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New York Public Radio Design System



Installing development dependencies

In the docroot run:

npm run build

This will create the node_modules directory and download all dev dependencies, setup & build the Pattern Lab environment, compile all SCSS into CSS, then move the generated CSS into the /public site.

Developing and styling patterns

When working with the theme, there's a few development options available. These commands must be run from the docroot.

Watch for file changes

This will start up a local server via Browsersync. It proxies the local domain nypr.test.


Generating theme-specific CSS files

gulp sass

Rebuild Pattern Lab

gulp patterns-change

Generating theme asset files

gulp build-theme

This will generate all CSS files, compile a new Pattern Lab public site, and move the generated CSS into the new public site. You might use this after you pull in some theme changes and want to view them on your local environment.

For a larger list of gulp commands, see the gulp file

Local Pattern Lab development server settings

  • Host name: nypr.test. (this is what Browsersync uses to proxy the localhost server)


We use circleci to handle automated deployments. The configuration is in the circle.yml file. At a high level, whenever a commit is made to master, the public site is built and the resulting /public/css/themes/default/default.css file is shipped to the gothamist-web-client's DEMO static asset S3 bucket. To deploy to the PROD bucket, simply make a new github release (we follow semantic versioning) and the automated workflow will trigger.

This works by using the gulp ship-sass task (See the code here).

Making commits to branches will trigger the build step of the automated deployment, but not the deploy step. This allows you to see if your changes compile and build properly before merging to master.