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Software Carpentry

Add taxonomic name resolution to the EcoData Retriever to facilitate data science approaches to ecology

Please ask questions here.


The EcoData Retriever is a Python based tool for automatically downloading, cleaning up, and restructuring ecological data. It does the hard work of data munging so that scientists can focus on doing science.

One of the challenges of ecological (and evolutionary) data is that the names of species are constantly being redefined. This makes it difficult to combine datasets to do interesting science. By automating reconciliation of different species names as part of the process of accessing the data in the first place it will become much easier to combine diverse datasets and in new and interesting ways.


This project would extendthe EcoData Retriever using Python to access one or more of the existing web services that reconcile species names (e.g., iPlant's Taxonomic Name Resolution Service) and automatically replacing the species scientific names in the generated databases. Specifically this would involve:

  • Object oriented programming in Python
  • Using Python to query web service APIs


Scientific names are stored inconsistently across datasets, so it will be necessary to either modifying the scripts that hold information on each dataset to indicate the location of the species information or use an existing ontology to automatically identify the location.

Involved toolkits or projects

  • The EcoData Retriever
  • Python
  • The APIs for the taxonomic name resolution services.
  • Relational database management systems (RDBMS) including MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite

Degree of difficulty and needed skills

  • Moderate Difficulty
  • Knowledge of Python
  • Knowledge of interacting with web services via APIs is a plus, but could be learned during the project

Involved developer communities

The EcoData Retriever primarily interacts via issues and pull requests on GitHub.


  • @ethanwhite
  • @bendmorris
  • @sckott

Improving reproducibility in science by adding provenance tracking to the EcoData Retriever

Please ask questions here.


The EcoData Retriever is a Python based tool for automatically downloading, cleaning up, and restructuring ecological data. It does the hard work of data munging so that scientists can focus on doing science.

Science is experiencing a reproducibility crisis in that it is becoming clear that published results often cannot be reproduced. Part of the challenge of reproducibility in data science style research is that most of the steps related to data: downloading it, cleaning it up, restructuring it, are either done manually or using one-off scripts and therefore this phase of the scientific process is not reproducible. The EcoData Retriever already solves many of these problems, but it doesn't currently keep track of exactly what has been done and therefore fails to support full reproducible workflows.


This project would extend the EcoData Retriever using Python to store all of the metadata necessary for full reproduction in an associated SQLite database.

Specifically this would involve:

  • Object oriented programming in Python
  • Design an SQLite database for storing provenance information or use an existing framework (e.g,.
  • Implement checks to make sure that the data is in the same form created by the Retriever when retrieving provenance information

Involved toolkits or projects

  • The EcoData Retriever
  • Python
  • Relational database management systems (RDBMS) including MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite
  • Potentially an existing provenance library

Degree of difficulty and needed skills

  • Moderate Difficulty
  • Knowledge of Python
  • Some experience with SQL

Involved developer communities

The EcoData Retriever primarily interacts via issues and pull requests on GitHub.


  • @ethanwhite
  • @bendmorris

Write a result-aggregation server for the installation-test scripts

Please as questions here.


Software Carpentry has installation-test scripts so students can check that they've successfully installed any software required by their workshop. However, we don't collect the results of student tests, which makes a number of things more difficult than they need to be. Statistics about installed versions would make it easy to:


This project would:

  • Create a model for installed packages, failed package checks, and diagnostic system information.
  • Design an API so clients can submit the results of their installation-test script.
  • Write a small server to serve the API, store the results in a relational database, and allow administators to analyze the content.
  • Update the installation-test scripts to (optionally) submit their results to the new server.

I'm not particular about the web framework you use to write the server, but I have the most experience with Django and Flask. If you prefer a different framework, I'm fine with anything that takes care of the boilerplate and lets you focus on the high-level tasks.


Designing and implementing a simple API for storing test results, error messages, diagnostic system information, etc. We want a robust, flexible system that's small and easy to maintain going forward.

Involved toolkits or projects

  • Python, for extending the existing installation test scripts.
  • A web framework like Django, Flask, RoR, Express, ...
  • Relational database management systems (RDBMS) including MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite.

Degree of difficulty and needed skills

  • Moderate difficulty. This will be a simple server application, but you'll be designing and writing it from scratch.
  • Knowledge of Python, to write client-side code for the installation test scripts.
  • Knowledge of a web framework and basic API design.
  • Knowledge of relational databases or a wrapping library for storing the results.

Any of these skills could be learned during the project, but you probably can't learn all of them during the project ;).


  • @wking


Thanks to @xuf12 for the initial idea behind this project.

Amy: A Web-Based Tool for Managing Workshops

Please ask questions here.

Software Carpentry workshops are currently managed by hand using a complex (and fragile) mix that includes SQL files stored in GitHub, regional mailing lists, and other bits and pieces that have been cobbled together over the last five years. Learning how to drive all of this takes a lot of time, and is a major barrier to partner organizations getting more involved in workshop setup, so we have started building Amy, a Django application for managing workshops. Basic functionality is in place, but many features have not yet been implemented, and it needs a lot of improvements in usability (not to mention a lot more testing).

