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Adding a new language to the site

Clinton edited this page Aug 28, 2024 · 6 revisions

To add a language to the docs site you’ll need to update:

You'll also need to collaborate with the language team and our translation vendor to make sure it's ready to receive requests.

🎨 gatsby-theme-newrelic

  1. packages/gatsby-theme-newrelic/src/i18n/translations/{new locale}.json
    This file can be generated by having the en version translated into the desired language. It is responsible for much of the text in theme components

  2. packages/gatsby-theme-newrelic/src/utils/config/i18n.js
    You’ll need to add the language to the SUPPORTED_LOCALES const, as well as LOCALE_CONFIGS.

If you’d like to update the demo you’ll need to add the new language to the additionalLocales array in the demo Gatsby-config file

📖 docs-website

  1. gatsby-config.js
    Add the new language to the additonalLocales array
  2. Update the theme to the version including the changes outlined in the gatsby-theme-newrelic section
  3. src/i18n/translations/{new locale}/translation.json
    Translate the English version of this file. It is responsible for docs site component text
  4. src/i18n/nav/{new locale}.json
    This is a large file with translations for the entire nav
  5. scripts/actions/utils/constants.js
    Update the LOCALE_IDS object
  6. scripts/actions/utils/docs-content-tools/i18n-exclusions.yml
    Add the new language and any exclusions. Make sure to update both the excludePath and excludeType

🐘 postgres

  1. Update the locales table with the new locale
    • This is a table just for locale foreign keys. If we don't include the new locale the others tables will fail to relate. We may streamline this later but at the moment it is manual

🥅 netlify

  1. Make sure the sites have an environment variable set to production

🍪 osano

  1. Classify the scripts for the i18n site as essential in Osano.