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Jingle (Music Wordle)

The Challenge 🔐

Our client request us to build an application using the knowledge we've learned over the past six modules to create a real-world-front-end application that we can show our potential employers. Our application must use at least two server-side APIs and store persistent data in client-side storage.

The Concept 🎤

We wanted to find a interactive way to use data from an API that worked with music specifically, was inspired by the recent game wordle. Small music themed game that uses the API to pull a top track list, and Wikipedia’s MediaWiki Api to pull a artist photo, so that users can play by guessing the artist who performed a song name that is randomly generated.

User Story 📖

AS A player, 
I WANT to get a random song name, 
SO THAT I can guess what artist performed that song

The Logic 💻

GIVEN that I want to play a music guessing game 
WHEN I click play
THEN I am represented with a song and an input field to guess the artist of that song
WHEN I guess the right artist
THEN I am revealed the artist name and picture
WHEN I guess incorrectly
THEN I am revealed another song from the artist up to three times
WHEN I guess incorrectly for the third time
THEN I am revealed with a picture to guess who the artist is
WHEN I guess incorrectly for the fourth time
THEN I am revealed the artist name and picture
WHEN I am done playing
THEN I can see how many times I have guessed correctly

The Process 📝

To satisfy our client's needs, we had to:

  • Create an HTML file that imports Bulma, CSS File, JavaScript file, Confetti JS, and jQuery
  • Utilize Bulma to give our user a fun and polished interface
  • Create a JavaScript file that imports web server API from WikiPedia and LastFm
  • Modify HTML file to dynamically work with JavaScript file and CSS file


Link the following files/library:
CSS file, Bulma Library, Confetti JS, Javascript File, and jQuery Library

CSS File

- Pink background
- @keyframes animation for incorrect answers
- Stylized buttons
- Animated border around artist's image
- User's viewport adaptability

Specific functions in JavaScript file

Load game and hide landing page

playButton.onclick = function () {
    if ( == "none") { = "block"; = "none";

Fetch 4 top tracks from a random artist and appends on list

    return response.json();
        for (i=0; i<4; i++){
        var firstTrack = data.toptracks.track[i].name;
        trackList[i].innerHTML = firstTrack;

Fetch artist's image from mediaWiki API

var url = ""; 
var noSpace = artistX.replace(/ /g,"%20")
var params = {
    action: "query",
    prop: "pageimages",
    titles: `${noSpace}`,
    format: "json",
    piprop: "original",
url = url + "?origin=*";
Object.keys(params).forEach(function(key){url += "&" + key + "=" + params[key];});
    .then(function(response){return response.json();})
    .then(function(response) {
        var responseQuery = response.query.pages;

        var pageId = Object.keys(responseQuery)
        var pages = response.query.pages[pageId[0]].original.source;

        document.querySelector("#img").src = pages;

Check answer and provide feedback based on users' guess and turn

function guessBtn(){
    if ($('#guess').val().toLowerCase() === artistX.toLowerCase() || $('#guess').val().toLowerCase() === artistX.toLowerCase()){;
        feedback.innerHTML = "Correct! It's " + artistX + "!" = "inline-block"; = "block";
        if(userTurn < 1){    // shake and reveal another song as hint
            document.getElementById("track" + userTurn).style.display = "block"
            feedback.innerHTML = "Not quite! Here's a hint.";

Track how many wins user has

var counter = localStorage.getItem('counter') || 0;

function saveScore() {
    counter ++; 
    window.localStorage.setItem('counter', JSON.stringify(counter)); 

The Result 🏆

After importing Bulma, jQuery, Confetti Js to our HTML file along with dynamically coding Javascript and stylizing CSS, we were able to provide a fun, interactive, and polished music guessing game.

The Collaborators 🧑‍🤝‍🧑

Daisey Lien

Jeffrey Tran

Mimi Sanguinetti

Max Lin

Nhan Nguyen


This project was uploaded to GitHub at the following repository link:

Deployed Web Application Link: