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  • initially, body in the index.html file must be empty (only script tag is allowed), all necessary elements are generated using JS
  • the design should be adaptive (or responsive) from (500px <= width). It is acceptable to change the appearance for the mobile version (for example, hide the buttons in the burger menu)
  • the default size of the frame is 10x10 with 10 mines.
  • the player should be able to click on cells to reveal them. If the cell contains a mine, - the game is over. If the cell does not contain a mine, the number of mines in the surrounding cells should be displayed
  • the game should end when the player reveals all cells that do not contain mines (win) or clicks on mine (lose). On a successful game solution, display the message: "Hooray! You found all mines in ## seconds and N moves!" or "Game over. Try again"
  • mines are placed after the first move, so that user cannot lose the game on the first move the player should be able to flag cells to indicate that they suspect a mine is present
  • the game should use color coding (using numbers and colors) to indicate the number of mines surrounding a revealed cell.
  • the game can be restarted without reloading the page (for example, by clicking on button New game)
  • display the game duration seconds and the number of clicks
  • when user opens a square that does not touch any mines, it will be empty and the adjacent squares will automatically open in all directions until reaching squares that contain numbers
  • the game should include sound effects for events such as revealing a cell, flagging a cell, and game over (win and lose).
  • the player should be able to select a difficulty level (easy, medium, hard) which changes the size of the game board and the number of mines
  • the latest 10 results are saved in the high score table and can be viewed in any way (for example, by pressing a button)
  • implement the functionality to save the game (for example, using localStorage), so that when the page is reloaded, a player can continue from where he left off
  • dark/light themes of the game


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