Technical Details

Amy is a straightforward Django application; experience with that framework (and with Python) is required. Some of the features we would like to add require Javascript, so familiarity with JQuery and other frameworks is an asset.

Amy will manage personal identifying information, so applicants should also have a basic understanding of security engineering. Experience with deploying and maintaining applications is also an asset.


  • @gvwilson
  • @wking
  • @rgaiacs


Thanks to everyone who has helped get Amy this far.

Lessons as Packages


There has been a great deal of interest lately in using virtual machine technologies such as Docker to improve the reproducibility of computational results in scientific research. There has been much less discussion of whether the same end could be achieved just as well, or better, using another technology: package managers. This project will explore the extent to which cross-platform, open source package managers can aid reproducible research, both on their own and in conjunction with other tools, by building and evaluating a prototype of such a system.

Technical Details

A package manager is a collection of software tools that automates the process of installing, upgrading, configuring, and removing software packages for a computer's operating system in a consistent manner. It typically maintains a database of software dependencies and version information to prevent software mismatches and missing prerequisites.

Packages are distributions of software, applications and data. A package typically contains metadata such as a description of its purpose, its version, and a list of dependencies necessary for the software to run properly. Upon installation, this metadata is stored in a local package database, so that the package manager can detect and handle dependencies and conflicts between different packages (e.g., figure out what to do when Package A needs one version of Library X, but Package B is using an older one or needs a newer one).

The existence of packaging tools has fostered the foundation and growth of archive sites such as CPAN (the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network), CRAN (which serves the same role for R), and PyPI (the Python Package Index). Many of these sites host scientific software, but this software is divorced from the papers that use it (which at best are hosted on sites such as with links embedded in their LaTeX or Word source, or published PDFs, pointing at a few key libraries). Further, much of the "last ten yards" of computational research --- the small scripts that use those libraries to produce specific figures and tables --- are in random locations in verison control repositories if they are publicly available at all.


Programmers think of a package as being software that might be accompanied by some text (such as a reference manual) and data (such as configuration files or icon images). We propose to invert this point of view and consider a package as text (such as a research paper) and data (the paper's raw material) that is accompanied by some software (the scripts used to turn that data into that paper).

If a scientist has gone to the trouble of creating a manifest for a particular research paper for conda, brew, or bower, anyone who wants to "install" that paper --- i.e., configure a computer so that it can reproduce the work presented in the paper --- will be able to do so by typing something like:

$ conda install some-identifier-for-the-paper

After this, the package user will have the same libraries, programs, data sets (or links to data sets), style files, and other artifacts used to produce the paper. With a bit more work on our part, the package user should even be able to type:

$ conda install doi://1234.5678/v2

to set up an environment in which she can reproduce the work presented in Version 2 of the paper with the specified DOI.

We believe this approach merits exploration because:

  1. It leverages tools that scientific programmers don't have to build or maintain (and which many of them already have installed).

  2. It is auditable: a package manifest is a testable description of what is needed to reproduce a particular piece of work.

  3. It directly addresses the twin issues of extension and remixing.

This last point bears further discussion. Researchers often want to reproduce a colleague's computational setup in order to do further work on top of it, or to combine its tooling with that used in some other paper or papers. Virtual machines are not well suited to this: if, for example, a researcher wants to create a new pipeline by pushing data through the environments created by three other people, she must either hope that their VMs come with usable web service APIs, or use some sort of spooling system to move data between them via the filesystem. If, on the other hand, those three papers's computational enviornments could be installed in one OS image using an off-the-shelf package manager, the effort needed to remix them would probably be substantially less.

A Use Case

One particular use case for this system is paper review. Many advocates of open science believe that reviewers should re-run the calculations used to produce the papers they are reviewing. Setting up a machine to do this can take anywhere from a few minutes forever, depending on how well the computational environment is documented and how openly available the software is. By reducing this effort, a system such as the one we propose could increase the frequency with which reviewers do more than just read their colleagues's work when reviewing it.


Today's package managers can be used to create re-runnable versions of papers right now. In practice, though, creating a package manifest for each paper would require more effort than most scientists would be willing to put in, and the results of installation would seem odd. (Most people wouldn't think to look for a paper in /usr/share/man.) Off-the-shelf package managers also don't cater for "installing" remote data, which is likely to be a common use case for researchers.

We therefore propose that a GSoC student should:

  1. Extend an open source off-the-shelf package manager in ways that simplify the creation of per-paper packages by the average scientist.

  2. Conduct a small-scale user study of that tool to determine whether a full-scale version might be adopted, and if so, what changes would be needed to increase the likelihood of that happening.

  3. Explore ways in which this approach could complement others that are currently being explored, particularly VM-based approaches.

A very simple proof-of-concept system exists at


  • @gvwilson
  • @rgaiacs
