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Security Pattern Catalog Maker

SPCatalogMaker is a toolset for creation and maintenance of well-organized catalogs of security patterns (also misuse patterns, threats etc.).

SPCatalogMaker consists of:

  • an ontology-driven model (Schema) that describes concepts and instances for depiction of the security-specific knowledge in a formal way;
  • a small application (Maker) to build an OWL (Web Ontology Language) ontology and RDF (Resource Description Framework) dataset from a set of source ontologies and JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) files.

We use these tools for development of the ACCTP catalog for the cloud computing domain (see below).


The schema allows a) creation of security pattern catalogs, and b) definition of context labels to map patterns with design decisions and security problems.

The format includes five sections (Metadata, Organization and scope, Common characteristics, Context characteristics, Security characteristics). The last two are used to put a pattern into a context and define applicability as a solution of a security problem.

Extra information about Schema:

Maker usage

The development of a SP catalog includes two steps:

  • Firstly, you can create an ontology, based on our Schema, to describe concepts and instances of a specific domain (e.g. cloud computing). Such ontology contains a semantic description of a computing environment.

Then you can run the Maker application and get a JSON schema file from your ontologies.

  • On the second stage you can use a schema-based JSON editor (like well-known Atom with the atom-json-editor plugin) to create decriptions of patterns in the JSON format.

Maker allows creation of a target ontology (and inferred RDF dataset) from those pieces of JSON.

You can use the OWL ontology to make DL queries, for example, with Protege. The RDF dataset can be used to make the SPARQL requests with the Apache Jena toolset. Also, it is possible to create a domain specific threat model, based on a catalog, for the ontology-driven threat modeling with the DFD (Data Flow Diagram) approach.

To compile Maker, you need Java and Maven. Simply clone the repository and run ./maker_compile. To make the datasets, run ./ For configuration use the file.

Academic Cloud Computing Threat Patterns (ACCTP) catalog

The Academic Cloud Computing Threat Patterns (ACCTP) catalog is a pilot project that uses the SPCatalogMaker toolset. It describes common threats of cloud-based computer systems.

There is a WWW version of the ACCTP catalog with its description.

And folder with source files is here. The common.owl file is an example of ontological description of the cloud computing domain. Generated JSON schema (first stage) is in cd.schema.json; and Threat patterns descriptions are in the xxx.json files. ACCTPCatalog.owl and ACCTPCatalogReasoned.ttl are target ontology and RDF dataset respectively (second stage).

Changelog of the project.


If you want to refer to the Schema and Maker, please cite:

Brazhuk A., Olizarovich E. Format and Usage Model of Security Patterns in Ontology-Driven Threat Modelling. //Russian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (RCAI 2020). – Springer, Cham, 2020. – С. 382-392.

To mention the ACCTP model in your publication, please, cite:

Brazhuk A. Threat modeling of cloud systems with ontological security pattern catalog //International Journal of Open Information Technologies. – 2021. – Т. 9. – №. 5. – С. 36-41. fulltext