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Flexible Layout Group

Paulo edited this page Aug 5, 2021 · 1 revision


The Flexible Layout Group component places its child layout elements in a highly configurable grid. Take a look at the example and documentation below.


These are the controls and configuration provided by the Flexible Layout Group:

  • Padding: The padding inside the edges of the layout group.
  • Cell Size: The alignment to use for the layout elements if they don't fill out all the available space.
  • Fit Type: How the elements should be fit into the layout space.
    • Uniform: Spaces and sizes elements uniformly.
    • Height: Spaces and sizes elements so as to maximize their height.
    • Width: Spaces and sizes elements so as to maximize their width.
    • Fixed Rows: Spaces and sizes elements to as to fit into a user-defined amount of rows.
    • Fixed Columns: Spaces and sizes elements to as to fit into a user-defined amount of rows.
  • Rows and Columns: The amount of rows and columns the layout elements will be placed in.
  • Cell Size: The size to use for each layout element in the group.
  • Spacing: The spacing between the layout elements.
  • Fit X and Y: Whether the layout group should automatically calculate the cell size so it fits perfectly.


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