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Swift 3.0 Platforms CocoaPods Carthage Swift Package Manager MIT License

Weak and Unowned as native Swift types.

The Problem

Swift allows for weak and unowned bindings to objects out-of-the-box, but they can't be used just anywhere.

  1. They can't be used as associated values of enum cases.

  2. They can't be passed as a parameter to a function, method, or initializer without increasing the reference count.

Weak solves these two problems by giving you full control over how you want to pass around weak or unowned references.



  • Platforms:
    • macOS 10.9+
    • iOS 8.0+
    • watchOS 2.0+
    • tvOS 9.0+
    • Linux
  • Xcode 8.0
  • Swift 3.0

Install Using Swift Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager is a decentralized dependency manager for Swift.

  1. Add the project to your Package.swift.

    import PackageDescription
    let package = Package(
        name: "MyAwesomeProject",
        dependencies: [
            .Package(url: "",
                     majorVersion: 1)
  2. Import the Weak module.

    import Weak

Install Using CocoaPods

CocoaPods is a centralized dependency manager for Objective-C and Swift. Go here to learn more.

  1. Add the project to your Podfile.

    pod 'Weak', '~> 1.0.0'

    If you want to be on the bleeding edge, replace the last line with:

    pod 'Weak', :git => ''
  2. Run pod install and open the .xcworkspace file to launch Xcode.

  3. Import the Weak framework.

    import Weak

Install Using Carthage

Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager for Objective-C and Swift.

  1. Add the project to your Cartfile.

    github "nvzqz/Weak"
  2. Run carthage update and follow the additional steps in order to add Weak to your project.

  3. Import the Weak framework.

    import Weak

Install Manually

Simply add the Weak.swift and Unowned.swift files into your project.


Weak References

A Weak<T> instance acts just how weak var foo: T would. When the reference count hits 0, the object property becomes nil.

let weakRef: Weak<SomeClass>

do {
    let instance = SomeClass()
    weakRef = Weak(instance)
    print(weakRef.object == nil)  // false

print(weakRef.object == nil)  // true

Unowned References

An Unowned<T> instance should only be used when it will not outlive the life of object. Otherwise, accessing object will cause a crash, just like accessing any unowned reference after the reference count hits 0.

let unownedRef: Unowned<SomeClass>

do {
    let instance = SomeClass()
    unownedRef = Unowned(instance)
    print(unownedRef.object)  // SomeClass(...)

print(unownedRef.object)  // CRASHES


Weak is released under the MIT License.