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This repository is the starter kit of men (mongo, express, node ) stack REST api

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MEN (Mongodb, Express, Node) Stack Starter Kit

This repository is the REST API Starter kit


  • Node
  • Express Framework
  • MongoDB (Mongoose)


Clone the repository:

git clone
cd men-stack-starter-kit
rm -rf .git

Install mongodb globally : Official documentation

Install dependencies using npm:

npm install

For development

npm run dev

The app will run in http://localhost:3000

For Production

npm start

Starter Kit layout

+- config
|   +- index.js               --> configuration file where database configuration and
|                                 host configuration are described
+- controllers                --> controller files
+- models                     --> models directories that communicate with the database
|   +- definitions            --> database models are defined
|   +- schemas                --> mongodb schemas are described
|   +- handlers               --> database access layer that connects with the db models
|   +- db.connection.js       --> connect with mongodb
|   +- models.js              --> initialize mongodb models
+- node_modules               --> development dependencies node modules
+- routes                     --> REST api routers
+- utilities                  --> utilities files
|   +- helpers                --> all helper files
|   +- validators             --> api validators are described
+- server.js                  --> application run file
+- package.json               --> node package configuration file


MIT licence