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Machine learning model drift monitoring service with a Grafana dashboard.

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Drift Monitoring Service

Drift monitoring for machine learning models with Prometheus & Grafana



  1. Running the Example
    1. Testing Different Types of Drift
    2. Testing Multiple Clients or Models
  2. Unit Tests
  3. Deploying to Kubernetes
  4. Helpful Notes for Developing & Testing
    1. Drift Monitoring Service API
    2. Prometheus
    3. Grafana
    4. The Model API

Running the Example

The first time you run the example, run docker-compose up --build. This only has to be done once.

To run the example, docker-compose up to start the services. Get the container ID by running docker ps and finding the ID associated with drift_monitoring_serivce. Then prepare the example data:

docker exec <container_id> python3 monitoring_service/examples/

This will create the necessary test data. There are options you can run to perform different tests with this example.
See the next section.

After preparing the test data, you can 'stream' data from data/production.csv by running:

docker exec <container_id> python3 monitoring_service/examples/

This will sample from the production data, 1 row every 3 seconds, and send requests to the drift monitoring service. (Actually, the requests are sent to the model_api service first, then to the drift monitoring service.)

You can view the drift monitoring dashboard by going to Grafana at http://localhost:3000. Log in with username = admin, password = admin, and skip the password update.

Testing Different Types of Drift

To test that the drift monitoring service can find different types of drift, you can use the -dtt or --drift_test_type argument for The default is None, but if you run

docker exec <container_id> python3 monitoring_service/examples/ -dtt data_drift

you will run a test for data drift (when the distribution of the features change). This test is carried out by setting up the training data for news articles related to space exploration, and setting up the test data for news articles related to christianity. The difference in topics will cause different feature distributions for the bag of words models.

There are 3 types of drift you can test for:

  • data_drift, or when the distributions of the features (covariates, or X) vary between the training set and current conditions
  • prior_drift, or when the distribution of the target variable changes between the training set and current conditions
  • concept_drift, or when the relationship between the target, y, and the features, x, changes between the training set and current conditions

The docstrings in monitoring_service/examples/ describe how the tests were engineered.

After preparing the datasets, run

docker exec <container_id> python3 monitoring_service/examples/ 

When you look at the drift monitoring dashboard in Grafana, you should see what you might expect for each type of drift.

Testing Multiple Client IDs or Models

The service is built to support many client models or client IDs (assuming 1 model per client). To test this functionality, you can use the -nc or --nbr_clients argument for The default is 1, but if you run

docker exec <container_id> python3 monitoring_service/examples/ -nc 30

you will run a test for 30 clients/models. The client IDs are randomly assigned for testing, so if you run a test for multiple clients, you will not be able to test for different types of drift simultaneously. The example will coerce your arguments to prevent error. All you have to remember is that if you want to test a particular type of drift, do not use the -nc argument, as that will always take priority.

After preparing the datasets, run

docker exec <container_id> python3 monitoring_service/examples/ 

Unit Tests

To run the unit tests from the root directory:

docker exec <container_id> python3 -m pytest

Deploying to Kubernetes

The k8s_deployment folder has the config files for Kubernetes deployments.

To test the deployment locally with Rancher Desktop, first make sure that drift-monitoring-deployment.yaml is using imagePullPolicy: Never, instead of Always. This will allow you to build the image locally, and K8s will not go out and look for it. The command to build and tag the image (shown below) should be run from the root directory where the Dockerfile is, and after you have started Rancher Desktop with nerdctl selected as a supporting utility.

nerdctl build -t local/drift-monitoring:latest .
cd k8s_deployment
kubectl create -f namespaces.json
kubectl apply -f .

The services should now be running. You can test it with curl or a web browser:

curl -L http://drift-monitoring.rancher.localhost/

Helpful Notes for Developing & Testing

Drift Monitoring Service API

This API's swagger documentation can be found by going to localhost:5000/docs after the service is up and running. To get it up and running, run docker-compose up. The swagger documentation shows example requests and responses.

You can also get this API up and running by itself, just to test the example requests shown in the Swagger documentation. To do that, you can run uvicorn monitoring_api:app --reload. Running the API by itself might be useful for testing quick changes while developing.


Testing Prometheus is easiest to do in isolation of Grafana, so these instructions assume that is how you want to do it.

To test Prometheus, run docker-compose up. Prometheus is defined as a service in the docker-compose file. It mounts a volume to store time series metrics that it periodically scrapes. Scraping behavior and other configuration can be found in config/prometheus.yml.

Once up, go to http://localhost:9090/targets. You should see the drift-monitoring-service running on port 5000, and localhost:9090/metrics running for Prometheus. If the status for each of these is a green UP button, they are working.

Adding a Custom Metric

FastAPI has a Prometheus Instrumentator library for Python that is being used to integrate the drift monitoring service with Prometheus. To create a new metric, first add it to the response header in monitoring_service/ For example, this is the response header that was added to track model predictions:

response.headers["X-predicted"] = str(request_data_df["predicted_"][0])

The header is added to the /metrics endpoint.

Next, define your new metric in monitoring_service/ You can copy the model_metric function that is there now to get started. Just replace the METRIC with whatever you want. Note that there are 4 types of metrics that Prometheus can track. See how to create them with the Python Prometheus client here:

Finally, add your metric to the instrumentator. Here is an example for adding the predicted metric:


Testing Custom Metrics

If you click on the graph link at the top of the targets page, you will be able to test Prometheus queries. For example, if you want to check that your custom metric is being scraped by Prometheus, simply search for it. Note that the namespace and subsystem should come first in the metric name, as defined by the environment variables in the Dockerfile. So for example: drift_monitoring_api_model_predicted is the metric for the predictions made by the model_api (or your production model) that have hit the /metrics endpoint in the drift monitoring API.

If the metric does not appear, you can run a sample request using the Swagger documentation for the drift monitoring API. Do this by going to http://localhost:5000/docs and sending a sample request. When you look back to the Prometheus graph page on localhost:9090/targets, you should see the time series update.

Metrics Per Model

Since there is 1 model per client ID to be monitored, there needs to be a separate time series for each model. This functionality is handled by the metric label. It is not best practice to have high cardinality in metric labels, but Prometheus can handle a few million time series. See this post on StackOverflow.

To test that your custom metric is working for each client. Go to the graph and run a PromQL query. For example, you could query for the model predicted value for client 1:


You can go to the drift monitoring service API Swagger docs to run a test query, and then re-run your PromQL query to see the time series update.


Grafana can be accessed at http://localhost:3000. Log in with username = admin and password = admin, and skip the password update.

Creating or Editing Dashboards

Grafana loads pre-build dashboards from /dashboards, but you can create your own too. To create one, use the Grafana interface and either

  1. save it, which will save it to the Grafana volume, or
  2. export it to JSON and put it in the /dashboards folder for future use.

The 2nd option is preferred.

Make sure you copy/paste the JSON WITHOUT checking the export for sharing externally option. See this bug. The easiest way to do this is to click the save icon and copy the JSON from there.

To edit an existing dashboard, make your changes in the Grafana interface and copy or export the JSON to overwrite the file in /dashboards.

See Grafana's docs for anything else.

The Model API

The model API will be replaced by your model in production. However, it was created here to test what might come out of a model service and need to be monitored. Running the example will hit this API. You will notice in monitoring_service/examples/ that the data is first sent to the model API, then to the drift monitoring API.

To test that the data is in the format necessary, you can compare what comes back from the model API to what is expected by the Pydantic model defined in Additionally, you can run monitoring_service/examples/, which was created solely for the purpose of testing this integration.


Machine learning model drift monitoring service with a Grafana dashboard.






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