults to empty value and is not very useful at the moment, but is kept for backwards compatibility. It can be used to pass options to last-split. Note that if you used --m2m false (which is the default), the split parameters have to be passed in --lastal_extra_args and have different names (see split options in the lastal documentation).

  • The dotplots can be modified by overriding defaults and passing new arguments via the --dotplot_options argument. Defaults and available options can be seen on the manual page of the last-dotplot program. By default in this pipeline, the sequences of the query genome are sorted and oriented by their alignment to the target genome (--sort2=3 --strands2=1). For readability, their names are written horizontally (--rot2=h).

  • Use --skip_dotplot_m2m, --skip_dotplot_m2o, --skip_dotplot_o2o --skip_dotplot_o2m to skip the production of the dot plots that can be computationally expensive and visually uninformative on large genomes with shared repeats. File suffixes (see above) will not change.

  • By default the LAST index is named target and the ouput files are named from the query IDs. Use the --targetName option to provide a name that will be used for the LAST index and that will be prefixed to the query IDs with a ___ separator.

  • Use --postmask to filter out the one-to-one alignments that contain a significant fraction of soft-masked (lowercased) sequences, using the last-postmask tool. This is not necessary if lastdb was run with the -c option, which is the default since version 7.0.0.

Fixed arguments (taken from the LAST cookbook and the LAST tuning manual)

  • The lastdb step soft-masks simple repeats by default, (-c -R01). It indexes both strands (-S2), which increases speed at the expense of memory usage.

  • The last-train commands runs with --revsym as the DNA strands play equivalent roles in the studied genomes, unless the --read_align option is selected.

  • last-split runs with -fMAF+ to make it show per-base mismap probabilities, except in read alignment mode (see below).

Read alignment mode

The --read_align option can be used to align sequencing reads to a genome. The output will be a single alignment file with a many-to-one relationship between the target genome and the query reads. The alignment process is similar with the --skip_m2m mode, with the difference that the scoring matrix computed by last-train is allowed to be asymmetric. FASTA and FASTQ formats are allowed, and by default the quality values are ignored. This can be changed by passing keep, sanger, solexa, or illumina as an argument to --read_align as described in the lastal documentation. The default seeding scheme is used but it may be a good idea to use RY128 instead to speed up the alignment.


nextflow run oist/plessy_pairwiseGenomeComparison -r main \
    --input samplesheet.tsv \
    --target sequencefile.fa \
    [-profile yourInstitution]

This pipeline can use the institutional profiles defined in nf-core (


Note that your tests may fail if you do not set the -profile option to a configuration suitable for your system. See for common ones. You also need to ensure that your work directory is writable by your compute nodes, by setting the -work-dir option appropriately.

test remote

nextflow run oist/plessy_pairwiseGenomeComparison -r main \
    --target \

test locally

nextflow run ./ \
    --input testInput.tsv \

test read alignment mode (remote)

nextflow run oist/plessy_pairwiseGenomeComparison -r main \
    --target \
    --query \

test protein alignment mode (remote)

nextflow run oist/plessy_pairwiseGenomeComparison -r main \
    --target \
    --query \
    --seed PSEUDO

Advanced use


The results directory contains three reports generated by Nextflow:

  • report.html informs on the pipeline, its version, some metrics about execution time.
  • timeline.html displays the execution times like a Gantt chart.
  • trace.tsv provides the raw data and can be displayed with the column -ts$'\t' command.

Override computation limits

Computation resources allocated to the processe are set with standard nf-core labels in the nextflow.config file of the pipeline. To override their value, create a configuration file in your local directory and add it to the run's configuration with the -c option.

For instance, with file called containing the following:

process {
  withLabel:process_high {
    time = 3.d

The command nextflow -c run … would set the execution time limit for the training and alignment (whose module declare the process_high label) to 3 days instead of the 1 hour default.

Semantic versioning

I apply semantic versioning to this pipeline:

  • Major increment when the interface changes in a way that is backwards-incompatible, in the sense that a run with the same command and the same data would produce a different result (except for non-deterministic computations).

  • Minor increment for any other change of the interface, such as additions of new functionalities.

  • Patch increment for changes that do not modify the interface (bug fixes, minor software and module updates, documentation changes, etc.)


Draft workflow for pairwise genome comparison. We recommend you use the new nf-core version instead: https://nf-cor.e/pairgenomealign







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